/ - To strengthen our knowledge about our rights, the value of dignified work and our protagonism as social, political, economic, and cultural actors;- To organize child participatory training in all Regions. / - Organization of pedagogic workshops in all regions;
- Invitations to educational activities (radio, technical support, child trafficking);
- Exchange of experiences about the daily life of the movements (international and national programs);
- Participatory research and action (PRA) initiatives;
- Training and internship programmes. / 3 years / Coordination
Support structure
Regional movements / - Make a world plan of action on education for all working children and collaborators;
- Receive methodological support from INFANT and IFEJANT;
- Coordinate training programs between WC at the world level;
- Accompany processes for founding new working children organizations.
ORGANIZATION / - To strengthen the World Movement of WC;
- To include the needs and difficulties of the World Movement in the national plans of action the WC (in their countries);
- To take the most marginalized children (girls) into account in the Movement of organized children;
- To help create national forums and strengthen local movements;
- To spread the Movement to other working children and children’s forums;
- To spread the Movement to include other marginalized and children with special needs.
- To develop networks with national and international agencies, support groups, institutions, governments, and NGOs / - Invitations for representatives of the different continental movements to the regional meetings;
- Assistance for other working children to organize themselves autonomously;
- Participation in existent networks of working children’s organizations;
- Organisation of the Coordination meeting (Latin America will organize the first Coordination meeting)
Next General Assembly: 2010 in Africa. / 2007 Meeting of the Coordinating Committee
2010 Meeting of the General Assembly / - Work on specific needs of children;
- Use already existing platforms (CCNG, Kundapur, UNGASS);
- Start informing and negotiating participation costs with our partners.
COMUNICACION AND INFORMATION / - To make ourselves known as an organization of WC;
- To collaborate in providing and spreading information;
- To involve local and regional media and practices. / - Creation of a website with links to the websites of the movements;
- E-group and mailing list;
- Bi-annual regional newsletter;
- World newsletter;
- Helplines, street theatre, puppet shows, magic shows, drawing, speech contests etc..
- Translation of documents
- Radio, TV programs, communication by telephone;
- Videoconferences;
- Creation of a world-wide address book;
- Strengthening collaboration with international groups;
- Creating space on the webpage of partners such as Italianats and Pronats;
- Periodical exchange of information;
- Broad circulation of newsletters related to the movement;
- Denunciations through internet if something happens in any one country;
- Reports and documents, good practices, organizational process;
- Cultural activities and sports, speeches and debates, olympics for working children, music and songs, CDS by working children; / 3 years / Italianats and Pronats for website and e-group (until 2010)
For other activities the Regional Movements will be responsible / - Follow up on all processes and agreements within the Movement;
- Summarize monthly messages in three languages;
- Give the responsibility of communication to one of the Movements that has a web page;
- Receive aid by NGOs in the translation of documents an local, regional and world level;
- Maintain communication and relations with NGOs.
POLITICAL – LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS / - To form alliances with politicians and those who participate in legal debates at national and regional levels;
- To perform regional and international advocacy and create links with governmental and judicial agencies, institutions, media and NGOs, for participation in policy and implementation. / - Creation and increase of opportunities to meet with NGOs, authorities, institutions, press, society, international agencies;
- Dialogue with authorities in every occasion on the regional and international level;
- Disseminate and answer the questionnaire;
- Share policy documents in a child friendly manner (child labour, child marriage, trafficking, education, health etc..). / 3 years / Coordination
Regional Movements / - Share news about invitations
- Speak with one voice
DIGNIFIED WORK / - To encourage economic activities in the continents in order to increase our incomes from the perspective of solidarity-based economy (fair trade);
- To exchange our productive experiences in order to strengthen and dignify our work at the local, regional and world level;
- To improve our situations in the workplace, and the transition of children from dangerous to dignified forms of work;
- To review laws and policies on child work;
- To perform networking and advocacy for the protection of children in the workplace. / - Create productive activities through handicraft workshops, micro-credit, etc.;
- Meetings to exchange experiences on solidarity-based economy (fair trade);
- Educational workshops on productive, technical and administrative issues;
- World meeting of working children about fair trade;
- Child Work label. / - Participate in activities that enable us to acquire more information and education concerning dignified work as part of human development.
Celebration of special events:
the World Movement of Working Children Day on December 9th of every year
the 1st of May
the 20th of November CRC
the Founding dates of the Movements