Syllabus – Summer 2016 (Session B Online)
Instructor:Dave HeckmanSection:
Office: ECA 213
Office Hours: See website
Office Phone:(480) 965 - 0267Website:
E-mail: (All emails must come from your ASU email account.)
Course Description: Differential and integral calculus of elementary functions. Emphasizes applications to the life sciences. Not open to students with credit in MAT 210, 265, or 270.
3 credits, fulfills university general studies MA requirement.
Pre-requisites: MAT 170 with C or better or completed the ALEKS Calculus Placement Exam with a score of 60% or higher or the Calculus Placement Exam with a score 36 or higher.
Textbook (Optional): Bittinger, Marvin L., Neal Brand & John Quintanilla, Calculus for the Life Sciences, Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education, Boston, 2006. ISBN 0-558-37131-0
(Note: An e-book may be included with access to the MyMathLab homework system.)
Graphing Calculator: A graphing calculator is required for this course.Examples of highly recommended models are the TI 83/84 or TI n-spire (NOT the n-spire CAS) or Casio 9850GB Plus. Calculators with QWERTY keyboards or those that do symbolic algebra, such at the Casio FX2, Casio 9970Gs,TI-89, TI N-spire CAS, or TI-92 may notbe used during an exam.
Distribution:Exam 120%
Exam 220%
Exam 3 20%
Quiz Average20%
Homework (MyMathLab)20%
Grading Scale: 97 – 100% A+, 93 – 96.9% A, 90 – 92.9% A-, 87 – 89.9% B+, 83 – 86.9% B,
80 – 82.9% B-, 77 – 79.9% C+, 70 – 76.9% C, 60 – 69.9% D, 0 – 59.9% E
Staying on Track and Scheduling Your Time: You are expected to stay on keep up with the following course schedule. You will notice that there are often small "grace periods" included between the due dates on the syllabus and the deadlines on MyMathLab, but if you do not have material finished by the due dates, then you are considered to be behind schedule. You are encouraged to work ahead, but there will be no extensions.
You may work ahead on the homework and quizzes, but the exams must be taken as scheduled.
Note: This is a condensed calculus class, and may take 3 or more hours of your time daily.
Course Schedule and Deadlines:
Sections / Material DueDates EmergencyDeadlines
Assignment 1 - Limits Numerically and Graphically7/17/6
Assignment 2 - Algebraic Limits and Continuity7/27/7
Quiz 1 (75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)7/37/7
Assignment 3 - Average Rate of Change, Diff Quot, Def of Deriv7/5 7/8
Quiz 2 (75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)7/5 7/9
Assignment 4 - Derivatives – Formulas and Application7/67/9
Assignment 5 - Product and Quotient Rules with Trig7/7 7/10
Assignment 6 - Chain Rule7/8 7/11
Assignment 7 - Higher Order Derivatives7/97/12
Quiz 3 (75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)7/10 7/13
Quiz 4R (75 minute limit, unlimited attempts before deadline)7/117/14
Exam 1 is to be taken on 7/15 (7/16only on emergency. Student must email the instructor with valid reason prior to taking the exam on 7/16.) All exams should be scheduled with ProctorU at least 72 hours in advance.
Assignment 8 - First Derivative Test and Extrema7/137/16
Assignment 9 - Concavity and Second Derivative Test 7/147/17
Assignment 10 - Absolute Extrema and Extreme Value Thm7/157/18
Quiz 5 (75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)7/167/19
Assignment 11 - Optimization7/177/20
Assignment 12 - Implicit Diff and Related Rates7/187/21
Quiz 6 (75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)7/197/22
Assignment 13 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Base e)7/207/23
Assignment 14 - Exponential Growth7/217/24
Assignment 15 - Exponential Decay7/227/25
Assignment 16 - Derivatives of Other Exp and Log Functions7/237/26
Quiz 7 (75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)7/247/27
Quiz 8R (75 minute limit, unlimited attempts before deadline)7/257/28
Exam 2is to be taken on 7/28 (7/29 only on emergency. Student must email the instructor with valid reason prior to taking the exam on 7/29.) All exams should be scheduled with ProctorU at least 72 hours in advance.
Assignment 17 - Basic Integrals7/298/1
Assignment 18 - Approximating Definite Integrals7/30 8/2
Assignment 19 - Fundamental Theorem of Calculus8/18/3
Quiz 9(75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)8/2 8/4
Assignment 20 - Area Between Curves and Average Value8/38/5
Assignment 21 - Substitution Method8/48/6
Assignment 22 - Integration by Parts8/5 8/7
Quiz 10(75 minute time limit, 2 attempts)8/6 8/8
Quiz 11R (75 minute limit, unlimited attempts before deadline)8/7 8/8
Exam 3is to be taken on 8/8 (8/9 only on emergency. Student must email the instructor with valid reason prior to taking the exam on 8/9.) All exams should be scheduled with ProctorU at least 72 hours in advance.
Withdrawal: A student may withdraw from a course with a grade of W during the withdrawal period. The instructor'ssignature is not required. The course withdrawal deadline for the Summer B 2016 term is July 19th. The complete session withdrawal deadline is August 9th.
The grade of Incomplete: A grade of incomplete will be awarded only in the event that a documented emergency or illness prevents the student who is doing acceptable work from completing a small percentage of the course requirements. The guidelines in the current general ASU catalog regarding a grade of incomplete will be strictly followed.
Instructor-Initiated Drop: At the instructor's discretion, any student who has not attended class during the first week of classes may be administratively dropped from the course. (In our case, students that have not completed any work during the first week may be dropped) However, students should be aware that non-attendance will NOT automatically result in their being dropped from the course. Thus, a student should not assume they are no longer registered for a course simply because they did not attend class during the first week. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of their registration status.
Homework and Quizzes:
- Homework will be submitted online via the internet using the online homework system MyMathLab.
It can be either your own computer or one in any of the ASU computer labs.
- To log onto MyMathLab, go to or
You will need 3 items to register for MyMathLab:
1. Course ID – heckman99548
2. Valid access code (from text book or online registration)
3. Valid email address (Please use your ASU address)
Students Resources on Campus:
- Tutor Center: The Math Tutor Center (free of charge) in PSA 116 (Tempe).
Check the website for availability:
Come in for help before it is too late, and several days before an exam day to strengthen your preparation. In order to be admitted to the Tutor Center each student must present their valid ASU Sun Card.
- ASU Learning Support Services (LSS): Learning Support Services uses a peer-assisted model to provide academic support and learning opportunities that foster students’ academic, personal, and professional success. LSS staff members are professionally trained to assist peers inachieving academic success.Check the website for availability:
Disability Accommodations: If you have a disability that needs accommodating, please report this privately to the instructorby the end of the first week of class. You should also contact the Disability Resource Center at (480) 965 – 1234 (voice) or (480) 965 – 9000 (TTY). All efforts will be made to ensure you have equal opportunity to succeed in the course.
Note: This syllabus is tentative and should not be considered definitive. The instructor reserves the right to modify it to meet the needs of the class. It is the student responsibility to attend class regularly andto make note of any change. The Instructor also reserves the right to create class policies in regards to homework due date, late assignments, etc. Any changes will noted via email.
Exams: You will take three exams during the semester. Each exam may consist of a mixture of Multiple Choice, Matching, Short Answer, and/or Free Response questions. The exams will be administered online using MyMathLab, and will be proctored through ProctorU. Each exam has a 120 minute time limit. The best possible preparation of them is regular attendance/participation and completion of assigned homework. The only tools permitted for use during the exams are a pencil, scratch paper, and an approved calculator.
Quizzes: There are 8 quizzes and 3 review quizzes. The 8 quizzes have a 75 minute time limit. They are not proctored, so you may use your notes or any other tools. You will have two attempts per quiz. The 3 review quizzes also have a 75 minute time limit. They are not proctored either, but there is no limit on the number of attempts for the review quizzes (until the deadlines).
Proctoring: Students must register and schedule with ProctorU ( to take their exam(s) on their own computer any time before the exam deadline(s). No fee is involved for this service unless you register late or change your appointment time too late. A working web cam is required. Exam times should be scheduled individually with ProctorU at least 72 hours in advance. Please see their website for details.