Al al-Bayt University

Prince Hussein bin Abdullah College
Information Systems Department

Principles of Management Information Systems Syllabus

MIS 904230

First Semester -2010/2011

Instructor: Dr .Anas jebreen

Office Hours: Su, Tu, Th at 11:00-12:00 and 13:00-14:00

Textbooks and Required Materials

Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (10th Edition). Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007.

Handouts will be prepared by the instructor and will be delivered to the students for their own interest.

All students are required to have access to electronic mail in order to facilitate communication with each other and with the instructor. Some Homework should be submitted via the Internet.

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to management information systems, what they are, how they affect the organization and its employees, and how they can make businesses more competitive and efficient. The course will focus on ways in which advances in information technology and communications networks continue to recast the role and value of information systems in business and management. Example topics include: organizational and technical foundations of information systems, systems development, information management, infrastructure management, system security, and creative business applications of information technology.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  1. Describe the framework of IT systems and identify the components and functionality of the generic concept of systems.
  2. Identify ways in which businesses use IT to develop a strategic competitive advantage
  3. Illustrate the systems approach to problem solving and the systems life cycle.
  4. Identify and discuss major trends in information technology
  5. Identify trends in the field of Telecommunications and its strategic importance
  6. Understand the role and importance of data resource management and how it is used to support business operations.
  7. Identify and illustrate the strategic importance of the Internet to businesses.
  8. Differentiate intranets, extranets, and the Internet and illustrate how these technologies are used in business operations and management.
  9. Identify and evaluate specialized information systems for management support, executive support, and automated decision making.
  10. Identify ethical issues of information technology in the context of employment, privacy, individuality, working conditions, crime, health and societal concerns.
  11. The student should be able to document information system requirements and propose an information system design for a real organization.

Grading Policy

First Exam : 20%

Second Exam : 20%

Final Exam : 40-50%

Attendance, Quizzes, Homeworks and Participation : 10-20%
Total : 100%

Class Schedule

Week / Tentative Schedule / Reading
1 / Introduction, Syllabus , Reading Assignment
Part I. Organizations, Management, and the Networked enterprise
1-2 / Information Systems in Global Business Today / Chapter 1
3-4 / Global E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems / Chapter 2
5-6 / Information Systems, Organizations,, Management, and Strategy / Chapter 3
6 / First Exam
7 / Ethical and Social Issues in the Digital Firm / Chapter 4
Part II. Information Technology Infrastructure
8-9 / Managing Data Resources / Chapter 5-6
10-11 / Security and Control / Chapter 8
11 / Second Exam
Part III. Key System Applications for the Digital Age
12 / E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods / Chapter 10
13 / Enhancing Decision Making / Chapter 12
Part IV. Building Information Systems in the Digital Firm
14 / Building Systems / Chapter 13
15 / Discussion of Papers and Review for Final Exam
16 / Final Exam