Student Responsibilities

Name ______Grade _____ Date ____/____/____

Class ______Period ____ Teacher ______

Athletic or P.E. (Circle) Locker # ______Combo______

Sport (if in season)______

I.I fully understand that I am responsible for…

  1. …a suitable physical education uniform that is designed for physical education activity and separate from your daily clothes – this includes 1: lacedtied athletic shoes 2:T-shirt or long sleeved shirt that follows MGSH Student Handbook guidelines for appropriate clothing 3: Shorts or wind pants. Clothing cannot have inappropriate advertisements and must cover chest, torso and hips, no loops or zippers on pants, no sleeveless shirts, and parts of school-issued athletic uniforms are not acceptable.
  1. …the storage and care of my clothes and valuables. I will not share a locker with anyone, will have my own lock, and will use the long storage lockers only during the class hour. I understand that anything left in the long lockers overnight will be removed by the physical education teachers and locks may be cut. I will report any loss, theft, or damage to my locker as soon as possible to my instructor and/or someone in charge of the locker room. Athletic locker rooms are to be used only by athletes who arepresently in season (boys only). All girls must use the P.E. locker-room.
  1. …the security of the locker-room. To prevent thefts, the locker rooms will remain locked during class time. MGSH and the PE staff are not responsible for the loss of possessions. If a student must use the bathroom during class, he/she would go to the cafeteria bathrooms. If you come late to class, you will need to get a green pass from attendance and ask to have the locker-room unlocked to be allowed to change.
  1. …appropriate clothing during cold weather days – to bring and wear hats/caps, gloves/mittens, shoes and socks, sweats or other warm clothing as needed according to the weather conditions.
  1. …the general appearance of the locker room, strength development center, aerobic room and all gymnasiums. Iwill respectfully and appropriately use the facilities and equipment, stay off the bleachers, and report vandalism and inappropriate behaviors to my teacher immediately.

II.I understand and will abide by the following requirements:

  1. Tardy: I will be in my teacher assigned area on time or supply a written excuse for being tardy.
  1. The use of portable music players (iPods, etc.) will be allowed on certain days in Life Fitness and Strength and Conditioning classes at teacher discretion. When not being used, devices must be stored as per MGSH Policy and cannot be visible at another time during the school day. The student may also lose PE music privileges for inability to follow guidelines.


  1. I will not at anytime engage in any activity or action that is abusive, destructive, unsafe, discriminatory, or dangerous. Specifically, I understand that fighting, horseplay, or swearing is a direct violation of school rules and that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken
  1. I will report any in-class injuries to my teacher as soon as possible.
  1. I will report immediately to the locker room upon dismissal from class and will remain in the designated area until dismissed at the end of the class period. Failure to do so will result in a loss of daily points.
  1. I understand that this class is participation based and non-dress, non-participation, absenteeism, failure to bring required equipment, tardiness and skipping out will negatively affect my class status. Non-dress and non-participation days cannot be made up and will result in a loss of points.
  1. When crossing streets for class activities, students must use crosswalks and follow safety lights at all public intersections.

Such behaviors and accumulation of such behaviors will lead to:

  • Parent involvement through phone contact, mid-term progress report, written notification.
  • Student/teacher conferences.
  • Referral to the administration.

III.I fully understand the following grading and course regulations:

  1. My final grade will be determined by daily participation, written work, behavior, attitude and effort.

A92-100%B82-87%C72-77% D62-67%

A-90-91%B-80-81%C-70-71% D-60-61%

B+88-89%C+78-79%D+68-69%FBelow 60%

  1. In order to be excused from any physical education class for injury or illness, I must have a signed excuse from the nurse BEFORE coming to class. If the note is from a doctor it must state when you can return to activity or if modifications can be made to class activities.
  1. Any work I miss must be made up through teacher approved means. I understand it is my responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work with my teacher. Make-up work must be completed within five school days from the absence. Check the Phy. Ed. hallway for activity make-up times and dates. All P.E. courses follow the same make-up guidelines.
  1. I understand physical education classes may participate off school grounds in activities such as golf, cross-training, bowling, etc. I give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in physical education activities off Maple GroveSenior High School grounds.

I have received and understand the Physical Education Department

rules and regulations and I agree to abide by them during the trimester.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______