Student Achievement Team meeting
October 8, 2007
Present: Kendall McDevitt, Jim Street, Kate Brinko, Martha Stephenson, Dave Haney, Nikki Crees, Marjorie Ellis, Patrick Setzer, Carter Hammett-McGarry, Beth Marsh, Susan Morgan, Shirley Harris, Joni Petschauer, Scott Kallestad, Wes Waugh, Matt Ruble, Zack Underwood, Carol O’Saben, Jeanne Dubino, Kay Stroud, Traci Wright, Jeff Doyle, Robin Byerly, Josh Fernandez, and Hayes Smith.
Martha welcomed everyone and made introductions.
Dr. Dave Haney announced:
- Martha Stephenson, Don Rankins, Heather Landon and he would be doing a presentation to ???
- General Education Curriculum went before AP&P but no action was taken, there was lots of discussion and will continue at November meeting.
- General Assembly is interested in programs to target African-American males. None known in Academic Affairs but Student Programs does have some. Any info on such programs should be emailed to Dr. Haney (haneydp).
Nikki Crees announced:
- University Orientation Council had met to debrief after Fall Orientation.
- Pulled together a small group to assess registration issues, etc. (Next meeting is October 22 if anyone is interested in joining.)
Discussion concerning 1st Year Seminar:
- After November AP&P meeting, position will be posted to fill vacancy in Freshman Seminar.
- US 1150 may be pilot class for Fall 2008 as 1st Year Seminar
Tina Hogan, from Institutional Research and Planning office, presented PowerPoint on 2007 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).
- Survey content – student behaviors and Institution Actions
- 5 benchmarks of survey
- Targets 1st Year students and Senior Year students
- Web based survey
- Of 4992 ASU students invited to participate, 1748 actually responded (797 FY and 951 SY). Repsonse rate was 35%.
- ASU was low on Level of Academic Challenge
- Active & Collaborative Learning – ASU not doing as well with freshmen but doing great with seniors
- Need to improve Student/Faculty interaction.
- Best Area – Supportive Campus Environment
- Overall evaluation of Quality of Academic Advising – Good to Excellent
- Freshmen spend less time than peers at other institutes:
Preparing for class
Working off-campus
Commuting to class
Providing care for dependent living with them
- ASU freshmen have more time to relax and socialize
- Starting Spring 2009 UNC-GA requiring all UNC campuses to participate in NSSE every other year
- Voluntary System of Accountability (VSA) requires results for student experiences and perceptions be updated on College Portrait at least every 3 years.
- Possible to link 2007 NSSE data for freshmen with those who were retained or not retained to Fall 2008 freshmen
- (ASU username & password required)
- NSSE website
- Tina will send PowerPoint to Martha Stephenson for website
- Nov. 15 – 10:30am-noon, IRAP giving presentation for Student Development Division
Carter made motion to recommend this information be shared with Council of Chairs and Dean’s Council.
Jeanne seconded motion.
Jeanne will present to Council of Chairs and Dr. Haney will present to Dean’s Council.
Tina Hogan willing to show presentation to both groups if desired.
Martha gave handouts from Strategic Planning Committee.
Workgroup Reports:
1)Communication Team (Jeff Doyle) – met last week
- Discussed website
- Wes making updates to website ()
- Re-visited mission statement
- Wes needs names of new members and which team they will be on
- Jim Street gave update on Men’s class – Keith Davis (HPC) cannot teach in Spring but would like to in Fall 2008
- Dr. Baruth is supportive of housing course in HPC
- Wes is working on presentation for SAT from Institute on College Males which he attended earlier this summer
2)Best Practices (Nikki Crees) – met twice since last meeting
- Made changes to proposal for Coordinator of AppAchievers
- Gave handouts of Proposed AppAchievers Mentoring Program as well as a draft for Coordinator of AppAchievers
- 106 students on Financial Aid who received all “F’s” during Spring Semester and of those only 24 returned to ASU this semester (64-males and 42-females)
- Of the Freshmen or Sophomores, 73% were males
- Asked Heather Langdon to pull CSI data on these students to compare outcome
- Also, asked Heather to pull list of students not on Financial Aid who made all “F’s”
- Discussion whether targeted group was good from a financial stand point? Should it be different students? Group decided good place to start. Later on can assess and adjust target area as needed.
- Program individually tailored for each student’s situation.
- Discussed an interview process for these students.
- Carter gave out copies of letter Research Team received from SHSU regarding Attendance Initiatives
- Each mentor (13 total) will have 2 mentees
- Coordinator to assess outcome
Proposal was approved with changes. There were no opposing votes.
3)Research Team (Matt Ruble) – met twice since last meeting
- Upward Bound moving forward without Summer Preview
- Will have smaller groups this year & more structured
- Request information from other areas effected by SP going away (i.e. UREC, UB, etc)
- Will send info to COM Team for website
Next meeting – November 12 in Roan Mountain Room, PSU.
Meeting adjourned.