SYLLABUS FOR ENGLISH/READING 11 / Reader’s Choice Workshop


In this course, students will develop their skills in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will study literature, read and analyze novels, short stories, poems, and essays. The writing process is taught and students will write a formal academic compare and contrast essay. Basic grammar concepts and writing mechanics will be taught using an integrated approach while studying literature and writing. Students will work to increase critical thinking skills by questioning the world around them, as well as the works that they will be studying in this curriculum. There will be structure, and also opportunities for creativity. Comprehension and critical reading skills will be emphasized and students will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction choice novels.


  • Writing Skills: Grammar, usage and mechanics, compare and contrast essay, literature analysis essay
  • Critical Reading Skills: Literature comprehension, inferential comprehension, vocabulary, main idea, and critical thinking
  • Literature: Students will self-select culturally relevant fiction and non-fiction novels


  • To increase reading comprehension skills, and to develop confidence as a reader to approach different texts.
  • To develop note-taking, listening, organizational, and other necessary skills.
  • To sharpen grammar, punctuation, and usage skills.
  • To develop confidence as a reader and a writer.
  • To create polished written works through prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • To increase understanding and enjoyment of literature.


  • Composition Notebook: Due Friday of the first week.
  • Fully-Charged IPad expected daily. All CORE assignments will be completed on the IPad


Excused Absences: Students are allowed one week for every absence. All make- up work needs to be placed in the make-up basket.

Calendars are a considered a contract. If students are absent the day before a posted assignment or quiz, they should be prepared to hand in that assignment or to take the quiz on the day it is scheduled. Being absent will not excuse students for posted reading check quizzes or scheduled reading due dates/expectations. Check Schoology for the daily agenda and any missed work. Any formative assignments due on the day you were absent will be collected the day you return. Any summative test missed due to an absence will be expected to be taken the day you return. For example if students missed a book test on a Wednesday due to an absence, they will be expected to take the test on day they return.


The use of any work belonging to someone else, or work you have handed in previously, without proper referencing and citations is considered plagiarism. The penalty for plagiarism is a discipline referral as well as a grade of zero for that assignment. An alternate assignment will be allowed.


You will be evaluated throughout the trimester based on your ability to write in a variety of forms, to convey and listen for information orally, and to read for information. Making mistakes is all part of the process, so your final grade will be based on your ability to fully meet the above criteria at the end of the trimester. See the grid on the next for how students will be graded both for formative work (20%) and summative work (80%). Retakes opportunities are given for all summative assignments for this course.


A = 3.51-4.0B+ = 2.84-2.99C+ = 2.34-2.49D+ = 1.84-1.99F = 0-1.49

A- = 3.00-3.5B = 2.67-2.83C = 2.17-2.33D = 1.67-1.83

B- = 2.5-2.66C- = 2.00-2.16D- = 1.5-1.66


Students are expected to be responsible, respectful and resourseful. Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared with assignments ready. Studentsare expected to be respectful to other students, the classroom environment, the instructor and themselves. Finally, students are expected to use resouses provided and seek help from the instructor when needed.


Technology in the classroom is only used for learning. Cellphone– Cellphones are not allowed in this classroom. They should be turned off and put away upon entrance to the room.

Grade / Students will:
4 Excellent
Extended /  Read and comprehend 9 or more books
 Student read 315,000 or more words (35,000 words per book)
 Average Book Lexile is no lower than 200 of student lexile.
 Student read at least 3 different genres
 Student read one non-fiction book
3 Proficient
Accurate /  Read and comprehend 8 books
 Student read 240,000 – 315,000 words
 Average Book Lexile is no lower than 200 of student lexile.
 Student read at least 3 different genres
 Student read one non-fiction book
2 Basic
Inconsistent /  Read and comprehend 6- 7 books
 Student read 210,000-239,000 words
 Average Book Lexile is no lower than 200 of student lexile.
 Student read at least 2 different genres
 Student read one non-fiction book
1.5 Partial
Inconsistent /  Read and comprehend 5 books
 Student read 190,000-209,000 words
 Average Book Lexile is no lower than 200 of student lexile.
 Student read at least 2 different genres
 Student read one non-fiction book
*1 Limited
*Student must receive at least a 1 for this grade to pass the class. /  Student read 4 books
 Student read 100,000-179,000words
 Student must read at least