T-44C Operational Limits and Memory Items
Airspeeds KIAS KIAS
/Memory Items
VMO/VNE Max dive/level flight /*Note that additional steps may be required in the checklists.
/ Emergency Shutdown ChecklistVMCA Minimum controllable airspeed
/Emergency Shutdown On Deck
/ 1)VX Best angle of climb / 1) / 2)
VY Best rate of climb / If confirmed/suspected fire or fuel leak, continue checklist. / 3)
VSSE Minimum safe 1 engine inop / Otherwise, secure using Secure Checklist. / If prop fails to feather, alternate feathering checklist.
VXSE Best angle of climb single engine / 2) / If confirmed/suspected fire or fuel leak, continue steps 4-6.
VYSE Best rate of climb single engine / 3) / 4)
VFE Max flap extension/extended (full) / 4) / 5)
VFE Max flap extension/extended (appr) / 5) / 6)
VLR Max landing gear retraction / 6) / Single-Engine Waveoff/Missed Approach
VLE Max landing gear extension / 7) / 1)
VA Maneuvering speed /
Abnormal Start
VMCG Min controllable speed on ground / 1) / 2)Max range glide / 2) / 3)
Max endurance glide /
/ 4)5)
DC generator voltage ____ __ VDC /Jammed Power Lever
1)Aborting Takeoff / 2)
Min battery voltage for APU charge VDC / 2) /
Fuel Leaks
Min battery voltage for APU start VDC / 3) / 1)Min battery voltage for BATT start VDC / 4) / 2)
Starter (__sec, __sec) x2, then __ on, __min off / 5)
6) /
Primary Governor Failure/Malfunction
Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT) / 7) / 1)Normal operating range C / 8) / 2)
Max allowable C / 9) / 3)
Max continuous C / 10) / 4)
Max reverse C / 11)
Max acceleration (up to 2 sec) C /
Generator Failure
Max low idle C /Engine Failure After Takeoff
/ 1)Max cruising C / 1) / If generator will not reset:
Cruise climb C /
/ 2)Start Limit ___C (cutoff ) ____C ( _ sec) / 3) / 3)
/ /Smoke and Fume Elimination
Normal operating range ft-lb / EGPWS Pull Up Warning (IMC or at Night) / 1)Max @ 1900 RPM ft-lb / 1) / 2)
Max @ 2200 RPM ft-lb / 2)
Max acceleration ft-lb / 3) /
Explosive Decompression
4) / 1)Turbine Tachometer (N1) / 5) / 2)
Normal Operating Range % / 6)
Low idle range % / 7) / Smoke/Fire of Unknown Origin
Hi idle range % / 8) / 1)
Max reverse % / 2)
Max acceleration % / Low Altitude Windshear / 3)
Max continuous % / 1) / 4)
Propeller Tachometer (N2) / 3) / Emergency Descent Procedure
Normal operating range rpm / 4) / 1)
Max reverse rpm / 2)
Max during accel (2sec) rpm / Spin/Out of Control Flight Recovery / 3)
1) / 4)
Oil Temperature
/ 2) / 5)Normal operating range C / 3) / 6)
Max oil temp C / 4)
5) / General
Oil Pressure
/ Pneumatic pressure norm operating range psiNormal operating range psi / Max sink rate on landing fpm
Max oil pressure psi /
Windmilling Airstart
/ Max crosswind knotsMin oil pressure psi / 1) / Max cabin pressure differential psi
2) / Gyro suction norm operating range inHg
/ 3) / Min oxygen required for local/X-C flight psiMax ramp weight lbs / 4) / Prop deicer ammeter normal operation amps
Max takeoff weight lbs / 5) / Normal TAS altitude range +/- _____ feet
Max landing weight lbs / 6)
7) / Updated 15 October 2015