Lancaster Middle School
Wind Ensemble Handbook
Mr. Seymour, Director
Dear Students, September 25, 2017
Hello to all of you! First, welcome back returning members! And to those of you who are new to this ensemble, congratulations on your acceptance as you truly deserve it!
Lancaster has long been recognized for is large number of music ensembles and clubs. At your age level, this is the most select ensemble. My reason for mentioning this is not to inflate your head, but to help you understand the expectations that come with being in the Lancaster Middle School Wind Ensemble. You have all been blessed with such talent. Never take advantage of what you have been given. I will always respect your talent by asking no less than what I know you are capable of achieving. Although we will play challenging music in some cases, I promise you that it will be an exciting and fun experience for you! I am very much looking forward to getting started!! One of my favorite parts of being a teacher is meeting new students and discovering what musical abilities they have and what they will bring to the group. The Wind Ensemble is a family that looks out for each other, helps others if they are struggling, and celebrates one of the most beautiful things about life. This of course…is music. I have one request that is more important than anything else I will ask of you this year. If you stay true to this, then you will have the most rewarding year. Promise me that as you play, practice and perform, that you will find a way to express yourselves through your playing. Find something deep down that helps the music come alive inside of you, or what makes music so important to you and affects your life. If you approach your instrument in that way, you will play your music more honestly and comfortably. Remember, music is not the notes and the rhythms or anything that is seen on the paper. The music is what we cannot see, but what we can feel, hear and communicate to all who listen. Again, congratulations!
Mr. Seymour
Band Room Etiquette / Rehearsal Procedures
-All students play a Concert F sustained and ready for continued warm-up.
-Do not enter the band room from the stage, or leave through the stage.
-Enter the room and prepare for rehearsal. Please do not make it a chatting time.
-The highest amount of respect will be given to those students who give the same respect to their director, fellow musicians, the music rehearsal space and the music they perform.
-Those who act like children will be treated like children, those who act like young adults will be treated like young adults.
-If it’s not yours, don’t touch it. Period.
-NO cell phones are permitted to be in use while in the music suite for any reason without permission. If you are seen using a phone, your grade will immediately be lowered. No warning will be given.
-All students will be in their seats ready to play by 8:03.
-Return the band folder to the proper slot after rehearsal. Do not leave it on your stand.
-Students will sit up straight on the edge of the chair as slouching creates improper tone production.
-Musicians will not start playing their instrument at the beginning of rehearsal. Warming up will be done as a group. All brass players are expected to buzz on their mouthpiece before downbeat.Percussionists will not play their instruments until told to do so.
-Students will actively participate without interrupting their peers or talking out of turn. If you have a question, you will raise your hand without shouting out.
-Students are allowed to talk quietly but only when given permission.
-Students will keep a pencil in their school music folder for rehearsal.
-Students are expected to mark any areas of concern in their music, as well as transfer those markings into your home music sheets.
-When dismissed, students will keep the chairs and stands in an orderly fashion.
-School owned instruments are to be properly stored, with cases fully latched after usage.
-Percussion instruments are ONLY to be used or touched by percussionists.
-No “swapping” of instruments for “fun”.
-The piano in the band room is not to be touched at any time.
-Any use of foul language will have severe consequences.
-The Dignity Act will apply for all students while in the music suite.
-Home copies of music are not to be left or kept in the school band folder.
-Your instrument must be labeled with your name.
Lancaster Middle School – Mr. Seymour
Attendance Policy/Grading
Lesson Attendance
Attendance at lessons each week are a required part of this course. Lessons will be rotated throughout each week so that you do not miss the same class repeatedly.
If you have a test or important review that you need to complete, missing a lesson is allowed, ONLY IF the student asks Mr. Seymour for permission and then arranges a make-up lesson. If you do not see Mr. Seymour within one week of any missed lesson, the student will receive a 50% for that lesson. Assemblies, field trips, sick absences, family vacations and other special circumstances determined by Mr. Seymour are acceptable excuses for missing lessons. In these cases the student is not required to schedule a make-up lesson and that week will not factor into your grade.
*Please know that I understand the importance of attending your regular classes. If you are struggling in a specific subject and are concerned about missing that class, please let me know so I can work with you to make your schedule less stressful for you.
Concert Attendance
As a member of this music ensemble, you are an integral part of the final musical product that we work so hard to prepare. We are not a group of individuals, we are a unit that plays and performs together. If you receive a bad math grade, it does not have an impact on your classmates. However, when a member is missing from a performance, the entire group suffers from that absence. If you must miss a concert due to a family vacation, please notify Mr. Seymour at LEAST 1 MONTH in advance of this absence. Therefore, grading will be determined by 3 different scenarios.
1)Attending and performing in concert properly dressed with proper etiquette. – 100%
2)Not attending concert and completing music project – 90%
3)Not attending concert and not completing music project – 50%
A concert is the music version of a unit exam, or final for a course. Therefore your concert grade will be 25% of your current semester average. Please remember that your band grade does average in to your final overall average. This is different from William Street School policy.
*This is simple - If you attend all of your lessons and concerts, you will have a very rewarding average that will only help your overall average.
What will be graded? How much is each assignment worth?
10%- Scale Grade
20%- Concert Grade/Solo Preparation/Vocabulary Test/Rhythmic Dictation
50%- Lesson Attendance/Participation
10%- Rehearsal Grade
10%- Home Folder Completion
Scale Grade
All 12 Major Scales must be memorized and performed by the week of Jan 2, 2017
Minor Scales and usage in music will be discussed and tested in the 3rd and 4th quarters.
Concert Grade / Solo Preparation / Vocabulary Test
Each marking period you will be marked either on a concert, solo performance, or vocabulary test. The vocabulary test will be given at the end of the first marking period. The third marking period will be a solo chosen with Mr. Seymour and performed in a lesson. The second and fourth marking periods will have concerts included in your average. See Concert Attendance for more details.
Lesson Attendance/Participation
Students are required to attend all scheduled lessons. See Lesson Attendance for more details. Lesson participation will be based on your practice habits, as well as preparedness with ensemble music and other assignments given. Attending a lesson, students will receive a grade of 96%. Showing an agenda signed with practice time will give the students a 100% for that lesson. Submitting ANY practice minutes from home with a parents signature (even on a piece of scrap paper) will add points to your average.
Rehearsal Grade
Being a member of an ensemble takes great responsibility and respect for oneself and one another as musicians. Being an active member contributes greatly to the overall experience and success of the ensemble and performances. This portion of your grade will be based on how much you contribute to the rehearsal as an individual musician and as a member of one unit of students trying to achieve a common goal.
Home Folder Grade
In mid-October, students will receive a grade for showing a home folder filled with completed forms, music and lesson materials. Folders turned in with all required papers will receive full credit.
Lancaster Middle School Wind Ensemble
2016-2017 Performances/Festivals
*Red indicates updates as of 10/25/17*
October 31-Nov 2 – Celebration and Song TESTING
November 3-4- NYSSMA Area All-State Musicians ONLY- Festival/Concert-
Rehearsals on Friday PM and Saturday AM. Concerts in the afternoon at Akron HS.
More info. TBA
November 7-9 – Magic Slides TESTING
November 14-16 – Wildcat Valley Fanfare TESTING
November 19 - Dress Rehearsal for Guest Artist Concert LMS – 6pm
November 20 – Guest Artist Concert with LHS bands. Concert at LMS – 7pm
November 30 - Holiday Concert – 7pm LMS (arrive at 6:25)
December 8 – 1st Semester Evening Rehearsal – Dinner Served 5:30-8:00
January 13, 2018 – ECMEA Solo Festival Auditions– Orchard Park MS
March 9-10, 2018 – ECMEA All County Festival - Performance – Location TBA
May 1, 2018 – Spring Concert Performance –7pm LMS (arrive at 6:25)
May 4, 2018 – NYSSMA Ensemble Evaluation – Lancaster Middle School (Hosting)
May 19, 2018– Springville Pageant of Bands Wind Ensemble Evaluation –
Springville-Griffith H.S.
June 5, 2018 – CD Recording Session- 2:30-5:30
June 6, 2018 – Finale Concert 7pm at LMS
Concert Dress- All members MUST wear black pants and black shoes. Girls may wear dress shoes.
Students will be given a black uniform shirt when they arrive. They should come to the concert evening with a red t-shirt on, which they will have underneath their black dress shirt for the concert.
All shoes must also be black.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me anytime, or e-mail.