University Of Kashmir
South Campus
Syllabus MBA Choice based credit system Generic/Open courses
S.No / Generic Electives / Title / Credits1 / MBA-15110-GE-SC / Personal Brand Management / 02
2 / MBA-15111-GE-SC / Fundamentals of Management / 02
3 / MBA-15112-GE-SC / Financial Statement Analysis / 02
Open Courses
S.N / Open Electives / Title / Credits1 / MBA -15117-OE-SC / Soft Skills Development / 02
2 / MBA -15118-OE-SC / Personality Effectiveness and Self Leadership / 02
3 / MBA- 15119-OE-SC / Economic Environment / 02
4 / MBA -15120-OE-SC / Stock market operations / 02
Academic Coordinator
Course Name: Personal Brand Management Cont.Assessment:10
Course Code: MBA15121GE (SCU) Term End Exam: 40
Ist Semester Min Pass Marks: 40%
Credits: 2
Course objective:
This course introduces students from multiple disciplines to the importance of developing a personal brand in today’s hyper – competitive marketplace by engaging in a detailed self assessment process, participants have an opportunity to clarify their skill sets, values and career aspirations. They have an opportunity to focus on methods of conveying a consistent personal brand, including presentation skills, interviewing and networking skills and the use of social media.
Unit 1
Branding: Personal Branding, Importance Of Building Personal Brand, Successful Personal Brands , Ten Ks of Personal Branding ,Laws Of Personal Branding ,Authentic Personal Branding Model - Defining and formulating Personal Ambition , Defining and Formulating Personal Brand ,Formulating Personal Balanced Score Card, Implementing and Cultivating Personal Ambition ,Personal Brand And Personal Balance Score Card.
Unit 2
Social Media And Personal Branding : Setting Up And Using Twitter ,Face book and Google+ Effectively, Using LinkedIn as a Central Point for Personal Branding Online .Career Marketing Campaign: Developing Marketing Materials-Resume, 10 Sec Introduction, 30 Sec Commercial, Pitch Email. Professional Image, Online Presence, Getting Organized, Managing Campaign: Advisory Board, Networking, Brand Building and Applications.
Suggested Readings:
- Hajj E.Fleming, The Brand Yu Life: Rethinking Who You Are through Personal Brand Management, Third Generation Publishing.
- Michael Reynold, Personal Branding with Social Media,
- Hubert K. Rampersad, Authentic Personal Branding: A New Blueprint For Building And Aligning A Powerful Leadership Brand, Information Age Publishing.
- Peter Montoya and Tim Vandehey, The Personal Branding Phenomenon,Peter Montoya Incorporated.
Course name:Fundamentals of Management Cont.Assessment:10
Corse code: MBA15122GE (SCU) Term End Exam:40
MBA 1ST Semester Min.Pass Marks:40%
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basics of management and its application in business organizations.
Definition-Management-Role of managers-Evolution of Management thought- Nature and Purpose of planning-Planning process-Types of plans-Objectives-Management by Objective (MBO).
Unit II
Nature and purpose of organizing- Organization structure-Formal and informal groups-Line and staff authority- Departmentation-Span of control-Centralization and Decentralization-Delegation of authority.
- Stephen P.Robbins and Mary Coutler, “Management”, Prentice Hall of India, 8th edition.
- Charles W L Hill,Steve L McShane, “Principles of Management”, Mcgraw Hill Education, Special Indian Edition.
- Hellriegel, Slocum &Jackson, “Management-A Competency Based Approach”, Thomson South Western, 10th edition.
- Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich and Mark V Cannice, “Management”
Course Name: Soft Skills Development Cont. Assessment: 10
Course Code: MBA15123OE (SCU) Term End Exam: 40
Ist Semester (Credits: 02) Min Pass Marks: 40%
Course Objectives:
To enable the students deliver their ideas clearly, effectively and with confidence, either orally or in writing.
To help the students in developing effective reading and listening skills.
Introduction to Communication, Process of Communication, Barriers to Communication, 7 C’s of Communication.
Writing- Principles of Effective Writing, Letter Writing, Writing Curriculum Vitae, E-mail Etiquettes. Listening – Importance of Listening, Good and Bad Listening. Mind Training for Better Reading.
Speaking- Public Speaking- Tackling Hesitation, Shyness and Nervousness in Speaking.
Presentation Skills-Planning, Structure and Delivery of presentation, Effective Not Offensive or Defensive Handling of Questions, Technical Presentations – Too Much or Too Little Use of Technology. Non-Verbal Communication – Its Importance and Nuances: Facial Expression, Posture, Gesture, Eye contact, Appearance (Dress Code). Talking about One self (Interview), Group Discussions.
Suggested Readings:
Raymond V. Lesikar, John D. Pettit, Marie Elizabeth Flatley, “Lesikar's Basic Business Communication”, McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Ravi Aggarwal , “Communication Today & Tomorrow”, Sublime Publications, Jaipur.
Sasikumar.V and P.V. Dhamija, “Spoken English: A Self-Learning Guide to Conversation Practice”, Tata McGraw-Hill: New Delhi
Swets, Paul. W, “The Art of Talking So That People Will Listen: Getting Through to Family, Friends and Business Associates”, Prentice Hall Press: New York
Pease, Allan, “Body Language: How to Read Others Thoughts by their Gestures”, Sudha Publications: New Delhi
V. Syamala, “Effective English Communication for you” Emerald Publisher: Chennai
Course Name: Personal Effectiveness Cont. Assessment: 10
And Self-Leadership Minimum Pass Marks: 40
Course code: MBA151240OE (SCU) Term end Exam: 40:
MBA 1st Semester
To identify the course participant’s strengths and weaknesses as a person and a member of a group or organization.
To enhance one’s own self awareness and enable students to influence their thinking, feeling and behaviors to achieve objectives
Unit –I
Self Efficacy
Understanding your Thinking Process
Powerful Persuasion Strategies
Personality Types-Introduction to Briggs-Myers Personality Types
NLP Test
Effective Life and Time Management
Stress Management
Defining Emotional Intelligence
Emotions and the Tripartite Brain
Emotional Competencies
Measuring Emotional Intelligence
Role of Emotions at workplace
Rules for Self Leadership
7 habits of highly Effective People
Suggested Readings:
- Stephen Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, “Organizational Behaviour” Prentice Hall.
- Marcus Buckinghamand Donald O. Clifton “Now, Discover Your Strengths”, Free Press.
3.Marcus Buckingham, Go Put Your Strengths to Work: Six Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance, Simon & Schuste.
- Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Free Pres.
Course Name: Economic Environment Cont. Assessment: 10
Course code: MBA15119-OE-SC Term end Exam: 40
MBA 1st Semester Minimum Pass Marks: 40%
Credits: 2
Course objective:
The objective of this paper is to make students familiar to the basics of economics and have a proper understanding of the economic environment.
Nature and scope of economics; Introduction to Demand and Supply Consumer Equilibrium; Elasticity of Demand; Utility Analysis; Basics of Market Structures; National Income Meaning and Concept; Inflation Concept and Types;
Unemployment: Concept and Types; Balance of Payments: Disequilibrium and Adjustments; Overview of International Monetary System; Monetary and Fiscal Policies; Industrial Policies; Trade cycle
Suggested Readings
- Macro Economic theory by K.K Dewett and M.H Navalur
- Macro and micro Economics by D N Dwivedi
Course Name: Stock Market OperationsCont. Assessment: 10
Course Code: MBA15120-OE-SCTerm End Exam: 40
MBA 1st SemesterMinimum Pass Marks: 40%
Credits: 2
Course Objective: This course aims at giving a comprehensive understanding of stock market operations in terms on structure, trading and settlement procedures.
Basics of Finance. An overview of Indian Security Market, Primary Market-Role and Functions; Secondary market, Regulatory Framework for stock exchanges in India. Overview of major stock exchanges in India. Listing- Meaning and conditions of BSE and NSE , Delisting.
Unit- I I
Stock market Trading- internet Trading. Stock Market Indices- Meaning, Purpose and Conditions in developing indices, SENSEX, NIFTY. Concept and role of Mutual Funds, Classifications of mutual funds.
Suggested Readings:
- Bharati v. Pathak, The Indian Financial System, Pearson.
- Punithavathy Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
- V. A. Avadhani, Investment and Securities Market in India, Himalaya Publishing House.
- Prasanna Chandra, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
- Sanjeev Agarwal, A Guide to Indian Capital Market, Bharat Publishers.
- Ravi Puliani and Mahesh Puliani, Manual of SEBI, Bharat Publication