
SDCCD Online

Steering Team Meeting

Monday, July 3, 3:30 - 5:00

T- 300, Miramar Campus

Attendees: Judy Baker, Jessica Fender, Roger Gee, Pat Keir, Gwyn Enright, Rechelle Mojica, Mary Lewis and Mary Kingsley


Fund for Instructional Innovation (FII) Grant Proposal status report

The grant has been “Approved Pending Additional Funding”. The project is waiting for funding.

  • USD Professor Ken Gonzalez is working on a grant that would provide a plan for online Associate Degree availability to welfare recipients and single mothers. More information on the grant will be provided to Judy for a possible joint submittal.

Summer and Fall SDCCD Online Schedules

The Summer and Fall 2002 schedules have been posted to our website. SDCCD Online is offering 21 courses for the Summer session and 69 courses in the Fall session.

New intern hired: Nathan Botts

SDCCD Online has hired a summer intern, SDSU student Nathan Botts. Nathan has a Bachelor degree in Political Science from UC Riverside and is currently working on his Masters degree in Education/Education Technology. Nathan will be focusing on course accessibility and online trainings.

Team Leader Reports

Shirley Orsinelli (Judy Baker)

Robert Shaffer, Chairperson CBTE at Mesa College and online instructor for our program has recently passed away. His funeral services will be tomorrow and there is a viewing today. The Perspective of the Month on the SDCCD Online homepage was written in his memory and his photo was posted. A scholarship in his name will be offered through SDCCD Online in the Spring of 2003.

The issue of WebCT license renewal was reviewed. Pat Keir believed that there would be an equitable resolution forthcoming for all of our campuses.

Roger Gee

Roger Gee will investigate what type of license package Blackboard would be able to offer us. Roger would also like us to consider short-term courses. He would like to offer ACCT 116A and ACCT 116B in 8-week sessions back-to-back. He believes that this would benefit his students being able to complete both courses in one semester.

Jessica Fender

Jessica has updated the SDCCD Online Newsletter. She currently has 300 students that subscribe to the Newsletter and is receiving positive feedback. The SDCCD Online Prospective of the Month has been updated. E-Registration link and information has been added to our site. Now students can apply and register for there classes online. The Fall schedule has been posted with Faculty updates. Jessica held a course clean-up event and has completed 3 of 7 scheduled WebCT training sessions in the Faculty Development Lab. All of the training sessions have been well attended.

A decision needs to be made regarding course information dissemination. In an on-campus course the instructor would have complete control and discretion over their course materials and records. However, a situation has arisen where a college dean has requested information from SDCCD Online regarding a student’s records without going through the relative instructor. Gwyn observed that to retrieve a student’s records from an on-campus course the dean would need to go through the instructor. Roger feels that instructor’s permission must be obtained before any information is disseminated. Pat feels that the rights of the Faculty member must be preserved.

Karen Owen

The CET Citizenship course is currently being offered from 6/8-8/10. Also the PERL programming course is doing well. The CET courses have made a profit. Karen would like to see more staff hired.

SDCCD Online Status Report (spring and summer stats)

Judy distributed the SDCCD Online Status Report. The report states that for Spring 2002 SDCCD Online supported 2,379 seats. (This number includes the 241 seats for the CET courses.) The retention rates are good with credit courses at 72% and CET courses at 91%.

Online Student Survey Results

Data have been collected and the survey results are being assembled into a report.

WebCT Guidelines

Judy distributed the fourth draft of the WebCT Guidelines and requested feedback from the Committee.

FLEX Presentations (self-paced, online and face-to-face)

Flex trainings are being developed to accommodate all faculty and are focused on the following areas:

Student Management in Online Instruction

Online Pedagogy

Accessibility and Online Instruction

Promoting Academic Honesty and Integrity in Online Instruction

Online Instruction Tips

Judy distributed a draft of Online Instruction Tips that will be provided to faculty along with the WebCT manual. Judy has written 12 pages of tips so far. This project should be completed by July 3rd.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.