Winter 2016 Syllabus for Math 065 Fundamentals of ALGEBRA II

MATH 065 #R5 7:30 – 9:20 PM M,W Riverside Campus B 14

INSTRUCTOR: Moreland Smith

Office: HEC-301


Office phone and email: 245-7527, Bea Frederickson will take messages from 8:00 am to 4:45 pm

Office Hours: By appointment.

Prerequisites: Math 060 or appropriate placement test score

Text: Elementary & Intermediate Algebra Graphs and Models Volume 2, Fourth Edition,

Bittinger, Pearson Learning, 2012.

(If you purchase a used book, you will need to purchase web access separately.)

Tools & Supplies: Ruler with cm/inches, graph paper, notebook paper, colored pencils, three-ring notebook, Scientific Calculator or TI 83/84.

Course Description:

Fundamentals of Algebra II include the study and application of polynomials, factoring, rational expressions and equations, and inequalities (Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 9).

Expected Outcomes: / Assessment Methods:
1. Use mathematical problem solving techniques involving polynomial and rational expressions and equations. These techniques include data fitting and the use of graphical, symbolic, narrative, and tabular methods of analysis.
ILO: Expresses ideas clearly in oral, written and visual work; Locates, organizes, analyzes, and interprets data; Integrates previous and new learning, along with practical skills, and solve problems; Uses numeracy skills for interpretation, synthesis, and analysis of data. / 1. Criterion-referenced tests, quizzes for specific vocabulary, skills, concepts, and daily problem assignments.
Pre and post surveys, class homework, group work, class discussions, and instructor observation.
2. Model real world situations using quadratic and rational equations and linear inequalities.
ILO: Locates, organizes, analyzes, and interprets data; Demonstrates ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks; Integrates previous and new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. / 2. Criterion-referenced tests, quizzes for specific vocabulary, skills, concepts, and daily problem assignments.
Pre and post surveys, class homework, group work, class discussions, and instructor observation.
3. Use inductive reasoning to develop mathematical conjectures involving quadratic and rational models and linear inequalities. Use deductive reasoning to verify and apply mathematical arguments involving quadratic and rational models and linear inequalities.
ILO: Locates, organizes, analyzes, and interprets data; envisions creative approaches to issues and problems; Integrates previous and new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. / 3. Criterion-referenced tests, quizzes for specific vocabulary, skills, concepts, daily problem assignments, and in-class observations.
Pre and post surveys, class homework, group work, class discussions, and instructor observation.
4. Make mathematical connections to, and solve problems from, other disciplines that can be represented using polynomial and rational models and linear inequalities.
ILO: Internalizes and assimilates information into new situations; Locates, organizes, analyzes, and interprets data; Demonstrates ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks; Integrates previous and new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. / 4. Criterion-referenced tests, quizzes for specific vocabulary, skills, concepts, project completion and presentations.
Pre and post surveys, class homework, group work, class discussions, and instructor observation.
5. Use oral and written skills to individually and collaboratively communicate about polynomial and rational expressions and functions and linear inequalities.
ILO: Expresses ideas clearly I oral, written and visual work; Collaborates effectively to achieve course/learning goals / 5. Criterion-referenced tests, quizzes for specific vocabulary, skills, concepts, daily problem assignments, in-class observations, project completion and presentations.
Pre and post surveys, class homework, group work, class discussions, and instructor observation.
6. Use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding and to solve mathematical problems involving quadratic and rational equations and linear inequalities, and judge the reasonableness of their results.
ILO: Locates, organizes, analyzes, and interprets data; Demonstrates ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. / 6. Criterion-referenced tests, quizzes for specific vocabulary, skills, concepts, and daily problem assignments.
Pre and post surveys, class homework, group work, class discussions, and instructor observation.

Goal—Since mathematics is a language and science of patterns that is essential to citizen literacy,

all college students need mathematics as preparation for full participation in our society and the workforce.

Suggested strategies for learning algebra:

  • Discuss problem solving in small groups.
  • Write notes and examples to study from using pictures, graphs, charts, and organized lists.
  • Put difficult problems on the board or in a note to the teacher and ask questions in class.
  • Get tutoring from the Tutoring Center and/or during appointments with the teacher.
  • Read and review the text regularly.
  • Study and memorize vocabulary that relates to algebraic expressions, equations, math applications, and problem-solving techniques.
  • Memorize real number notations and basic rules of operations with reals.
  • Memorize exponential & scientific notations and basic rules of operations with exponents.

Evaluation and Grading System for Math 065:

There will be 3 or 4 in-class chapter tests and they can be cumulative. (50% of grade) There is an automatic 15% penalty for taking the test late within the week it was offered in class for any reason. After that no make-ups are allowed. Notes will not be allowed on tests.

Final exam will be a departmental cumulative knowledge exam. It will focus on the material from the course which is considered most crucial to continue on to MTH 95 or MTH 93/94. The final will be 20% of your grade and you must pass it with at least a 70% grade. Attendance is required for the final exam.


My Math Lab 10 points each (15% of grade)

On Paper from text 10 points each (10% of grade)

Quizzes on my math lab 10 points each (5% of grade)

You must earn 80% of the homework points to pass the class

Total Possible 100%

Math 65 is a letter graded course:

Grades will be calculated as follows:

Percentage of total points:

90% or greater A

80 to 89% B

70 to 79% C

60 to 69% D

Below 60% F

C is a passing grade.Otherwise, you must repeat the course.

Special NOTE:

If accident, illness, or other crisis interferes with completing the math course this quarter, it is recommended you drop the class by official withdrawal "W" by February 26 or receive a grade of F for non-completion and non-attendance. Incompletes will not be given. If 75% or more of the course work has been successfully completed, incompletes might possibly be given for a special case that is evaluated on an individual basis, but not in lieu of a poor grade.

You will be expected to attend regularly, work drill-and-practice homework exercises, complete the TESTS and participate in class. Please notify me ahead of time at 245-7527 (Bea Frederickson will take messages) or email me at if you must miss a test. Arrangements must be made with me for making up a chapter test within one week of original test date. These make-up tests will be given at mutually agreed upon location. Late tests (in-class or take-home) may be penalized 15%. Not taking the final exam will result in an F .

March 10, 2015 will be the last day to do a Make-Up Test.

Homework Instructions: If you turn in something without your name or if multiple pages are not stapled together, I will probably misplace your assignment. Do your work in an orderly fashion. Use complete sentences. Show me your thinking on the problems you complete. Mathematics is writing as much as it is calculation. All work must be written in the correct format with equations, charts, graphs or diagrams, the work done using "top-down" methodology, and the answers written in short, complete sentences for full-credit as described in the Mathematics Style Sheet (On a following page).

Graded Applications may be handed in late, but with points deducted. Partial credit will be given for incomplete Graded Homework Applications turned in on time.

Timed Tests or Quizzes cannot be made up.

Mathematics Style Sheet, Rogue Community College

For Homework, Quizzes, and Take-Home TESTS:

  • Use 8.5 x 11 lined notebook paper for exercises and ¼ inch graph paper for graphs. Spiral notebook pages with torn edges unacceptable.
  • Write on the one side of the paper in one or two columns only and staple them together in order in the upper left corner.
  • Use a #2 or HB pencil (soft and dark lead for readability) .
  • On the first page in the upper right hand corner, write the following heading: your first & last name, math course, and the assignment with section, page, and problem numbers.
  • Justify and show the means by which you arrive at your answers using equations, pictures, calculations, geometry, algebra steps, and/or technology. You will not receive full credit if your answer is not supported by work that is legible and organized.
  • Answer every part of the question … credit will be assigned for everything you are asked to do.
  • Place a box around your final answer. It won’t be graded if you do not do this!
  • Where appropriate, write your answers in complete sentences with units attached to the numerical results.
  • Basic idea is that I want your answers and their presentation in a professional and easily understandable format … make this your clearest and best work! Points will be deducted for disorganized and sloppy work.

Word problems with multi-step processes:

  1. READ and REREAD each word problem carefully.
  2. Clearly define your constants and variables using sentences.

For example, write “25 = the length of the rectangle in feet” and “x = the number of gallons of gas”, not just “x = gas”. Sometimes it is more appropriate to use charts, graphs, tables, and pictures or diagrams to define constants and variables.

  1. Justify and show the means by which you arrive at the steps and answers using equations, pictures, calculations, geometry, algebra steps, and/or technology.
  2. Write your solution in the correct format with equations, charts, graphs, or diagrams as appropriate in “top-down” steps.
  3. Write your answer in a short, complete sentence for full-credit.

Be sure to label the charts, graphs, or diagrams with proper headings, titles, and units. Answers also need to include units such as $, feet, meters, etc.

General Expectations

The Math Study Center (Tutoring Center) is available for any math students who seek help. The math and science tutors are scheduled with variable availability from 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday/Tuesday/ Thursday, Wednesday 8:30 am to 7:30pm and 8:30am-1:00pm Friday. Seek out the tutors who are providing help at the math level you need. The tutors are there to explain possible problem-solving methods and algebraic principles; they are not expected to do homework or tests for you. Due to the budgetary induced shortage of tutors, study groups in the tutoring center are highly recommended – more than one person may have the same question or you can answer each others questions. Don’t forget to read the book first.

Attendance and Responsibility: If you are not able to attend class, it is your responsibility to obtain all material missed. Each student is expected to attend regularly, take notes, ask questions in class, work in small groups as assigned, participate in activities, do drill & practice worksheets, and accept the instructor’s fiats and decisions. If there are complaints or questions about the rules, expectations, grading, or tests, please talk with me outside of class about your concerns.

Classroom Behavior: All students are expected to follow the usual academic behavior such as no talking during lectures, being in class on time, active participation in an orderly manner. Please come to class ON TIME and do not leave early unless you discreetly let the instructor know the reason. Wandering in or out of the classroom is not acceptable behavior. Common courtesy and civility prevail as stated in the RCC Student Code of Behavioral Responsibility.

Plagiarism: Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of academic dishonesty are regarded as

serious offenses. Instructors have the right to take action on any suspected acts of academic

dishonesty. Depending on the nature of the offense, serious penalties may be imposed, ranging

from loss of points to expulsion from the class or college.

Regular Study Time: Students are greatly encouraged to form study groups and work together to understand, discuss the material, and check the answers and process. Each student is expected to do their own work on the homework assignments and take-home tests, showing all steps in a “top-down” format as explained in the Mathematics Style Sheet. Please budget two hours or more each day to “practice” your math skills. A good basic math skills supplement can be found at:, r or

Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with a documented disability that may require assistance should contact the Disability Services Office for coordination of your academic accommodations. It is the responsibility of a student having a documented disability to inform the instructor of any needs for accommodation by the end of Week 1. All students are graded on the same basis in this course. Students needing help with this should contact

245-7537 at Disability Services in B-building.

Additional Information

1. Student Support Services: As situations and needs arise, please visit other student support services on campus such as the Library – extra textbooks on reserve, the Bookstore, Student ACCESS Center, Disability Support Services, Veteran’s Administration, Counseling and Career Center, Learn & Earn, Federal Work Study, Student Employment Center, Computer Labs, and Financial Aid Office.

2. Names: I probably will learn your names within the first month. (Please address me as “Moreland” or “Mr. Smith”, your choice.) Feel free to stop me on campus, see me in my office or call me if you wish to speak with me. E-mail is a great way to contact me. One-on-one meeting time helps me to learn your name, your interests, and your learning styles more quickly.

3. Student Background: Please fill out a 3x5 card with the following information: Name, phone, courses enrolled in and the times, previous math course taken and when, math background from high school and/or college, math and career goals, signature that you have received and read the syllabus and handouts the first week of classes.

4. Important Dates to Remember:

January 13 Last Day to ADD classes or drop a class without a W

February 26 Last Day to Withdraw with a W or to change to Audit

March 17 Last day of Math Class

January 18 Martin Luther King Day

February 15 President’s Day

Spring Break March 18 – March 27

5. Electronic Devices

Cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices are not appropriate in the classroom. Use of these devices in class are disrespectful of everyone in the class. The instructor reserves the right to make exceptions on a limited basis, for specific unique reasons.


In the event of inclement weather, students should go to either the

College’s website or dial 245-7500 or 956-7500 for the most

current closure information. The college has up-to-the-minute direct control

over these two sources; local radio and TV stations are also given all our

updates, but sometimes the addition of new material takes 20-30 minutes.

  1. Smoking Restrictions (Board policy):

Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Rogue Community College except in

designated areas. For more information go to