NAME: Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes

BIRTHDATE: April 13th of 1959, Bogota – Colombia


ADDRESS: Carrera 24 # 34-61 Bogota, Colombia

PHONE NUMBER: (+57 1) 2327858 / 3853078



Colombian Lawyer, Ph. D. in Political Economy at the University of Amiens Picardie, DSU (Master’s Degree) in Sociology of Law at the University of Paris II, and DEA (Master’s Degree) in Economy of Development at the University of Paris I (IEDES). Currently, he is Director of the Center of Studies on Law, Justice and Development “Dejusticia”, and professor of Constitutional Law, Human Rights, and Theory of the State at the Universidad Nacional, in Bogotá. He is member of the International Commission of Jurists. He has been visiting scholar at the American University (USA Washington), the University of Grenoble (France) and Utrecht University (Netherland). He was deputy justice of Colombian Constitutional Court. He is author of numerous books and articles on human rights, constitutional law, tensions between law and economics, social rights, judicial system and transitional justice. Some of his publications in English are: “The Constitutional Court and Control of Presidential Extraordinary Powers in Colombia” (2003) in Siri Glippen, Roberto Gargarella y Elin Skaar (Eds). Democratization and the Judiciary: London, Frank Cass; “The Enforcement of Social Rights by the Colombian Constitutional Court: Cases and Debates” (2006) in Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux (Eds). Courts and Social Transformation in New Democracies: An Institutional Voice for the Poor? Ashgate. With Saffon M.P, “Uses and Abuses of Transitional Justice Discourse in Colombia” in PRIO Policy Brief, (2008); "Transformative reparations of massive gross human rights violations: between corrective and distributive justice" in Nehterlands Quaterly of Human Rights, (2009) Vol 27 No 4; With Maria Paula Saffon. “Report on Colombia” in Cherif Bassiouni (ed) The pursuit of International Criminal Justice: A world Study on Conflicts, Victimization and Post conflict Justice. Antwerp, Intersentia, 2010 “The Recent Transformation of Constitutional Law in Latin America: Trends and Challenges”, 89 Texas L. Rev. 1587 (2011).


·  Spanish: Native

·  French: Fluent reading, writing and speaking

·  English: Fluent reading, writing and speaking

·  Portuguese: Fluent reading

·  Italian: Fluent reading



·  Ph.D. in Political Economy from the University of Amiens Picardie (“Honorable” Mention), 1992 Doctoral thesis: Etat, accumulation en légitimité: analyse théorique et interprétation du “Front National” (State, Accumulation and Legitimacy: theoretical analysis and interpretation of the “The National Front”)

·  DSU (Masters) in “Sociology of Law”, University of Paris II (“Good” Mention), 1986

·  DEA (Masters) in “Socio-economy of Development”. Universidad de Paris I (IEDES), (“Good” Mention) 1985.

·  J.D., Universidad Externado de Colombia,1984




·  Founding Member of the Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (Dejusticia) and Executive Director, from 2005- today

·  Professor Faculty of Law, National University of Colombia, from 1993 – today

·  Director of the Master’s Program on Law. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 2005 – 2008

·  Director of the Certificate Program on Constitutional Law. Faculty of Law. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá). Since 1999 - 2005

·  Deputy Justice. Colombian Constitutional Court, from 1994 to 2004

·  Human rights advocate, lawyer and researcher in Human Rights at the Colombian Commission of Jurists (NGO), from 1989 to 1993

·  Consultant on subjects of violence, citizen participation, resolution of conflicts and justice. UNDP

·  Plan Nacional de Rehabilitación (PNR) – Colombia. May 1993 to December 1993






·  Honor fellowship to the Best Student. Faculty of Law. Universidad Externado de Colombia (Bogotá). 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 and 1983.

·  Fellowship for Postgraduate Studies. “Concurso del Centenario de la Constitución de 1886”. Colombia’s Central Bank.. 1984

·  First Place. “Concurso sobre la influencia de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos en Colombia” Autonoma University. 1989

·  Special Award of the National University for academic excellence in 2006 and 2012.

·  National award Simon Bolivar in journalism for best opinion open in 2013.