Welcome to Kindergarten!!!

Mrs. Priebe and Mrs. Rainey would like to welcome you to Kindergarten! We are looking forward to a great year. There are a lot of new things we will learn. The best thing you can do as a parent to encourage your child is to listen to him/her talk about what he/she has done each day. Ask lots of questions about centers, snack, recess, specialty classes, etc. The more questions you ask, the better they become at organizing ideas and expanding their vocabulary. We all need to work as a team to help your child succeed in Kindergarten.

Each week we will focus on a theme. Most of our themes typically last for one week. They will be listed in the newsletter.

We also attend special classes weekly. Our special schedule is listed below. It will be a 6-day rotation. Please refer to calendar in BEE folder. We will be going at 11:05 – 11:50. Please try and not schedule doctor/dentist, etc. appointments during these times so they don’t miss out on certain activities/projects that sometimes cannot be made up later.





DAY 5 P.E. DAY 11 P.E.

DAY 6 ART DAY 12 Guidance/ART


We will be using the BEE folder to record how your child did that day. If they get a stamp in the calendar day, then they did fine. If there is no stamp, then there will be a paper in the BEE folder of what happened to not earn a stamp. We will also have another system of stamps on a chart that he/she would earn throughout the day if we catch them following a rule or doing something nice. When he/she earns 10 stamps, they get to go to our “Goodie Box”. (You are welcome to send any unwanted McDonald, Chick Fil A, Wendy’s, Dollar Tree…etc. items to have in our “Goodie Box”.)

Our class rules:

1.  Be a good listener/raise hand to speak

2.  Follow directions

3.  Hands, feet and objects to ourselves


Please send in a complete set of clothes, including underwear and socks, in a Zip-lock bag, with your child’s name on it. We will keep these in the room for any accidents that may happen during the year.


The art teacher, Mrs. Davis, has requested that each child bring in an old large T-shirt for them to wear during art class. An old one of mommy or daddy’s works well.


Our weekly newsletter, Kindergarten Corner, will come home in their B.E.E. folder on Mondays. We will inform you of the theme, math concepts, specialist’s schedule, who has snack this week and next week, etc. We may also have upcoming events and projects to be looking forward to, gathering supplies for…


Every Tuesday you will receive a yellow “Tuesday Packet”. In it you will find information related to the school and PTA in the Tuesday Packet. Please sign the front and return the Tuesday Packet and any information to be filled out back to school on Wednesday.


Each child in our class will get to take home the “Share Bag” during their week of being Star Student. He/she will bring in 3 or 4 things that are special to him/her. Each child will have their name drawn to find out who is star student for the week. We will talk and write about the star student and send home a booklet on Friday.


We will list the field trips on the newsletters when they are set in place.

B.J. the BEAR:

Each child will have an opportunity to take home B.J. the Bear. In his bag you will find a journal, B.J. and his friends. This will be a language experience for you and your child to do together to write and draw in the journal provided. Details of what to do are in the front of the journal.


On your child’s birthday you are welcome to bring in a special treat and juice for snack. We will be celebrating birthdays during our morning snack. If it is not your snack week but would like to bring cupcakes, etc. for their birthday, please bring it during lunch. If you send invitations, you must include the whole class and we can put them in BEE folders.


Snack is assigned to each family for a whole week. You may send in the snacks for the whole week on Monday or you can send in snacks each day of that week. We do not have any allergies at this time, but will let you know if a food allergy arises.


We eat at 12:35 – 1:00. Our lunch time lasts for 25 minutes. Please wait at least 3 weeks before coming to eat lunch with your child. Make sure he/she can separate from you before coming. Sign in at the office and meet us in the cafeteria. If you would like your child to buy his/her lunch, it is best to put money on his/her lunch account. You can send it in the BEE folder or pay online. Please talk about extras (desserts, chips, juice, bottled water) with your child and if he/she should buy them. You can also mark your child’s account to not accept “extra” purchases. If your child will bring his or her lunch, please practice opening containers. Baggies or plastic containers are a great idea. All money that you send with your child needs to be placed in the B.E.E. folder in an envelope, labeled with what the money is for. Place the money envelope in the zippered pocket provided in the BEE folder.


7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m. Students in cars can be dropped off between 7:30 – 7:55 a.m. If your child arrives before 7:45, they will need to go to the cafeteria. They will not be allowed in the rooms until 7:45, when the first bell rings. The late bell rings at 7:55 and they will need to go to the office for a late slip. If your child leaves before 2:25 p.m., you will need to sign them out in the office.


Please inform us, in writing, if your child is going home in a different way than usual or if a different person will be picking up your child. Please do not email any transportation changes. If your child is going home with another friend on the bus, we must have that in writing in order for them to ride the bus.

·  Car riders will be taken out by Mrs. Rainey in an area designated for Kindergarten students. Walkers are considered students who walk home, or if their parents park their car and walk up to get them. Each family will receive a laminated yellow card with your child’s name on it. This card will help students to dismiss in the afternoon.

·  Bus riders and YMCA students will leave with Mrs. Priebe to the bus parking lot or to the YMCA program in the cafeteria. If your child is going home with another friend on the bus, we must have that in writing in order for them to ride the bus.


If your child is absent, you need to write us a note when they come back to school. Doctor/dentists notes are accepted. If you are planning a family vacation during the school year, you may get an “Educational Leave” form PRIOR to the trip, filled out and return it for approval from the principal. Forms can be found in the front office.

Any concerns/comments/questions…?

If you ever have anything you need to talk with us about your child or a question needs to be answered, please feel free to contact us. Communication is vital for us to have a successful year!! Please call, send a note or email us to set up a time to solve any issues.

Phone: 703 – 6740

Email: Mrs. Priebe

Mrs. Rainey

We hope this information is helpful and we are looking forward to a great year with you and your child.

We will be having a Curriculum Night where we will go over all procedures and other information in detail on September 13.

Thank you.

Mrs. Priebe and Mrs. Rainey