SYMPOSIA Session ISAM & CSAM-SMCA 2016 Montreal, Canada Oct 20-22, 2016

# / Title / Page
S1 / CRISM: Quebec/Maritimes
Novel targets and models for effective interventions for drug misuse prevention and treatment:
Julie Burneau
A demonstration project to inform the adaptation of personality-targeted interventions for concurrent substance misuse among methadone maintenance therapy clients
Sherry Stewart
Evaluation of the perspective of participants from an overdose prevention and naloxone administration training program
Michel Perrault
Aller plus loin PROFAN peer-oriented program for the prevention and reduction of overdoses and administration of Naloxone
Guy Pierre Levesque
Personality traits and methadone dose and compliance independently predict concurrent substance use in clients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction
Ioan Tiberiu Mahu / 12
S2 / Gambling Disorder: a global update
Criminal Activity in a large UK treatment seeking population of pathological gamblers
Henrietta Bowden-Jones
Proportion of revenue derived from pathological gambling: Clinical implications
Nady el-Guebaly
A high prevalence of gambling disorder and associated factors in Japan
Susumu Higuchi
Comorbidity, family history and personality. A German study supporting the classification of pathological gambling as a behavioral addiction
Karl Mann / 17
S3 / Continuity of Care for Adolescent SUD and co-occurring disorders: an update
Continuity of Care for Adolescent SUD
Yifrah Kaminer
Continuity of Care (COC) for adolescents with psychiatric disorders
Robert Milin
Systems of care for adolescent SUD with co-occurring psychiatric disorders
Marc Fishman
Initiation of addiction treatment and access to services: Young Adults’ account of the help-seeking experiences
Vincent Wanger / 21
S4 / Forensic Aspects of Addiction Medicine
Criminal Justice reform for the addicted person
Gregory Bunt
An overview of Addiction Care in Canadian Prisons
Leo Lanoie
Occupational Drug Testing
Laurence Westreich
Anabolic-androgenic steroid and polysubstance use among inmates in Norwegian prisons
Ingrid Amalia Havnes / 24
S5 / International Policies
Understanding Evidence-based Public Health Policy & Public Health Approach as a basis for addiction policy, the Swiss model
Riaz Khan
People with a history of injecting drugs in Europe: comparative assessment of addiction and HCV treatment
Nat Wright
Guiding principles on framework and support measures for opioid dependence treatment including the prescription of agonist medicines
Simon Olivier
Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem April 19-21
Norman Wetterau / 28
S6 / Capacity Building and Quality Assurance on Addiction Treatment in India: Models and approaches – Practice facets of India
Incorporating addiction treatment training in medical curriculum
Sudhir Khandelwal
Specialized training programmes for health professionals
Anju Dhawan
Online training: an innovative training method
Atul Ambekar
Evaluation of Quality Assurance and performance of OST centres – a dashboard index
Alok Agrawal / 31
S7 / Intervention for addiction and associated health risks: how to reach “hidden” populations
Mental health and injection risk behaviors: cocaine users’ perspectives about their health needs. COSMO study
Karine Bertrand
Experiences of drug abuse among men who have sex with men: issues and challenges for the implementation of comprehensive services
Jorge Flores-Aranda
Motivational interviewing to reduce drug injection risks: lessons learned from a mixed methods study
Elise Roy
Gathering user’s perspective, clinicians’ and community stakeholders’ experiences to increase access to addiction services in men who have sex with men
Mathieu Goyette / 35
S8 / Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse: a focus on prescription opioid misuse: OPTIMA
Prescription opioid misuse
Julie Bruneau
Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Addiction
Keith Ahamad
OPTIMA trial protocol: optimizing patient centered care, a pragmatic randomized control trial comparing models of care in the management of prescription opioid misuse
Didier Jutras-Aswad
Prescription Opioid Crisis and Ancillary Studies for Optima Trial
Ron Lim/Eugenia Socias / 38
S9 / Behavioral Addictions: an update
Profiling the Forensic gambler
Henrietta Bowden-Jones
Problematic Online gambling - Addiction or coping process?
Daniel Kardefelt-Winther
Why do you play online? Self-reported motives, in-game behaviors and addictive use of Massively Multi-player Online role Playing Games (MMORPG)
Joel Billieux
How to engage patients with gambling problems into treatment
Hannu Alho
Social aspects of online-gambling: a latent class analysis
Yasser Khazaal
Neuroimaging of Dopamine Transporters in Disordered Gamblers
Hermano Tavares / 41
S10 / Therapeutic Communities around the globe
Addiction Medicine and Integrated Therapeutic Communities
Gregory Bunt
Therapeutic Communities: a global perspective
Sushma Taylor
Spirituality and Recovery in the Therapeutic Community
Marc Galanter
Social Model Recovery Systems: a Novel Approach to Addiction treatment Management
Peter Vamos / 46
S11 / Neurosciences Update
Impulsivity and compulsivity in chronic opioid dependence and short term abstinence
Alex Baldacchino
Selective Dopamine D3 Receptor Antagonism attenduates a major drug addiction co-morbidity factor-stress-induced PTSD-like behavior
Elliott Gardner
Useful biomarker to identify hazardous drinking in Korean suicide attempters
Seongho Min / 49
S12 / Opioid Education
Opioid abuse and dependence among patients with chronic non-cancer pain: a training challenge in pain management for Quebec family physicians
Elise Roy
Why doctors have trouble saying “No”.
Joel Bordman
Waitlist management of opioid use disorder: a novel program incorporating interim methadone therapy delivered on a mobile unit
John Fraser / 52
S13 / Youth Issues
The association between mental illness and tobacco use disorder: evidence from studies in adolescence
Urvashi Prasad
PAUSE: a novel SBIRT Initiative for Alcohol or Marijuana Use targeting University students
Catherine Munn
Usefulness of cigarette per day (CPD), time to first cigarette (TTFC) and heaviness of smoking index (HIS) in assessing cigarette dependence in India
Pratap Kumar Jena / 55
S14 / Aboriginal Communities
Hope and Despair – Culturally sensitive community led opiate maintenance programs in remote First Nations in Northwestern Ontario
Mike Franklyn & Sharon Cirone / 58
S15 / SALOME project
Safety profile of injectable hydromorphone in a medically supervised treatment program for long term severe opioid use disorder in Vancouver Canada: Outcomes from a recent SALOME RCT
Suzanne Brissette
Non-inferiority of hydromorphone compared to diacetylmorphine for long term opioid dependence: a randomized clinical trial
Eugenia Oveido-Joekes
Characteristics and response to treatment among Aboriginal people receiving injectable opioids for the treatment of long-term opioid dependence
Heather Palis / 59
S16 / The taxonomy and concept of behavioral addictions: discussion of controversies and relevance to ICD-11 – Part I
The taxonomy and concept of behavioral addictions
Susumu Higuchi
Behavioral Addictions in the context of ICD-II development
Vladimir Poznyak
Pathological Gambling in ICD 11: addiction or impulse control disorder
Henrietta Bowden-Jones
Behavioral and substance addictions: neurobiological and clinical considerations
Marc Potenza / 62
S17 / Tobacco
Tobacco Addiction Treatment in patients with Concurrent addictions: an update
Peter Selby
The Neuropsychiatric Safety of Smoking Cessation Medications (An Overview of the EAGLES Study)
Milan Khara / 65
S18 / Telemedicine & Hepatitis C
Telemedicine and Clinical Management of Hepatitis C Virus Infection on Drug Abusers
Jag Khalsa
Prevention and Management of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in People Who Use Drugs
Andrew Talal
The changing paradigm for psychiatry in the treatment of Hepatitis C in those with a co-morbid substance use disorder
Clewert Sylvester
Interferon-free direct acting antiviral hepatitis C therapy for people who inject drugs
Jason Grebely
Prevention of Hepatitis C among persons who inject drugs: challenges and opportunities
Julie Bruneau / 67
S19 / Education in Developing Countries
Randomized control trials (RCTs) results and qualitative data demonstrate meaningful impacts of the online training model on health workers, their patients and the health system
Veronic Clair
Extending capacity in health outcomes in addiction medicine and psychosocial interventions for community health workers
Wiplove Lamba
Addiction/HIV Researchers Mentoring the Next Generation of Clinician Scientists
Jan Klimas / 69
S20 / International Neuroscience
Altered resting state cortico-striatal connectivity in adolescents and adults with Internet gaming disorder
Jung-Seok Choi
Auditory P300 event-related potential and dopaminergic polymorphisms of Internet gaming disorder
Yeon Jin Kim
Structural brain correlates of impulsive delated reward discounting in Alcohol and Nicotine use disorders
Michael Amlung / 73
S21 / Advances in Pharmacotherapy – I
Long-acting Formulations to Improve Substance Abuse Treatment Adherence
Ivan Montoya
Early Implementation of Probuphine REMS program
Ole Snyder
Slow Release oral Morphine (SROM): closing the gap between methadone and diacetylmorphine in OST
Robert Haemmig / 76
S22 / Behavioral Addictions WHO- ICD 11 – part II
Risks associated with the development of diagnostic criteria for behavioral addictions: case of internet-related disorders
Joel Billieux
Concerns with ICD-11 proposal for gaming disorder – taking a rights-based, child-centered approach to minimize stigmatization and potential harm for regular gamers
Daniel Kardfelt-Winther
Evaluation of the draft diagnostic guidelines for gaming disorder using clinical subjects
Susumu Higuchi
Contribution of different diagnostic criteria to the assessment of gaming disorder: What we can learn from the DSM-5 classification of IGD?
Florian Rehbein / 78
S23 / Marijuana, ISAM Physicians and Public Policy
Marijuana – Decriminalization vs Legalization
Gregory Bunt
Cannabinoids as Medicine
Jag Khalsa
Marihuana myths, facts & rise of Big Marihuana
Kevin Sabet
Cannabis, pain and Addiction: can we learn from the opioid crisis?
Mark Ware
Nora Volkow
Marijuana research update / 82
S24 / Medical Education (ISAM) – part I
Medical Education in substance misuse/addictions: international perspectives and study results: State of the Art
Alex Baldacchino
An update: the full medical specialty in Addiction Medicine in Norway
Bjorn-Magnus Simonsen
Pregraduate Teaching in Addiction Medicine in Switzerland
Barbara Broers
Addiction Medicine in Canada: a Multispecialty Subspecialty
Nady el-Guebaly
Integrating addiction medicine in psychiatry training
Cor De Jong
Capacity building of general physicians and linkage with Health services: Indian Experience
Anju Dhawan / 84
S25 / Treatment with opioid pharmacotherapy: A diversity of approaches. A panel of presentations and discussion. Dr. Vladimir Poznyak, discussant
Opioid Management in Diverse Settings
Rick Rawson
UAE: Clinical considerations for the use of Suboxone with a comprehensive treatment context
Tarek Gawad
Lebanon: Rapid expansion of buprenorphine use in Beirut: treatment experiences and considerations about medication diversion
Ramzi Haddad
The organization of opioid treatment service into a hub and spoke system in Vermont USA
John Brooklyn / 88
S26 / Young Investigators
Towards Improved Addiction management Services in a low resource country: staff regard and perceived facilitators for management of alcohol Use Disorders in Malawi
Beatrice Mwagomba
Co-curricular Drug Abuse Treatment in a University: Implementation and Evaluation
Abidemi Olubunmi Bello
A graduated severity level approach to Food Addiction Classification
Karren-Lee Raymond / 90
S27 / Advances in Pharmacotherapy – II
Pharmacokinetic evaluation of CAM2038 (buprenorphine FluidCrystal injection depot) q1w (once weekly) and q4w (once monthly) versus intravenous and sublingual buprenorphine in healthy volunteers
Fredrik Tiberg
A randomized, multiple dose opioid challenge study to assess blockade of subjective opioid effectsbyCAM2038 (buprenorphine FluidCrystal injection depot) q1w (once weekly) in adults with opioid use disorder
Sharon Walsh
Efficacy and safety of CAM2038 (buprenorphine FluidCrystal injection depot) q1W (once weekly) and q4w (once monthly) in adult outpatients with opioid use disorder: a randomized controlled trial
Michelle Lofwall
Modeling the effectiveness of subdermally implanted buprenorphine, injectable naltrexone and sublingual buprenorphine for clinically stable adults with opioid dependence
John Carter
C-EDGE CO STAR: risk of reinfection following successful therapy with Elbasvir (EBR) and Grazoprevir (GZR) in persons who inject drugs (OPWID)receiving opioid agonist therapy (OAT)
John Carter / 93
S28 / Food Addictions: New Horizons
Introduction, Definition and Overview of Food Addictions
Gregory Bunt
Neurochemical and neurophysiological Substrates of Food Addictions
Nora Volkow
Food, Sugar and Addiction
Mark Gold
Food addiction: neurobiological findings and clinical and public health implications
Marc Potenza / 97
S29 / Updates in the Treatment of Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Addictions
Treatment of Trauma, PTSD & Addiction
Kathleen Brady
Implementing empirically-based trauma services: a challenge for community treatment providers
Louise Haynes
Update on psychotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of comorbid PTSD and SUD
Therese Killeen / 99
S30 / Medical Education (ISAM) – Part II
How doctors can learn from each other: family physician meets addiction physician
Mary Elizabeth Janssen Van Raay
Evaluation of the addiction Medicine training in Indonesia: the ISCAN
Shelly Iskander
The effect of Addiction Medicine Education on the attitude towards patients with addiction and the perception of addiction among medical students
Astri Parawita Ayu
Addiction Medicine training needs assessment (AMTNA): comparing Ireland, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Indonesia
Jan Klimas / 101
S31 / Aspects of Service Delivery
Abstinence variations in paid versus free OST services
Adrian Abagiu
Abstinence variations in paid versus free OST services
Joseph Eibl
Enhancing the adherence on psychotropic medications in patients with substance use disorders
Ahmed Hassan
Bringing Harm Reduction to the bedside in an Inner City Acute care Hospital
Kathryn Dong / 105
S32 / Alcohol
Can Alcohol dependent patients return to reduced drinking levels? What do the data indicate?
Karl Mann
Effect of GABA Extract of Black Sticky Rice with Giant Embryo on alcohol-related indices after acute alcohol intake in social drinkers
Sung-Gon Kim
Making outcome measurement meaningful: Development and implementation of the Visual ADOM-R© - an outcome measure for the Alcohol & Drug Sector
Susanna Galea / 108
S33 / ASAM-ISAM Session:Recovery and Addiction: What is it and How can it be measured?
Growth and Development in Recovery
Jeff Goldsmith
Addiction and Recovery: A quality measurement dashboard
Yngvild Olsen
A multidimensional Model of Recovery
Kenison Roy III / 110
S34 / Moving beyond Motivational Interviewing: using motivational communication to facilitate behavior change to improve outcomes
What is Motivational Communication and does it improve patient outcomes
Building an effective relationship between the patient and provider to facilitate change
Applying Motivational Communication skills and concepts to patients with addiction problems
Practicing Motivational Communication skills with challenging patients: role play exercises
Melanie WillowsSimon Bacon
Travis CampbellKim Corace
Kim LavoieMichael Valis / 112
S35 / Aboriginal Communities – II
Suicide and Harm Reduction in Aboriginal Communities, Hudson Bay, Northern Canada
Arnold Hill
Evaluating impact of cocaine use in opioid agonist therapy in Northern and rural regions of Ontario
Alexandra Franklyn / 113
S36 / Substances & Psychiatric Disorders/Psychosis
Distinguishing the Psychotic Features of Cannabis and Amphetamine-type Stimulants
Fares Alharbi
Cannabis induced psychotic disorder and cannabidiol’s purported antipsychotic properties: the state of the evidence
Rob Tanguay
Efficacy of psychostimulant interventions for amphetamine and methamphetamine use disorders: a systematic review & meta-analysis
Meha Bhatt
Examining the association between Psychiatric Disorders and Cocaine binge: results from the COSMO study
Louis-Christophe Juteau / 115
S37 / Men who have sex with men: addressing substance misuse and sexual health
Substance use and sexual risk behaviors profiles among men who have sex with men tested for HIV at SPOT, a community-based rapid testing intervention in Montreal
Karine Bertrand
Mon Buzz: an online brief intervention on substance use and sexual health with men who have sex with men – development and implementation process
Mathieu Goyette & Jorge Flores-Aranda
Addressing sexuality with gay/bisexual/queer men using crystal meth
Vincent Francoeur
Understanding syndemics and addiction in gay male populations
Aaron Purdie / 118
S38 / Opioid Prescribing education
Improving opioid prescribing with an educational and self-monitoring strategy in primary care
Pamela Leece
Improving opioid prescribing with an educational and self-monitoring strategy in primary care
Daniel Buchman / 122
S39 / Homelessness – Recovery & Prevention
A Hepatitis C treatment program for homeless patients
Pierre Lauzon
Is substance use associated with lack of hygiene and prevention? Exploration of multi-risk behaviors in the French population
Aurelie Mayet
Addiction treatment and recovery programming from patients perspectives: exploratory focus groups of homeless patients with addiction and mental health disorders
Ashok Krishnamurthy
The Addiction Recovery and Community Health (ARCH) Team Patient, hospital and community stakeholder perspectives
Elaine Hyshka / 124
S40 / Substance dependence and concurrent personality disorders: Phenomenology, Influence on treatment outcomes and evidence-based treatments
Phenomenology and epidemiology of co-occurring personality disorders and addictive disorders
Ronald Fraser
Evidence based treatments for concurrent personality disorders and substance dependence
Kathryn Gill / 128
S41 / Epidemiology, Drugs & Youth
Non-Medical prescription opioid use among high school adolescents in Atlantic Canada
Miroslava Kolajova
Prevalence and awareness of Novel Psychoactive Substances in a Northern Irish Student population
Marty Gillian
Prevalence and awareness of Novel Psychoactive Substances in a Northern Irish Student population
Soheir ElGhonemy / 129
S42 / Concurrent Disorders – International Aspects
Concurrent Substance Use Disorders and PTSD in an inpatient Addiction Treatment Program in Canada
James MacKillop / 132
S43 / Opioid Issues & Outcomes
Understanding opioid use disorder: Highlighting the heterogeneity in patterns of use and methadone maintenance therapy outcomes
Caroline Brunnelle
A project to determine the spectrum of substance use severity, patterns of substance use, and readiness to change in an acute care hospital
Keith Hansen
Development and early findings from the Homewood post-discharge outcome monitoring system in the Addiction Medicine service
Sarah Sousa / 133
S44 / Cannabis
Regulating Cannabis: What do Physicians need to know about regulation
Rebecca Jessman
Synthetic Marijuana and Refractory Epileptogenicity
Neil Patel
A cross-sectional study of cannabis use among opioid dependent patients maintained on buprenorphine in a community based drug treatment clinic
Igam Bagra
The Association between Cannabis Use and Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) Outcomes: A systematic review
Laura Zielinski / 136

S1: Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse (CRISM): a national research consortium in substance misuse focused on translation and implementation.