6800 Penn Drive
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 828-6227
(925) 829-8851 – fax
Kathy Rosselle, Principal
Steve Martin, Assistant Principal
Mark Woy, Dean of Students
Mission Statement
The mission of WellsMiddle School is to provide a learning environment which promotes sharing, uniqueness, participation, excellence, and respect.
Principal’s Message
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to WellsMiddle School, a three time recipient of the California Distinguished School Award. We are pleased to welcome our returning students and new families to not only Roadrunner territory, but also a school community with heart. As our students pursue their dreams, it is our mission to offer guidance, to open the doors of opportunity, to encourage the desire to reach for the stars and to provide an education that encompasses not only academics but the individual as a whole.
We view our students’ education as a team effort, one that encompasses input from students, parents and our dedicated staff. Everyone must do their share in order for our students to climb the ladder of success. Timely communication between each member of the team is a key aspect towards high achievement during the school year. We encourage our parents to contact us with any concerns about student progress.
The academic program is designed to challenge and motivate our students. These are the years when students are expected to assume more responsibility towards their education, to take the initiative and to meet the challenge of high educational standards. It is also a time of personal growth. At Wells, we place a strong emphasis on character education. Doing one’s best, being trustworthy, being respectful and responsibility are some of the many character traits and values that are placed in the forefront on a monthly basis.
Students are encouraged to join our clubs, athletic activities and music programs. They are a wonderful way to become connected and to participate in campus life. Parents, we welcome your participation on campus through our Parent Faculty Club and other avenues available on campus.
This Student Handbook is filled with valuable information concerning district and school policies/procedures and will be an important reference tool throughout the school year. We would appreciate your support in following the guidelines set forth in this book. Please read and discuss this handbook as a family before the start of school.
We look forward to a great year!
Kathy Rosselle
Kathy Rosselle
The purpose of this handbook is to outline guidelines and programs that will help us all make Wells a pleasant and safe place to be.
Bell Schedules
Collaboration Day Schedule(Monday’s only) / Regular Day Schedule
(Tuesday to Friday)
Period 0 / 7:35 / - / 8:20 / Period 0 / 7:35 / - / 8:20
Period 1 / 8:30 am / - / 9:16 / Period 1 / 8:30 / - / 9:25
Period 2 / 9:20 am / - / 10:06 /
Period 2
/ 9:29 / - / 10:24 amPeriod 3 / 10:10 / - / 10:56 am / Period 3 / 10:28 am / - / 11:23 am
Period 4 / 11:00 / - / 11:46 am / Period 4 / 11:27 am / - / 12:22
Period 4 lunch / 11:00 am / - / 11:36 pm / Period 4 lunch / 11:27 am / - / 12:02 am
Period 5 / 11:40 am / - / 12:26 pm / Period 5 / 12:06 am / - / 1:01 pm
Period 5 lunch / 11:50 pm / - / 12:26 pm / Period 5 lunch / 12:26 pm / - / 1:01
Period 6 / 12:30 / - / 1:16 / Period 6 / 1:05 / - / 2:00
Period 7 / 1:20 / 2:06 / Period 7 / 2:04 / 2:59
* Tuesday after a holiday is always a Regular Day Schedule.
Minimum Day SchedulePeriod 0
/ 7:35 / - / 8:20Period 1
/ 8:30 / - / 9:00 amPeriod 2 / 9:04 / - / 9:34 am
Period 3 / 9:38 / - / 10:08 am
Period 4 / 10:12 / - / 10:42 am
Period 5 / 10:46 / - / 11:16
Period 6 / 11:20 / - / 11:50
Period 7 / 11:54 / - / 12:24
Middle school is a time to explore new subjects, try new activities, and develop the habits that will help you succeed in life. Your classes will be interesting and challenging. Keeping up with your work is crucial. If you are confused about your assignments or need extra help, be sure to seek assistance from your teacher, counselor, or other trusted adult.
Good grades happen when students keep up with their work. To help you remember your homework assignments, keep the telephone numbers of two or three friends who are in your classes. These are the people to call when you have questions about your assignments. Many teachers maintain current “homework hotlines” or web sites to assist students & parents.
In order to support academic success of all students a new program will be in place this year. If a student earns a “F” grade in English, History, Math, or Science on any progress report or report card, he/she will be required to attend extra work sessions. The student will not be allowed to attend any extra curricular school activities, which may include but is not limited to dances, sporting events, etc.
Report cards will be mailed on the dates noted in the school calendar. Teachers will review the grading policy with students during the first week of school. “Back to School Night” will afford parents the opportunity to understand performance expectations and grading.
A weekly progress check by parents might be helpful for some students. Students may pick these up at the student window on Friday mornings. Please contact teachers in the event you choose to initiate this method of monitoring your students’ progress.
Students may purchase a student planner to record daily assignments, long term projects, and upcoming tests. The student planner can also be used as a communication tool between parents and teachers. If interested inquire at the student window.
Wells will follow the district adoptedpromotion/retention policy.
Students who achieve at least 1.75 overall GPA will be honored in June with a promotion ceremony. Promotion to high school does not automatically guarantee participation in this ceremony.
FIELD TRIPS (Study Trips)
Although out of class educational experiences are an important part of the middle school experience. School sponsored activities are considered absences. Students are expected to meet due dates and turn in all missed work while attending field trips and extra-curricular events. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange to make up assignments.
ATTENDANCEDaily school attendance is vital to a student’s academic progress. Unless you are seriously ill, you need to be in school. Please schedule medical and dental appointments after school hours whenever possible.
Calls will be made by an automated phone dialer if your student’s absence is not verified. Please call the office and clear unexcused absences.
For safety reasons, students should not arrive at school more than 30 minutes before the bell rings unless attending a supervised activity, such as breakfast or teacher tutorials.
Students should leave campus 30 minutes after the bell rings unless in a supervised activity such as extra curricular activities, academic support programs, or detention in which case, students should exit campus 15 minutes after the end of these activities.
We request that students be dropped off and picked up along Penn Dr. For the safety of our students please do not enter the school parking lots.
All absences must be verified by phone or a note from your parent/guardian or doctor.
A student who has been absent during the school day may not be eligible to participate in student activities that take place after school on the same day, unless cleared by the administration.
Teachers will allow one day for make-up work for each day of excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work.
Assignments can be collected for students who are absent due to illness. Call the attendance line or your students teachers to request homework. Please allow 24 hours for collection of assignments.
Any student who is absent from school with or without a valid excuse more than 3 days per quarter during the school year is considered truant (California EC 48260). Students with excessive absences and/or tardies will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) .
A student who has been absent during PE will not be able to participate in that day’s sports event unless cleared by an administrator. Students must have a written note from home if they cannot participate in PE. The note must be submitted to the student’s PE teacher and specify the following:
- Date(s) to be excused (no more than 3 days)
- Reason for being excused
- Directions to dress down or not.
- Parent signature
- A written medical excuse from a physician is required if a student misses more than 3 days of PE. A written assignment will be given in place of active participation. The office cannot take verbal PE excuses over the phone.
Late To School: Students who arrive after 8:40 am must obtain a pass from the office to enter class. Late arrival due to a doctor appointment can be excused by a note from parent or doctor.
Tardy to Class: Students are expected to be in their assigned room when the bell rings.
Students who are frequently tardy will face disciplinary action.
Only materials needed for learning or school activities are to be brought to school.
Personal items should be appropriately stored upon arriving on campus. These materials will be confiscated if used inappropriately.
The school will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or confiscated items.
Bicycles, Skateboards, etc must be operated in a safe manner.They are not to be ridden on campus.
Bicycles must be locked to the bike racks and skateboards must be in school provided lockers.
All electronics,including but not limited to, CD players, Cell phones, and iPods must be out of sight from the sound of the first bell to the last.
The Health Clerk has a room in the main office for students who are feeling ill. Students must advise his/her teacher prior to checking in at the health office. The office staff will call your parent if necessary.
Medication: State law prohibits students from possessing drugs, including prescription and non-prescription, on a school campus. Information & forms are available if it is necessary for a student to take medication at school.
Lockers are assigned to each student as a convenient place to store books and appropriate personal possessions during the school day.
All incoming students will pay a $5 lock rental fee. Locks must be schoolissued and can be replaced for $5 if lost or stolen atthe student window.
School officials have the right to open lockers if they suspect it contains inappropriate materials or items.
Lockers unfortunately have only limited security.Please close and lock properly for best assurance against theft. WellsMiddle School is NOT responsible for locker theft.
Lockers are for students’ convenience and are not to be shared, switched, or altered with stickers, permanent fixtures, etc.
Eating on campus is only permitted in
designated areasor teacher supervised functions. For hygeine reasons some foods including gum and sunflower seeds are notpermitted on campus.
Lost and found articles will be kept outside of the student window and unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of each quarter.
If you are going to leave school during the day, you must sign out in the office. Permission to leave will be granted only if you have a written note from home turned into the attendance office. Students may only be picked up by an adult specified on their emergency card.
We strive to create a safe, hospitable environment for students, staff, and guests at Wells. Parents are always welcome to visit our school and classrooms. In order to make arrangements; we request 24-hour notice. All other visitors must receive prior approval from administration. Visitors are required to register in the main office and obtain a visitor’s pass. Students not enrolled at Wells are not allowed to visit classrooms.
The office staff is eager to help our students. In order to do so efficiently, we ask all students to use the Student Window located in the “E” wing foyer.
Prepaid accounts are available and activated by student ID cards. Students are required to show their ID cards in order to use their account. Café policies are posted and we expect all patrons to follow these. Service is provided for breakfast & lunch. Students are welcome to bring their own food or purchase from our varied menu. In the event that a student is unable to purchase a meal they may be offered a peanut butter or cheese sandwich and milk at no cost.
Students must carry their ID card at all times.
These cards will be used in the library, to check out equipment, for purchasing food in the cafeteria, and for admission to all school activities. If an I.D. card is lost or stolen, you must buy a replacement card for $5.00 at the Student Window. Use of another student’s I.D. card will besubject to disciplinary action.
Any forgotten items such as homework, lunches, PE clothes may be brought to school by parents and left in the office. Students will receive the items in a timely and appropriate manner.
Texts and library books are the property of DublinUnifiedSchool District. All books should be covered and handled carefully. Issued texts are an important, direct responsibility of the student. Students will pay for any damage to or loss of textbooks (E.C. 19910). The school reserves the right to withhold privileges and impose consequences if this responsibility is not taken care of.
All classrooms are equipped with phones. Students may use classroom phones in an emergency or with the permission of the teacher. Office phone usage is available upon request at the student window.
Electronic devices are not to be visible or in use during school hours, including lunch.
The following electronic device policy will be followedin the event your student’s electronic device is confiscated for improper use during school hours.
1st Offense: Electronic device is returned to student after parent reviews and signs policy form.
2nd Offense: parent conference with Dean of students
3rd Offense: loss of school activities/privileges for 30 days
4th Offense & Beyond: possible suspension from school.
School is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items.
Care of school property by students: Any student who defaces, damages, or destroys any school property may be liable for suspension or expulsion according to the nature of the offense. Parents and guardians are financially responsible for damage to school property by their children.
DRESS CODEClothing, jewelry or accessories (including body art) worn to school need to meet the following expectations and their appropriateness can and will be determined by staff :
Undergarments will be covered. This applies to both genders. Tops and bottoms must overlap at all times.
Attire will not detract from the educational process.
Attire will not have any connection or reference to gang affiliation, alcohol, drugs, violence, intolerance or bigotry of any kind.
Attire should not expose any anatomy (body parts) other than arms and legs.
Headgear including hats, headbands, stocking caps, beanies, hairnets, bandanas or “do” rags may be worn to and from school but may not be worn on campus. They should be removed and stored in locker or backpack. Exceptions are made for religious purposes and when outdoors during PE and lunch.
In the event that a student fails to follow the policy, they can and will be asked to change into appropriate attire or may be asked to call guardians and leave campus.
WellsMiddle School has a number of after-school and evening activities for students. Attending these activities is a privilege, and students may be excluded from any school activity due to poor academic performance, or behavior problems.
Wells offers a variety of sports throughout the year, such as basketball, track, wrestling, golf and others. Students who achieve and maintain at least a 2.0 overall GPA will be eligible to participate in our sports program. Active team members must demonstrate good citizenship and sportsmanship.
Dances are provided for the enjoyment of Wells students. Official permission slips, valid ID cards, and money is required for purchase and attendance to each dance. Specific guidelines, hours, and rules are listed on each permission slip. Tickets are sold Monday -Thursday prior to the day of the dance. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
STUDENT RECOGNITIONThis program rewards positive, student-initiated behavior in a quick, productive, and encouraging manner. The reward is instant and definite. All students are eligible to participate and have opportunities for reinforcement from any staff member.
Staff members nominate students who display exemplary behavior aligned with our Character Education program. These students receive special recognition and rewards.
Students are nominated quarterly by staff members and recognized with a certificate for positive contributions to WellsMiddle School.
Students are honored for demonstrating academic excellence each quarter.
3.0-3.49 GPA = Honor Roll
3.5-4.00 GPA = Principal’s Honor Roll
Discipline & Responsibility:
All students, staff, and visitors are expected to know the rules, behavior expectations and the consequences for those who choose not to follow them.
Basic Student Expectations:
Use acceptable language at all times.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Be on time and prepared to learn.
- Be courteous, cooperative and respectful to yourself and others.
- Conduct yourself in a safe and
- appropriate manner.
- Follow directions the first time given.
- Only materials needed for learning are to be brought to school.