Systems Design
IMPORTANT: You must SAVE the file after you have filled the document with you’re your answers BEFORE printing or faxing. Print and fax to
(361) 851-2048 or email the completed document to
2007-2008 School Year Questionnaire
We are sending out this questionnaire to help us with your “Begin New Year” rollover process. Just fill in the blanks provided. You may press the TAB key to advance to the next field.
- Enter your school district name:
- Enter the name of our primary contact at your district:
- Enter the telephone number of the primary contact:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Summer Contact Number:
- When is/ was your 2006-2007 last day of school?
- When is your 2007-2008 first day of school?
- If using the FS2000 application processing system:
(If you use some other application system skip to #7.)
- When will you start accepting new applications?
- What date will the grace period for free/reduced students end?
How many work days? How many actual days?
- Will there be any changes to your acceptance/denial letters? If so, enter the information below or even better fax a letter showing the changes:
Old Name, Title, Addresses, Etc. / Old Name, Title, Addresses, Etc.
- Do you have a tape to make a year end backup? ( Yes or No)
If you have an automatic full system backup you don’t need to do a yearend backup. You do, however, need to pull yourlast end of month tape out of rotation and mark as 2006-2007 End of Year Backup.
- Do you have an automated nightly demographic update? (yes or no)
If yes skip to #9.
If the answer is no, provide the following advancement information for the grades that will be moving to a new campus.
2006-2007 / 2007-2008Grade
/ Campus / Grade / Campus9. Will any student, employee or temporary cash account balances be set to zero?
Negative Student Balances (yes or no)
Positive Student Balances (yes or no)
Negative Employee Balances (yes or no)
Positive Employee Balances (yes or no)
Negative Temporary Accounts Balances (yes or no)
Positive Temporary Accounts Balances (yes or no)
10. Clear the Student Master Field 34, alert field?(yes or no)
11. Do you use Direct Certification? (yes or no)
If yes, call us when you have the diskette and are ready to process it.
NOTE: you need to pull the text version from the state web page and save it to diskette.
12. Was the 2006-2007 school year your first time using the
FS2000 Point of Sale System?(yes or no)
13. Are you adding any new campuses? (yes or no)
If yes please list below (include the state number assigned).
14. Do you want any or all user codes to be cleared?(yes or no)
If yes please list the user codes here->
15. How do you want to be notified concerning software issues that arise during the year (update, options for handling reporting requirement changes)
email notices will be sent from It is your responsibility to ensure that your anti-spam filter does not trap these messages and dispose of them
or fax:
16. Enter the shipping information for UPS deliveries:
Physical Street Address:
Zip Code:
NOTE: all emails from Systems Design personnel will be from the domain. We suggest you inform the person who maintains your anti-spam filter of this so they can enable our emails to get to you. If they want to see individual email addresses that list can be viewed at
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