Monday, January 30, 2017

10:00 a.m.

Semcac Office

Rushford, MN


Bobcalled the meeting to order. Introductions to were made for the newest board member present, Gary Peterson.


Present:Sandy Wright, Gary Peterson and Bob Carlson

Absent:Scott Connor

Staff Present:Cindy Vitse and Vonda Budde


  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (October 26, 2016)

Sandy made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Bob. Motion carried.

  1. Election of Officers-Bob agreed to stay on as President, Sandy agreed to stay on as Vice President and Scott was appointed as Secretary/Treasurer. Gary made a motion to approve, seconded by Sandy. Motion carried.
  1. Certificates of Appreciation for Judy Storlie and Harry Root–Bob signed the certificates thanking Judy and Harry for their service on the HRA Board.
  1. Financial Report –The balances in the HRA account as of December 31, 2016 is $54,171.76, the balance in the TIF account is $8,054.18. The board is considering different options to address the housing shortage.
  1. HRA Checking Account–Vonda explain to the board that Semcac would like to have the HRA set up their own checking account so all payments will be made through there instead of going through Semcac. Semcac staff will periodically bill the HRA for their time. It was decided there would be two signers, the President and the Secretary/Treasurer. Vonda will check with Marine Credit, Merchants Bank and Rushford State Bank to see what the monthly cost would be for the accounts. She will also check to see about the possibility of stamped signatures and/or electronic signatures. Vonda will bring back to the board when she has this information available.
  1. Counties financial allocation to BCHRA-Gary will check on Fillmore County’s allocation to the HRA.
  1. MCPP –Cindy notified the board that the Commitment Agreement was received from MN Housing. Still waiting to hear what the allocation amount will be. Cindy will forward on that information once it has been received from MN Housing.
  1. Other–Future meetings were discussed and it was decided to hold them quarterly for now via conference call. The meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 10 a.m.
  1. Next Meeting –Staff will set a date for the next meeting in April, May or June.
  1. Adjourn – Gary made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sandy. Motion carried.