Syllabus 8th Grade, 2nd Quarter

Textbook: Deutsch aktuell Teacher: Mrs. DeWitt

Content: Kapitel 3 Was machst du?

Kapitel 4 Schule

Weeks 1 + 2 Kapitel 3, Lektion A

Objectives: talk about interests, ask and tell what someone is doing

Grammar: word order, the verb “haben”

Week 3 + 4 Kapitel 3, Lektion B

Objectives: express likes and dislikes, report information, inquire about time of specific events

Grammar: zu Hause/nach Hause

chapter review Chapter test

Weeks 5 + 6 Kapitel 4 Lektion A

Objectives: talk about school, identify objects

Grammar: definite article (accusative)

Weeks 6 + 7 Kapitel 4 Lektion B

Objectives: describe daily routines, sequence events, agree and disagree

Grammar: The verb “sein”, Questions, wer, wen, was

chapter review Chapter test

Week 8 + 9 Review

Semester exam

Tests, Quizzes and Grading

There will be a vocabulary quiz every other week. Each student has a list of words for each week of this quarter.

During all oral and written tests, a student’s comprehension and fluency will be evaluated. All tests, quizzes, homework and class assignments are graded on a point system. No late work will be accepted.

Evaluation: Tests and Quizzes 60%

Alternative Assessment 30%

Homework 10%


All local school and state rules must be followed. Everyone has the responsibility to ensure a healthy learning environment. Disruptive behavior can and will not be tolerated. Possible consequences will include: Student-teacher conference, parent notification, parent – teacher conference, and/or detention.

In class students are expected to participate in all written and oral work. This includes practicing German dialogues, and actively listening when others talk.

I am looking forward to a great year, Mrs. DeWitt

Name:______Period: ______

We have read the expectations for German class, and ______

will do his/her best to contribute to a great learning experience.

We can be reached at: Tel ______


Student Signature Parent Signature