Syllabus for Mr. Doran – READ 180
Welcome to the Boca Ciega High School, and welcome to my Read 180 class. Together we can produce an increase in your reading proficiency, comprehension, and fluency. This will be our goal. During the course of the school year you will be challenged to use various reading strategies to decode, comprehend, analyze, and express your thoughts and opinions as it pertains to the reading process. The Read 180 class is designed for four 20-minute sessions each day in the following stations: Whole Group Instruction, Computer Usage, Small Group instruction with the teacher, and Independent Reading. Daily objectives will be posted and practiced by each student. The areas of reading focus in the Read 180 Program are as follows:
Unit 1 - Main Ideas and details, non-fiction
Unit 2 – Sequence of events, science nonfiction, magazine and newspaper articles
Unit 3 – Story Elements, literature short story
Unit 4 – Summarizing, social studies nonfiction
Unit 5 – Problem/Solution, Life issues nonfiction
Unit 6 – Story Elements, Critiquing literature/ short story
Unit 7 – Cause and Effect, science nonfiction
Unit 8 – Compare/Contrast, social studies nonfiction
Unit 9 – Inferencing, Literature nonfiction
Imbedded within the daily assignments are activities with writing, vocabulary, listening, and fluency.
For this class, you will need only the following items:
A 2 or 3-subject notebook. This will be used daily and kept in class with your classwork organized inside.
Highlighters of any color
Pens and pencils of your own
Below are a few of my class rules and expectations. Follow them and you’ll have a successful experience in my class:
Misconduct by students is unexpected and will not be tolerated. I will give students a warning the first time, call home or write a note home to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned if there is a second offense, and give a detention after school if the note home was not returned or a referral if there are additional disruptions. Students will be given 24 hours notice to arrange for transportation if a detention is assigned. Failure to serve an assigned detention will result in a referral.
There will be zero tolerance for cell phone use, having a cell phone out or on unless directed to do so by the teacher for academic purposes, disrespect toward the teacher, bullying, cheating, or use of profanity or fighting. Students will receive a referral immediately for these infractions. Plagiarized work will result in a zero grade and possible referral for any additional instances of plagiarism. Parents are asked to supply an email address for the most efficient contact about discipline matters. My email address is at the top of this syllabus.
Dress code issues: Students are expected to arrive dressed appropriately in accordance with the guidelines for our modified dress code and the Student Code of Conduct distributed to every student. Students that are out of compliance will be sent to their administrator on a hall pass. Repeated instances of dress code issues will result in an administrative referral.
Tardy students: After the tardy bell rings, students will report to a designated area for a tardy pass. Students are to report to class with the pass in a timely manner. The administration will keep track of the number of tardies and assign consequences according to the school-wide discipline plan. Three unexcused tardies equal an absence.
Students will be given ample notice of due dates for all major assignments, and tests both in class and online via Portal. Students are able to view their assignments and grades using Portal. Total points are used at the end of every 9 weeks to determine student's final grade. Points are distributed in the following areas: daily effort and performance, classwork completed, bell work, written-response assignments, computer assignments, reading logs, tests, and quizzes.
I follow the Pinellas County grading scale in my class.
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% and lower
Students are expected to be on time to class each day, in their seat, with supplies and ready to work. (Not up and preparing but ready for bell to bell instruction)
With that being said and understood, I look forward to getting to know, assist, and empower each student through positive and productive classroom interaction.
Thank you. Mr.Doran…