Syllabus: English I – Introduction to Literary Genre

Fall 2013

Mrs. Shaffer – room 215

Necessary materials:

3 ring binder (1” okay)

Notebook paper

Blue or black pens and sharpened pencils

Highlighters (at least two colors would be handy)

Flash drive

Bound composition notebook (not a spiral notebook). This is not on the standard supply list, so I will have some plain bound composition books to distribute. If you would like a notebook with a fancier cover, please purchase your own. This will be your Writer’s Journal, and you will carry it around with you.

Course Description: In English I, you will spend your time learning about the concept of genre, and characteristics of various literary genres. While we focus on literary texts, we will also explore genre in other forms, such as film, music, etc., and explore similarities and differences between them. This course lays the groundwork for later English courses by focusing on text structure and literary devices.

To facilitate this study, we will focus also on building vocabulary, understanding literary terms, reading for comprehension, and on writing within the genres.

The genres we will study include:

Epic Poetry - using The Odyssey

The Novel – using To Kill A Mockingbird

Drama – using Romeo and Juliet

We will also read various short stories, poems, and historical documents this semester that enhance our understanding of the literary terms we study.

Most of our reading will come from the following textbook:

Prentice Hall Literature: Grade Nine

Other texts will be available for checkout from the library as needed

Your final grade will be cumulative and based on the following:

Unit quizzes and tests: 20%

Writer’s Journal10%

Portfolio papers (a Narrative Essay, a Persuasive Essay, and/or a Research Paper)15%

Literary Project10%

Class participation and disposition10%

Midterm test10%

End of Course Final25%

1)Weekly vocabulary and grammar quizzes will help prepare students for future testing including SATs

2)Homework assignments must be turned in at beginning of class on the day they are due.

3)The portfolio papers will be uploaded to to check for plagiarism. They will also be loaded into the student’s portfolio in Evernote.

3)Students will journal to promote fluency and creative writing skills.

4)TheLiterary Project will be one of several options, depending on the semester. We may have a Task Based Project (such as becoming a travel agent for the destinations in The Odyssey, and pitching your team’s presentation to an audience that decides which travel package they will “purchase”) or a Multi-Genre Project (the MGP is a collection of works around a central topic. Each student will pick an approved topic to research, and create pieces in genres such as poetry, short fiction, alternate endings, recipes, and maps all relating to that topic).

What does class participation and disposition mean? Class participation means you are here, on time, have read the text, and participate positively. By disposition, I mean your attitude in class and how well you follow the behavior contract. I expect you to bring your class materials each day, to complete your assignments, and to respect your peers. In order to get full credit in this category, DO NOT bringunauthorized electronic devices in class. If phones, etc., are visible, they will likely be confiscated and only returned after class.

I will try to offer alternate forms of texts for any students that need them, and I am always willing to offer help if you need it. Feel free to email me for extra help, but do not use me not getting back to you the same night as an excuse for late work.

I will post daily homework and project information on my class website:

(choose the English I link)

I use the standard grading scale:

A – 100-93

B – 92-85

C – 84-77

D – 76-70

F - 69 and below