PAMPI Social Media SOP


The purpose of this document is to outline the standard operating procedure for the Philadelphia Area Chapter of Meeting Professional International’s communications-related committees, specifically the Website & Social Media Committee. This SOP should be reviewed with each committee member during their on-boarding process to Communications and W&SM. The Committee Chair/Co-Chairs will be responsible for updating and maintaining this document, as the Chapter’s social media footprint continues to evolve.

Roles and Responsibilities

Committee Chair/Co-Chairs: Responsible for overseeing and delegating tasks to the Website & Social Media Committee as needed. The Committee Chair & Vice Chair/Co-Chairs are to work as a team, dividing tasks and collaborating on special projects or campaigns for the Chapter. Committee Chair/Co-Chairs are the voice of the Chapter, and are responsible for educating committee members on how to properly represent PAMPI via social media.

Website & Social Media Committee Members: Responsible for communicating all Chapter and Headquarter-related news through PAMPI’s various social media accounts, either via schedule or on an ad hoc basis by request of the Committee Chair/Co-Chairs. Committee members are to remain actively engaged with PAMPI through the Chapter and their personal social media accounts, encouraging other members to engage in conversation regarding industry-related topics.

Social Media Outlets

Twitter: The Committee Chair/Co-Chairs will direct all messages related to promotional campaigns through the Twitter handle @PhiladelphiaMPI. Additionally, all hashtags specific to a campaign should be cleared with each respective committee the campaign is being launched for prior to implementation. PAMPI Website & Social Media Committee members with social media accounts indicating their involvement with MPI in their personal description should keep their account somewhat industry-related, with emphasis on noting that “thoughts and opinions are their own.” Committee members may be given weekly conversation topics to engage in specific to current campaigns or happenings within the Chapter. Committee members should be able to focus their time on Twitter by engaging in authentic conversations with business professionals. Monthly, PAMPI Communication Committee members should remind followers to follow @PhiladelphiaMPI to receive the latest breaking Chapter as well as MPI-HQ offers/news.

LinkedIn: When developing promotional campaigns that integrate social media, Committee members are charged with developing the key conversations and messages that will be placed in LinkedIn. To maintain conversation authenticity, individuals from the appropriate PAMPI Committee (Membership, Sponsorship, Education, etc.) should post and monitor discussions within LinkedIn. In order to drive interest and participation in LinkedIn conversations, team members should notify the Website & Social Media team when a conversation picks up so that it can be cross-promoted in Twitter or Facebook.

Facebook: The Committee Chair/Co-Chairs will direct all announcements related to promotional campaigns on the official PAMPI Facebook page. Committee members are encouraged to start and engage in conversations under postings as they have time to. It is the responsibility of each Committee member/Committee that requests a posting on Facebook to monitor the responses to that posting to insure that conversations are evolving and questions are being answered in a timely manner. It is also recommended that Chapter Business Managers monitor Facebook pages aligned with any chapters they oversee.

Pinterest: While Pinterest is not yet widely used by MPI or PAMPI, it is increasing in popularity within the industry. Pinterest’s focus on pictures and visuals, organized by topic, provides a unique platform for promoting events and the people who plan and carry them out. Ideas for implementation in future campaigns should be discussed moving forward.

Blogs: PAMPI has a blog, created through Wordpress, which has been used sporadically since its creation in 2012. Blogging is an important part of social media, and can provide an additional outlet for information, related to the chapter or the industry, to be disseminated and discussed. The blog should be updated on a regular basis by the Committee, using a combination of newsletter articles, event announcements, and original content created by PAMPI members. Other blogs should be followed and commented on by PAMPI’s blog, to stimulate conversation.

YouTube: YouTube is not widely used by MPI or PAMPI, but is increasing in popularity with events and event/training promotion. Ideas for implementation and integration in future campaigns should be discussed moving forward.


The Committee Chair/Co-Chairs will maintain a flight plan and schedule of all social media activity to ensure that PAMPI avoids a lapse in their social media presence, as well as to maintain the quality of the content posted.

When a campaign is developed or a key message is identified as vital to communicate, the following information should be provided to the communications team via email:

  1. Key message and information to distribute (include all appropriate URLs)
  2. Channels requested
  3. Message frequency
  4. Start and End Dates

Requests should be submitted one full week prior to launch to ensure adequate time to schedule and plan when messages will launch. This is vitally important in our efforts to ensure that the Communications committee members have adequate time to prepare their posting schedule, PAMPI avoids a lapse in their social media presence, as well as to maintain the quality of the content posted.


For internal use only; the following information is not to be distributed to outside sources or the membership at large.

PAMPI Passwords & Permissions


Login: PhiladelphiaMPI

Password: buympi2009


Need to be added as an admin. Current admins are Nicole Benner, Anne Madden, Alexis Dahlin, Jillian Roksvaag & Cameron Wicks.


Need to be added as an admin. Allen Anderson, Nicole Benner, Anne Madden, Alexis Dahlin, Jillian Roksvaag & Cameron Wicks.






Philadelphia MPI
