DraftMinutes - CCA General MembersMeeting – Wednesday Sept 21/16
1.Approval of Agenda It was moved byRick Lane, seconded by Erica Kissthat the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried.
2.Approval of Minutes – March General Members meeting. It was moved by Micheline Lane, seconded by Matt Rankin,that the January minutes be approved as presented. Carried.
3. President’s Update– Cameron Ketchum
* The members of the 2016/17 board were introduced. Cameron highlighted the priorities for the coming year. He introduced Chris who is redesigning the web site. He mentioned the bylaw review that Anna du Vent is working on. He spoke about the need for volunteers to increase the capacity of the Association to serve the community.
* Cam reported that the city had considered the bike park proposal at committee. The Sens foundation is installing a rink next to the community centre. The CCA has applied for funding for a 2017 civic event. A meeting is being held on Thursday, Sept 22 at the Alexander CC to discuss the mountain bike proposal.
4. Finance Update
David Hoey reported that the board has put a priority on budgeting and financial reporting improvements. This year, for example, membership revenues are up. It is intended to capture as many in-kind contributions as possible from events and activities. Family Fun Day was completely funded by sponsorships. This can free up ongoing revenues for new activities.
Linda Dodd stated that the CCA account balance as of Sept 21 is 7,012.50. A donation was received in July of 149.93 which is a donation for Trips for Kids. Frequently items are expensed which are later covered by a donation.
5. Councilor’s Report – Riley Brockington reported on the Carlington Hill mountain bike discussion, the hospital site review, city budget consultations, parking in North Carlington, the new marijuana dispensary on Laperriere, 1110 Fisher Aveconstruction which is starting in the spring, school zone safety, the Sens rink (possible ground-breaking Oct 14), the Alexander park dead tree which is being removed, the Baseline transit study (Oct 5 consultation) and upcoming important dates.
* A safe injection site is not coming to the CCHC right away. They will be looking at the Sandy Hill experience and will engage in significant consultation before any such activity is considered.
* OC Transpo will be holding themed info sessions for twelve months prior to the opening of the new LRT.
6.CCA Directors Reports
a) Development Committee- Robert Brinker, Committee Chair, discussed the Westgatedraft secondary plan from RioCan. This plan will involve a lot of work as the city and the community responds. 1183 apartments are proposed. Community benefits must be provided such as parkland and community centres (although there sometimes exceptions).
Thursday Sept 22 is the open house for thenew hospital project. He said that the coach house rules are almost complete and have ignored the CCA input. Planning primer meetings are being held by the city. Closure of the 417 on-ramp is being discussed by the province but there have been np updates recently.
b) Outreach/Sponsorship - Charity Bartlett, Vice-President, said that a needs assessment is being done for the Alexander Community Centre. On September 28th, the results will be presented at the CC.
Charity has been working to create links with people who are living in community housing and areas that are underrepresented in our community association. Volunteers are needed to help with this process.
d) Greening– Cathy Younger-Lewissaid that this committee has been run by one person, Ted Radstake, along with volunteers. Three activities dominate the work of this committee – adopt a park (Alexander) with spring and fall clean-ups (this coming Saturday), the Merivale triangle garden (spring and fall clean-ups) and the Yard and Plant sale.
e) Communications– Cathy Younger-Lewis said that there is an E-newsletter which she produces. A clean-up of the mailing list is needed. A print newsletter has also been circulated in the past using volunteers or Canada Post.
e) Bylaw review – Anna du Vent asked for volunteers to assist in the bylaw review.
f) Activities committee – Anna proposed a committee to increase community activities. For example, the mini-library can be restocked. Other suggestions – a Running club; Caroling at Christmas; a Book club.
8.Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at the call of the chair at 8:45 pm.