ColumbusCounty Health Department Scheduled Staff Meeting
304 Jefferson Street, Whiteville, NC 28472
Downstairs Conference Room
August 23, 2012 4:00 pm
Attendance: Attached Signature Sheet
Call to Order: Kim Smith
Old Business:
Kim reminded the staff of the following items:
1. Patients and guest must be escorted to where they need to go.
2. All patients must check- in at front office.
3. Dental patients will remain in front lobby until number called (front office and dental will meet to
discuss this change).
4. Must call patient by number, not name.
5. Do not use cell phone in front of patients.
6. Fourteen or fifteen employees will be at the tabletop exercise scheduled for August 24, 2012 in
Robeson County. This exercise will help staff get prepared for the full scale exercise on October 12,
New Business:
Kim gave the following update:
1. New strain of Influenza (H3N2v) viruses with genes from avian, swine and human viruses
that normally circulate in swine can sometimes infect humans. Of the 153 H3N2v cases, 152 reported
contact while attending orexhibiting swine at an agricultural fair.
2. Eleven cases of West Nile have been reported. Brandon will contact Ray at News Reporter for article
and make sure to print no cases in Columbus County has been reported.
3. Kim and Bonnie attended the ribbon cutting for the DOA new building.
4. If you are the last person to see a patient make sure the out time is put on the encounter sheet.
5. Senate Bill 438, consolidation of DSS and Health Department, is being considered in 12 counties.
Katrina told staff it was Fall Prevention Week September 22, 2012. She recommended bath mats for your bathtubs to help prevent falls.
QI: Martha gave the following update: QI 101Team went to Raleigh and attended a very informative workshop. Martha told staff the team did an excellent job presenting their AIM statement to attendees. Team has been observing in maternal health for now but will be working in other clinics as well. Alls staff need to start documenting visit times in and out to get use to the process.
Charlene told employees, she will be sending out a new 31 day sheet.
WIC had their bi-annual 3 day review, will get the report in approx. 2 weeks.
Lorraine commented that the codes for nutrition therapy visits had been removed from the encounter.
Next Meeting, September 27, 2012, 4:00pm