55 Braeheid Avenue, Waterdown, Ontario L8B 0C5
Tel: (905) 689-8254, Fax (905) 689-8740
The Constitution of the Guy B. Brown Elementary School Council
I. Name: The name of the organization shall be Guy B. Brown Elementary School Council
II. Definitions:
a)Council shall mean the Guy B. Brown Elementary School Council
b)Board shall mean the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board
c)Ministry shall mean the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training
d)Principal shall mean the principal of Guy B. Brown Elementary School
e)School shall mean Guy B. Brown Elementary Public School
f)School Community shall mean those in association with the School. This includes staff, children, and parents/guardians.
g)Conflict of Interest: The Council will carry on without the purpose of financial/personal gain for its members. Should a member find that she/he has a conflict with regards to Council business, that member shall declare such conflict at the beginning of the meeting and absent themselves from discussion and voting. Parents will indicate at the beginning of the school year if they are participating in Parent Councils from other Schools. Conflict of interest must be declared before a vote on any issue that affects more than one school.
III. Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of the Guy B. Brown Elementary School Council shall be:
a)To act as an advisory body to the principal and the Board
b)To assist in establishing and supporting school improvement plans.
c)To promote learning (social, physical, cognitive and emotional well-being).
d)To represent the student and parents’ issues and concerns
e)To facilitate effective relationships between the school and the surrounding community.
f)To work with the Guy Brown Action Committee (GBAC) to align priorities for fund raising for the academic year.
IV. Structure/Membership: The aim for Council size is 11-13 voting members which will comprise of:
a)Co-Chairs (2) – voting members
b)Chair or Co-Chairs for GBAC (1 or 2) – voting members
c)The Principal/Vice Principal – non-voting members however must be present for all meetings
d)A representative of the community – voting member
e)A teacher (or designated alternative) – voting member
f)One member of the non-teaching staff – non-voting
g)One Student Council representative – non-voting
h)Parent/Guardian representatives (5 or 6)
Note: As a dual track school, Guy B. Brown Elementary School will endeavour to elect one Co-Chair from each of the French and English streams for a total of two positions.
V. Election/Identification of Members of the Council
a)The election/identification of Co-Chairs of School Council, Co-Chairs of GBAC, School Council Secretary and GBAC Treasurer shall take place in May of the previous school year to ensure that the leadership of School Council has been set prior to the school year.
b)The selection of parent representatives to the Council shall take place within 30 days of the start of the school year. The date for the fall School Council elections will be set in May of the previous school year. A call for nominations will go out in the September newsletter.
c)Only those parents/guardians who will have a child or children registered at the school during the full term of office shall be eligible as parent representatives.
d)Parents/Guardians seeking a voting position on Council should submit a Nomination form to the Principal by the due date and will be acknowledged by the Principal as being received. Should there ever be more nomination forms than positions available then an election will take place.
- The date, time and location of the election shall be published in the issue of the school newsletter prior to the election.
- Each candidate shall have the opportunity to present information her/himself directly or through a representative at the election meeting. Such presentations are to last no longer than four minutes. Voters will then have an opportunity to ask questions of the candidate for a period not to exceed four minutes.
- Voting shall follow by secret ballot
- All attendees at the first meeting are eligible to cast one ballot
- The Principal shall supervise the counting of the ballots. In case of dispute (i.e. spoiled ballot or count), the decision of the Principal shall be final.
e)Parents not elected to Council can participate in School Council meetings but are not eligible to vote.
f)The Principal shall announce the results of the election and publish them in the next issue of the School newsletter.
g)The teaching staff of the school shall select one representative.
h)The non-teaching staff shall select one representative. If this position is not filled it may remain vacant.
i)The Council will engage one community representative to participate in School Council.
VI.Term of Office
a)The term of office for parent representatives shall be a maximum of two consecutive years. Terms can be extended if the nomination process fails to secure five new parent representatives.
b)Each year two or three new parents will be elected to ensure that there will always be serving members on the Council.
c)The members from the teaching and non-teaching staff and of the community shall serve for a term of a maximum of two years except for the Principal. Terms can be extended if the nomination process fails to secure a new teaching, non-teaching and community representative.
d)Voting members of Council are expected to attend at least 50% of School Council meetings for an academic year. When a voting member of Council is not able to meet this commitment, a letter will be sent to the representative to secure their resignation or commitment.
VII. Responsibilities of Members of Council
As Voting Members, the Co-Chairs shall:
a)Be responsible, in conjunction with the Principal, for the overall organization of the Council.
b)Lead others in the pursuit of the Council’s goals and objectives.
c)Delegate responsibilities to other members of the Council.
d)Co-ordinate the work of the representatives and committees.
e)Foster good communication amongst all members.
f)Meet regularly with the Principal to discuss Council and School activities.
g)Prepare and facilitate an agenda for each meeting.
h)Participate in training sessions.
i)Ensure proper minutes for each meeting have been taken and ensure financial records are maintained by the GBAC Treasurer and reported at each Council meeting.
j)Consult with senior Board Staff and trustees as required.
k)Forward in writing copies of all resolutions and recommendations to the Council.
The Secretary shall:
a)Record accurately the minutes of all meetings, including attendance.
b)Provide the Principal with copies of all resolutions and minutes, and forward to appropriate bodies.
c)Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Co-Chairs.
d)Shall liaise with GBAC as required.
The Principal shall:
a)Facilitate in the establishment of the Council and assist in its operation.
b)Support and promote the Council’s activities.
c)Seek input from the Council in areas in which the Council has responsibilities.
d)Act as a resource in laws, regulations, Board policy and collective agreements.
e)Obtain and provide information that may be required by Council.
f)Communicate with the Co-Chairs as required.
g)Ensure that copies of minutes, resolutions and financial records are kept in the School as per Board Policy.
h)Assist the Council in communicating with the School Community.
i)Encourage the meaningful participation of parents from all groups in activities and programs of the school and to invite participation from the community at large.
j)Maintain the authority, responsibility and obligation of the Principalship as mandated under Board policy, the Education Act and regulations of the Province of Ontario.
VIII. Committees:The Council may establish standing and ad hoc committees to support the goals objectives and initiatives of the Council. Each such committee shall include at least one member of Council who shall act as a liaison between Council and the committee.
The Guy Brown Action Committee (GBAC) will:
a)Establish a Treasurer for GBAC in the spring of the previous school year to ensure the transfer of information is seamless. Their role will be to maintain accurate records and provide a statement at each meeting including a summary for School Council.
b)Report to and seek input from School Council for fundraising targets, events and spending.
c)Establish Fundraising Goals in June of the previous yearand present to Councilfor approval at the first meeting in September.
d)Any changes to fundraising targets, events and where the funds will be allocated are to be approved by School Council.
e)The GBAC Chair will attend all School Council meetings or send a delegate.
a)There shall be a minimum of four meetings a year.
b)The inaugural meeting of the new Council shall be held in October following the election. At this meeting,Council shall choose the parent representatives. Once Council is established, members and their roles will be published in the school newsletter.
c)If anissue needs to be decided upon before the next scheduled Council meeting, Co-Chairs will attempt to engage all Council members either in person or by other correspondence for quorum. The decision will be recorded and reported during the next Council meeting.
d)Fifty percent of the membershipof the Council or committee shall constitute a quorum.
e)Motions or resolutions must be moved and seconded to be on the floor. A simple majority of the quorum shall be needed to discuss an issue and to carry a motion or resolution.
f)The majority of votes (50% plus 1 or more) is needed to pass a motion. In the event of a tie, the motion is defeated.
g)All meetings shall be at the call of the Co-Chairs in consultation with the Principal. The time and locations of meetings of Council shall be given two weeks prior.
h)Agendas for the meetings will be set by the Co-Chairs, in co-operation with the Principal.
X. Replacement of a Member of Council
a)If a member of Council resigns or becomes ineligible to sit, Council shall declare the member’s seat to be vacant.
b)Co-Chairs will monitor attendance at meetings. If a member of Council is absent without leave for more than 50% of the scheduled meetings in one year, Council may declare the member’s seat to be vacant.
c)Council shall fill by appointment any seat declared vacant. The member so appointed shall sit for the remainder of the term of the vacated seat.
XI. Procedures to amend the Constitution
a)Any voting member may make submissions to amend the constitution.
b)Proposed amendments must be submitted to Council one month prior to the May meeting at which time said proposed amendments must be considered.
c)Constitutional amendments require a 2/3 majority vote of Council.
d)Constitution will be reviewed as necessary or at least every 3 years.
Final May 2017