Syllabus for Spanish III

Fall 2017

Cottage Hill Christian Academy

Mrs. Morgan ()

Twitter: @chcaespanol

Instagram: chcaespanol


  1. BuenViaje 3 Blue textbook
  2. 2 inch three ring binder with pockets (any color)
  3. 1 pack of 5 tab dividers (Sections will be: Review, Notes, Class work/ Homework, Readings, Rubrics/Projects)
  4. Pens/pencils
  5. Highlighters (any color) (at least a 3 pack)
  6. 1 pack of glue sticks

Course Description:

This is continuation of Spanish I and Spanish II, with an emphasis on Spanish history, culture, and review. The objective of this course is to understand the history of Spanish-speaking countries through reading exercises.

Major Goals of Spanish III:

  • Reading – The student will be able to read and interpret passages in Spanish, using context clues for words they may not know.
  • Speaking – The student will mimic pronunciation modeled by the instructor or recordings. The student will create conversations with other students, and routinely use Spanish as much as possible. The student will recite memorized passages.
  • Listening – The student will listen to the instructor and recordings.
  • Writing – The student will demonstrate mastery of material through writing.


Students will utilize cell phones to look up words, but only when the instructor allows.


Tests/Projects – 55%

Quizzes – 20%

Class work/Homework – 15 %

Participation – 10%


  1. Follow all school-wide rules.
  2. Bring all appropriate materials to class and turn your assignments in on time.
  3. Be in your seat when the bell rings(bell-work will be displayed on the board or projector).
  4. Heed Colossians 3:23, which states the following: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (ESV).
  5. Respect the teacher and respect your peers. Matthew 7:12 states, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (ESV).

Academic Dishonesty:

Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. If someone cheats or plagiarizes someone else’s work, that student will be given a “0” for the assignment and their parents will be notified, along with the administration at Cottage Hill Christian Academy.

Cell-Phone/Device Policy:

Students will be assigned a number for their cell phone. At the beginning of class, students are expected to place their device in the pockets with the assigned number. On certain occasions, students will be granted permission to use their devices. Those who violate the cell phone policy will be disciplined per the measures outlined in the student handbook.

Food/Drink Policy:

Food is allowed, but area must remain clean. If any food, packaging, bottles, or any other food-related waste is found in the room, every class will lose food privileges.

Disciplinary Policy:

Violation of any of Mrs. Morgan’s policies, rules, or expectations will result in disciplinary action.

Make-Up Work:

Any make-up work will be on the left when the student walks in the room at the make-up work station. If the absence is unexcused, the student has two days to produce an excuse, otherwise he or she will receive a 0 for any missed assignments. Please read the above information and return this syllabus signed by a parent (or legal guardian) and the student taking Spanish I to indicate that you understand the class requirements.

Student (printed name) Parent or legal guardian (printed name)Date


Student's signature Parent or legal guardian's signatureDate
