SYLLABUS OF CLASS Vth (Session 2017-18)
Pre-Mid Examination
Subject:- English
- Literature Portion
1)Daffodils 2) Meet the March Family 3) Going For Water
4)A New Arrival 5) The Man Who Drew Faces
- Grammar Portion
1)Sentence 2) Articles 3) Nouns 4) Pronouns 5) Adjectives
- Writing Skill
1)Notice 2) Transfer Certificate
- Activity
Write a summary of the story Daffodils and make Synonyms of the Poem.
Mid-Term Examination
- Literature Portion
6) Mr. Perk’s Birthday 7) The Storm 8) A Green Cornfield 9) A Voyage to Lilliput 10) Vocation
Revision Lesson:-1, 2 & 3
- Grammar Portion
6)Verbs- Present Tense 7) Verbs- Past Tense 8) Verbs- Future Tense 9) Adverb
10) Preposition 11) Conjunctions 12) Direct & Indirect Speech
Revision:-2, 3 & 5
- Writing Skill
1)Leave Application for 3 days 2) Sister Marriage Leave Application
- Activity
Write a summary of Vocation.
Post-Mid Examination
- Literature Portion
11)Meet Tom Sawyer 12) Abraham Lincoln’s Hat 13) David Copper Field Goes To School 14) Leisure
Revision:-4, 5, 7 & 9
- Grammar Portion
13) Modals Verb 14) Prefixes & Suffixes 15) Words on Food & Eating
16) Words on Hobbies & Interests 17) Words on Travel & Tourism
Revision:-9,10 & 11
- Writing Skill
Letter Book Issuing by librarian
- Activity
Write a Character of Abraham Lincoln.
Final Examination
- Literature Portion
15) Robin Becomes an Outlaw
Revision:-2,4,7,9,11,12 & 14
- Grammar Portion
18) Paragraph Writing 19) Dialogue Writing
Revision:-4, 8, 10, 11, 12 & 13
- Writing Skill
Essay on Teacher, My Self, My Best Friends, 15th August, Republic Day
- Activity
Write the summarise the Chap in your own words.
Subject:- S.St
Pre-Mid Examination
- Required Lesson
1)Our Earth Continent and Ocean 2) The Imaginary Lines Latitudes and longitudes
3) Movement of Earth –Their Effect 4) Temperature zones Of World
5) The Equatorial Forest 6) The Hot Desert
7) The Temperature Zones
- Activity/ Project
Draw the revolution of the earth around the Sun causes seasons.
Make a diagram showing the position of the Earth during summer solstice.
Collect pictures of the different kinds of louses found in a desert and paste them on a chart paper.
Note:-Revision all Chapter for Examination.
Mid-Term Examination
- Required Lesson
8) The Frigid Zone 9) Our Environment
10) Pollution 11) How to conserve our environment
12) Communication and Modern Techniques 13) Natural Disasters
14) Coming of British
- Activity/ Project
Make a project on the various means of modern communication.
Draw a Volcano and its different parts.
Make a collage using the pictures of the leaders of Indian National Congress.
- Note:-Revision all Chapter for Examination.
Post- Mid Examination
- Required Lesson
15) Heritage 16) The Freedom Struggle –The Gandhi an phase
17) We are Proud of them 18) Religious and Social Reformers
19) The Indian Government
- Activity/ Project
Make a picture Chart of fundamental duties.
Draw the picture of a poster on Earth day and the UN symbol
Collect pictures of various leaders and paste them on a chart paper and label them.
- Note:-Revision all Chapter for Examination.
Final Examination
- Required Lesson
20) Our Rights and Duties
21) The United Nation
22) Universally Celebrated Days
=> Required Model Test Paper I, II and III.
- Activity/ Project
Make a picture chart of Fundamental Duties.
Draw the picture of a poster on Earth day and the UN symbol.
- Note:-Revision all Chapter for Examination.
Subject:- G.K
Pre-Mid Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 1 to 19 all
- Extra Question
Full Form
Famous Indian and their Nicknames
Record Makers In India
Cabinet Ministers of India
Mid-Term Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 20 to 29 all
- Extra Question
The IT World
Sacred Spots
Indian Artists
- Revision lesson
Lesson- 3, 5, 7, 10 & 13
Post MidExamination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 30 to 43 all
- Extra Question
World’s Day
Sobriquets Name
Books and Their Authors
Indian Railways
Ministers of States
- Revision lesson
Lesson- 20, 23 & 25
Final Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 44 to 48 all
- Extra Question
Current Affairs
Sobriquets Name
Indian Railways
Famous Indian and their Nicknames
Sacred Spots
- Note:-Revision All Chapter
Pre-Mid Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 1 to 7 all
- Revision Lesson
Unit 1
- Activity/ Project
Write some rules of Roman numerals on chart paper.
Mid-Term Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 8 to 14 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson-2, 3 & 5
- Activity/ Project
Write counting number from 101 to 200 and indicate Even number with Red and Prime number with green colour on chart paper.
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 15 to 18 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson-6, 7, 9 & 12
- Activity/ Project
Write different Kinds of Numbers on chart paper.
Draw the following on Chart Paper
a)90° b) 105° c) 75° d) 120° e) 150°
Final Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 19 & 20 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson- 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16 & 17
- Activity/ Project
Draw the figure of Circle, Rectangle, Square, and Triangle and write their formulas in front of these on a white chart paper.
Pre-Mid Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 1 to 5 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson-1 to 5 all
- Activity/Project
Make a figure germination of seed.
Make different types of houses.
Make a first Aid Kit
Mid-Term Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 6 to 9 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson-2, 4 & 5 all
- Activity/Project
Paste the picture of rice growing field.
Collect sth that are made up of rocks and metals.
Paste the Skelton System and write their organs.
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 10 to 13 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson-3, 8 & 9 all
- Activity/Project
Draw or Paste the nervous system and parts of the Brain.
Draw the figure of different types Lever.
Final Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 14 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson-1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, & 13 all
- Activity/Project
Paste some picture of Natural disasters.
Draw the following Pictures—
1)Crescent Moon 2) Half Moon 3) Full Moon
Pre-Mid Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 1 to 3 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson- 1 to 3 all
- Lab Activity
Collect information about the history of Windows, Their versions and launching years.
Note down the configuration of Lab computer File management using my Computer.
Mid-Term Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 4 to 6 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson- 1 all
- Lab Activity
Have a discussion about How to create an attractive Presentation?
Design advertisement for summer camp; create a presentation on Independence Day function of your School.
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 7 & 8 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson- 2 & 5 all
- Lab Activity
Make a project report on e-mail and its history.
Create an e-mail account. Create a moving object in flash.
Final Examination
- Required Lesson
Lesson- 9 all
- Revision Lesson
Lesson- 1, 3, 4 & 7 all
- Lab Activity
Draw two flow chart with their algorithm.
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03-gksugkj fc[kku ds gksrtwurd
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11-cqyanHkkjrdhubZrLohj ¼ys[k½10% Syllabus
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