Date: _____/______/______Team Members Completing:
Instructions: For each element, decide
Whether it is fully (2), partially (1), or not
partially or not in place, decide (as a
group) what needs to occur, who is in
charge of the step, and a target date for completion.
Student IdentificationConsiderations: How will students be identified? What are the decision rules? Students should be able to access in multiple ways- staff referral, parent referral, school counselor referral, review of ODR, etc. How will program be modified based on function? Avoid making a punishment. / Rating: 2 1 0
•Decision rules for identification complete
•Identify resources needed for Maximum number of students (initially, full capacity)
•Criteria for determining when to add more students complete.
•Data to guide use of CICO (Multiple data sources used (blend academic and behavior data sources)
•CICO is modified based on function
•Referral Forms complete / Next Steps / Who? / Date
Program Design
Coordinator identified
Ensure consistency and efficiency, one or two coordinators, how will person’s time be allotted? What will the name of your CICO system be? HUG, HAWK ? What fits your school? Name now or have contest with school community to determine name?- Marketing and PR / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
An intervention coordinator is identified.
The intervention coordinator has a flexible schedule at the beginning and end of the day, is in the school everyday and is highly positive and liked by students
A consistent location for checking in and checking out is designated
A maximum number of students that can be served at one time is determined
Your school’s name for the CICO program and the Daily Progress Report are identified
At least 2 people who can substitute if the coordinator is absent are designated and trained
Plan for if students need to arrive to school early or be dismissed early at end of day
Plan developed for students who are late to school
Plan for data scoring when students are absent
CICO system defined and added to PBIS notebook
Daily Progress Report
Point Card System and DPR Considerations:
Use CICO SMSD Data System
-Same card for all students, use school expectations, age appropriate, What will the behavioral expectations beConsistent with school-wide expectations?
Expectations positively stated?
Is the DPR teacher friendly?
Data easy to summarize?
Will you collect baseline? / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
Each DPR includes your school-wide expectations
Each DPR includes rules for meeting the school-wide expectations or a blank space to write the replacement behavior under each expectation
The DPR has a place to document the student’s goal
The DPR includes a rating section for each class period of the day set (e.g., 3,2,1)
The DPR has designated criteria for how points are earned and includes a range of possible points
The DPR data is easy to total
The DPR is age appropriate
Plan for students who need card during recess or lunch is set up
Point cards designed, copied, and accessible
Reinforcement System
Point Trading System
When will trading occur? How often? Consider modifying for different needs of students, what will happen if student if absent on trading day? Consider variety of rewards with social focus/school engagement, relationship building, discounted school activities, prize for student’s class or activity with peer of choice. / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
Reinforcers are available daily for students who check-in
Reinforcers are available daily for students who check-out
Additional reinforcers are available for students who meet their daily or weekly point goal
Schedule for frequency/timing of trading/spending developed
Budget set for purchasing incentives on regular schedule
Data Management
Monitoring student outcomes / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
A data management system is available to store and summarize student point totals
The intervention coordinator is trained to enter and graph the student data
Student data is examined and reviewed on a regularly scheduled basis
The intervention coordinator brings data to the PBIS/SIT team meetings
Data is shared with the whole staff at least quarterly
Data is shared with parents on a regular basis.
How long will CICO be left in place before modifying (on average?)
Objective criteria for modifying/intensifying intervention
Strategies developed and implemented regularly for assessing fidelity
Plans for Fading / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
Clearly defined “fading” process with decision rules
Objective criteria for determining success on CICO (i.e., 80% of points 80% of time for at least 4 weeks prior to fading)
Self-management process is understood by student and participating teachers
A plan for celebration when students graduate from BEP: CICO is designed
Periodic check-ups/supports are in place for students who graduate from the program
Staff Training
Considerations: Will staff be trained about system all at once or in increments? How will staff provide feedback about impact, areas of improvement? How will impact be shared with staff, school system, community? / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
Staff is trained on CICO including how to complete the DPR and types of feedback statements to be made to students
A PBIS Team member is designated to model the process of rating students and providing feedback each time a new teacher begins to implement the program.
Individual coaching is available for teachers who need extra support to implement the program as planned
Yearly booster sessions about the purpose and key features of the program are provided to staff
Logistics trained
•Providing contingent feedback
•Efficient checks
•Lost card—how to respond
•Arguing about points
•When a student gets an ODR
•How often teachers will get feedback on student progress
Student Training
Information for students
Considerations: Who will lead training for all students? Will students be involved in the planning and development of the system? ( point card, trading post, naming) / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
A plan for introducing students to the program is developed. The plan includes an overview of the program, how to check-in and check-out daily, adding up the daily points, determining whether daily point goals are met, accepting feedback- both positive and corrective, and procedures for taking the DPR home, getting it signed and bringing it back
Parent Training
How are all parents informed about system? How are parents encouraged to participate/refer their child if needed?
For parents whose child is referred, how are parents informed and involved? Individual meeting?
Home report ? Forging signatures? / Rating: 2 1 0
Steps / Next Steps / Who? / Date
Plan developed for obtaining parent consent
A plan for introducing parents to the program is developed (including how to provide feedback to the child)
•Good day
•Poor day
Plan for Family Responses:
Plan for eliciting and responding to parent feedback developed
Plan stipulated for students who don’t return home report
Steps developed to run plan w/o home report
Plan for if card is used punitively by parents
Plan for when parents don’t want to/cannot participate (staff mentor signs instead)
Action Planning for CICO, Anderson, C. M., & Todd, A. (Dec, 2007, modified sbb 2009)
Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon