English II
Syllabus and Class Expectations
Teacher: Mr. King
Available: 2nd Period and by appointment
Phone: 951.571.4820 ext. 33308
Web: http://www.MrKingROCKS.com
Social networks: @MrKingROCKS
I. Course Description
This class is the second of four English classes you will need for graduation from high school. It is designed to help improve both your reading and writing skills. Using McDougal Littell’s textbook, The Language of Literature, the English curriculum will integrate aspects of reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension skills. Through various approaches and teaching strategies, students will expand their skills in comprehension and critical thinking. Students will grow in their appreciation of literature; which will help students become aware of cultural diversity within the ethics, customs, beliefs, and values of their own culture and others. Grammar skills will be reinforced using the curriculum support materials. Videos, art prints, newspapers, magazines, music, and computers will be used to enhance the learning experience. Other components of the class will include spelling, vocabulary, mechanics, and the writing process.
II. Daily Materials
Every student is required to come to class prepared and ready to learn. In order to be successful, students will need to bring with them every single day:
· composition journal
· loose-leaf notebook paper
· 2-3 blue or black pens
· textbook
While our library has several class sets of many great novels, it unfortunately cannot accommodate all students at all times. The following is a list of novels that might be read during the course of this school year. This list is not complete and can be added to as I deem necessary. If you have the opportunity to purchase them, please do so, even if it is for your own personal library; however, this is not required.
· Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
· Lord of the Flies by William Golding
· To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
· A Separate Peace by John Knowles
· A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
· The Good Earth by Pearl Buck
· My Antonia by Willa Cather
· 1984 by George Orwell
· Night by Elie Wiesel
IV. Classroom Rules and Consequences
Students are required to follow all procedures and classroom rules. All school wide rules, as stated in the Parent/Student handbook, will be enforced. In addition to, and alongside these rules, the rules for my classroom are as follows:
Listen to instructions.
Enter and exit prepared.
Always make your teacher happy!
Respect yourself and others.
No Excuses!!!
Consequences for ignoring these rules and/or school wide rules will result in the following:
· 1st infraction – verbal reminder / loss of participation points for the day
· 2nd infraction – one-on-one student/teacher conference / loss of participation points for the day
· 3rd infraction – parent/teacher conference / loss of participation points for the day
· 4th infraction – 2-day suspension from class / loss of participation points for the day and each day out of class
Referrals will also be given when deemed necessary by the teacher. Any of these steps can be bypassed at the teacher’s discretion depending on the perceived severity of the infraction.
V. Attendance Policy
A. Class will begin the moment you step through my door. Not when you arrive at your seat, not when the bell rings. The second you walk through the door, class has begun. Do not continue your conversations from outside and do not start new conversations once inside. The tardy policy will be enforced as outlined in the Parent/Student handbook. You will need a readmit to enter class if you are tardy.
B. Not only does class begin the moment you step through the door, but class also does not end until the dismissal bell rings. DO NOT start packing up your belongings early unless you are instructed to do so. You will work until the bell rings! Instruction continues until the bell rings! Do not forget this!
C. It is your responsibility to know what assignments you have missed when you are absent. There are many ways to accomplish this: ask a fellow classmate; look at the agenda on www.mrkingrocks.com; contact me via Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail; or verbally ask me at the appropriate time. You will have two days for each day you are absent to make up the work; if the work is not made up within the time given, it will be counted in the gradebook as a missing assignment and you will receive a zero grade for that assignment. This applies to all tests, quizzes, projects, papers, and presentations as well.
D. If you need to miss class due to a school activity or a sport or field trip, you are still responsible for the work due on that day. The absence policy for missed work does not apply to these types of activities. Work missed due to these situations will be immediately counted as a missing assignment in the gradebook. Also, you will not have my permission to miss class to attend one of these events if you are receiving a “D” or “F” grade.
E. Hall passes. Part of the attendance policy is staying in class once you have arrived. Please use the restroom before or after class. Restroom passes will not be permitted except in extreme emergencies. Passes to the guidance office, attendance office, main office, etc. will not be issued during class time. If you need to visit one of these offices, do so before or after class on your own time. Passes to the health office will be honored and followed up on with the health technician and/or school nurse.
VI. Grading
Students will be graded on a total point system. Some assignments and projects will weigh your grade more heavily than others will. Grades will be given for daily Bellwork, classwork, homework, essays, group projects, oral presentations, outside reading, quizzes, tests, etc. The grading system will be as follows:
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% or below
Students are given 100 points for participation in the class upon the first day of each semester. Students can lose up to 5-points participation on any given day when they chose to ignore the classroom rule and/or school rules. Participation points can also be deducted for students choosing not to participate in class (i.e. not working on an assignment when called to, not working until the bell rings to dismiss the class, and not following along when reading). Extra credit is not given.
Your work done, when it is to be done, to the best of your ability, is your merit.
VII. Assignment Requirements
A. All assignments must be turned in to the appropriate period’s tray on or before their due dates.
B. All assignments will have the students name, teacher’s name (or class), period, and date in the upper-left hand corner of the top margin.
C. The title of the assignment will be written in the center of the top line.
D. Two lines will be skipped after the title before continuing with the assignment.
E. All assignments must be in blue or black ink. This means no pencil. Typed assignments are preferred and accepted unless otherwise instructed.
F. The back of the page should remain blank unless you are given permission to write on it. Please ask if you ever have a question about when it is acceptable to use the back of the page.
G. Always turn in your best work. Do not turn in assignments on paper that has been ripped out of a spiral notebook without first removing the frayed edges. Do not turn in assignments that have been folded unnecessarily. Do not turn in assignments that have drawings all over them unless you were instructed to draw all over them. I am a professional and I expect professional work from you. Again, I cannot state it enough; always turn in your best work.
H. You will be required to keep all work returned to you in your composition notebook. How to do this will be demonstrated to you. There is a very good chance that you will be required to produce this work in the future or it is possible sometimes that you might be permitted to use your work on a test. Not to mention, reviewing your work will help you to retain what you have learned and is a good study skill.
This is an English Literature class, and as such, we will not be watching many films in this class; however, film is a valid form of literature and will be utilized on occasion to support lessons and instruct students in important concepts and relevant topics. Please note that a warning letter will not be sent home to ask parents’ or guardians’ permission to view these films. By signing the final page of this document, you will agree that your student is mature enough to know when a film my cause them discomfort or anxiety due to the thematic nature of the drama. An alternative assignment will be given to any student requesting to not view a film.
Occasionally, assignments will require that students work with other students and film their results to show to the class. Signing the final page of this document will permit your student to be filmed for the purpose of instruction.
This class has its own Web site: http://www.mrkingrocks.com
The site is intended to be a tool for parents and students to not only have access to some great resources for English/Language Arts development, but to be able to see, on a daily basis, just what is happening in the classroom. This site will also give students access to any handouts that are passed out in class.
This site is just as much my site as it is your site. If you have any book recommendations for the book recommendation page; if you have any links that you would like to share; if there are any videos you want added to the site; let me know and I will adjust the site accordingly.
I am also available exclusively to my students at the following social media sites. Please note, these are not my personal social media accounts, but accounts I have created to allow me to better connect with my students:
Twitter: @mrkingrocks
Facebook: facebook.com/mrkingrocks
Instagram: instagram.com/mrkingrocks
X. Notes
Cornell-style notes are required in this class and notes will be checked periodically throughout this school year to make sure that proper note taking practices are being followed. These note checks will be graded and students will be responsible for making sure they have all required notes ready for the check.
IX. Computer Use
You will be required several times throughout the course of the school year to use a computer to complete an assignment. There are currently four computers in our classroom that I must manage between approximately 165 students. If computer time is offered in class … use it! If I allow appointments to use these computers … make an appointment! They are here for you, but you are not welcome to them any time you want. Please inform me if you need access to one of these computers and I will do my best to accommodate you. Please understand that using computers at MVHS is a privilege that can be denied to you if you choose to misuse any computer on campus. Please respect all computer rules and regulations.
Receipt of Acknowledgment – Mr. King English II
Please fill out this form and return it on the assigned due date. No grades will be issued, or papers returned, until BOTH student and parent sign this form.
Student Name: ______Home Phone: ______
Father / Guardian Name: ______Work Phone: ______
Mother / Guardian Name: ______Work Phone: ______
Other numbers (cell): ______Best time to call? ______
Language spoken at home? ______Student Birthday: ______
E-mail is the easiest and most efficient form of communication. I use e-mail to communicate with both students and parents regarding assignments and grades.
Student e-mail: ______
Father e-mail: ______
Mother e-mail: ______
To the Parent / Guardian:
I have read the class syllabus and class expectations for Mr. King’s class. I agree with the contents within the syllabus document and entrust the English Education of my child to Mr. King for this school year. I agree to support my child in reinforcing good study habits, which include a place to study, providing supplies as needed, and being aware of what homework is due. I understand that Mr. King will be available for conferences or phone calls as needed (e-mail is always preferred and quickly responded to). I also understand that this syllabus is subject to change without notification.
Parent Signature Print Parent Name
Student Signature Print Student Name