Unit Name: L5 IBHL2

Syllabus 2016-2017, Madame Ulibarri: email-

Course Overview

Primary textbooks:

Ensemble: LittératureISBN-13: 978-0470002872 ISBN-10: 0470002875 (French Edition) (French) 6th Edition by Raymond F. Comeau (Author), Normand J. Lamoureux (Author)

French B Course Companion: IB Diploma Programme (International Baccalaureate) by Christine Trumper (2011-07-21) Paperback – 1750by Christine Trumper;John Israel (Author)

French for Oral and Written Review, Fifth Edition (English and French Edition) 5th Edition by Charles Carlut (Author), Walter Meiden (Author)

Supplementary text:

501 French Verbs: Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses in a New Easy-To-Learn Format Alphabetically Arranged 4th Edition

Réseau: Communication, Intégration, Intersections (JM Schutz, MP Tranvouez)

Fables de Jean de la Fontaine

La gloire de mon père - (Marcel Pagnol)

L'Étranger - (Albert Camus)

Other sources and materials:

Le journal : France-Amérique. Authentic current sample articles

TV5 monde: Sept jours sur la planète, mot du jour, Le Journal, vidéos, podcasts

Aux bons souvenirs (youtube.com), Authentic Martinique videos

Aug/Sept Unit 1 – Families and Communities (La famille et la communauté)

This theme is great for discussing and comparing family structures and communities around the world or through the centuries.

Sub-theme: Family Structures (La famille)

1)Vocabulary: how to describe a person and different family members

2)Group Conversation: discuss- What constitutes a family? Do families differ across different societies?; Debate whether there should be equality of couples at work and at home

3)Readings: 1ere 1 (pgs3-24)

4)Grammar Review: Chapter 1 Interrogatives

5)Writing/Activities: write an essay describing your family tree and bring in a family photo which you must then describe in detail using adjectives and adverbs, e.g., Mon grand-père a une belle barbe blanche qu’il peigne soigneusement (My grandfather has a beautiful white beard that he combs carefully).

6)Supplemental Readings:
La gloire de mon père (Click all QR codes) “Fiche technique” du livre/film due 9/19

Sept/OctUnit 2 – Personal and Public Identities (La quête de soi)

This theme can open up ideas about the quest for the self and is important in understanding who we are and what our identity means.

Sub-theme: Multiculturalism (Le pluriculturalisme)

1)Vocabulary: immigration, alienation and multiculturalism

2)Group Conversation: How is identity influenced by culture and language? How does an individual’s identity develop over time? How is identity expressed in various situations?; Discuss the terms multiculturalismeversus pluriculturalisme and communautarisme(communitarianism); Debate the ideals of multiculturalism: For example, is it possible to support the distinctive identities of each cultural group?; Discuss the difference between a refugee and an immigrant.

3)Readings: 1ere 2-3 (pgs25-63)

4)Grammar Review: Chapter 2-4 Adjectives/Adverbs/Use of Tenses

5)Writing/Activities: a) Do this listening and comprehension exercise (QR code below) on multiculturalism on the France Culture website; b) write an essay on multiculturalism in their country; c) discuss immigration and the recent problem with the influx of immigrants in Europe and complete the worksheet (see QR code below) on multiculturalism; d) Read and/or watch the movie of “M. Ibrahim et les Fleurs du Coran”(“Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran”), and discuss the interaction between the two main characters.

6)Supplemental Readings:
L'Étranger - Albert Camus (audiobook + texte/sous-titres)

Nov/DecUnit 3 – Global Challenges (Les défis mondiaux)

This theme is at the forefront of many global conversations, as governments discuss threats to the environment and its future.

1)Vocabulary: Study vocabulary related to nature and the environment: e.g., air pollué (polluted air), approvisionnement en eau(water supply), l’environnement (the environment), l’empreinte carbone (carbon footprint), biodiversité(biodiversity), déchets ménagers (domestic waste), le réchauffement climatique (global warming), etc.

2)Group Conversation: Global Warming
activities will lead to possible answers to the pertinent questions proposed for this theme: What are the global threats facing us? What are their origins? Are there solutions?

3)Readings: 2eme

4)Grammar Review: Chapter 5-8 Personal Pronouns/Past Tenses in Narration/Possessives/Participles

5)Writing/Research: students will write an article or an email on what they think is the most pressing environmental threat (due before Winter Break)

6)Supplemental Readings:
Jacques Prévert; Handout text entitled “L’homme—le plus grand ennemi de la planète”(“Man—the planet’s worst enemy”) and also research le Protocole de Kyoto(the Kyoto Protocol)

Dec/JanUnit 4 – Contemporary Life (La vie contemporaine)

This theme can lead to a discussion of current problems as well as advantages and disadvantages of contemporary life.

Sub-theme: Holidays and Celebrations (Les fêtes)

1)Vocabulary: holidays and celebrations.

2)Group Conversation: How does society and how do individuals define quality of life? How is contemporary life influenced by various products, practices and perspectives? What challenges does contemporary life present?; Discuss how commercialized holidays have become: Quelle est votre opinion sur la commercialisation des fêtes ? (What is your opinion on the commercialization of holidays?); Discuss how each student celebrates a particular holiday

3)Readings: 3eme 6 (pgs105-123)

4)Grammar Review: Chapter 9-12 Demonstratives/Relatives/Subjunctive/Articles

5)Writing: a) Compare customs and traditions around the world in an essay (e.g., meals at Christmas); write a short essay and present what happens during a French calendar year; b)Describe a wedding after listening to the song “Allongés dans l’herbe”(“Stretched out in the grass”), using the imperfect and the passé compose

JanSem 1 Paper Due

Feb/MarUnit 5 – Science and Technology (La science et la technologie)

This theme is relevant to how far humankind has progressed through the ages.

Sub-theme: Discoveries and Inventions (Les découvertes et les inventions)

Students should be able to answer the questions about how science and technology has had an effect on our lives, what has driven innovation and whether scientists need to have a moral code.

1)Vocabulary: related to technology

2)Group Conversation: a) If you don’t have an iphone/smartphone; b) Organize a debate on nuclear energy or any other scientific innovation; c) Discuss/compare different forms of entertainment: the tape cassette, the CD, the DVD, the Blu-ray disc, etc; d) Debate: do you agree that people feel cut off from the world without television and if this also applies to other technology such as cell phones, and if that is good or bad.

3)Readings: 3eme 7-8 (pgs123-168)

4)Grammar Review: Chapter 13-15 Indefinite Noun/Passive Voice/ Devoir/

5)Writing/Activities: students will research the invention of a Francophone scientist and then write an essay on it, describe an invention orally, describe a famous French/Francophone inventor or do a project on three different famous inventors; b) the clip “C’est pas sorcier”(“It’s not difficult”) - students will present and describe a scientific event orally; spend an hour with Code.org in French

Mar/AprUnit 6 – Beauty and Aesthetics (L’esthétique):

This theme allows students to discuss all kinds of art forms and the ideal of beauty.

Sub-theme: Visual Arts (Les arts visuels)

1)Vocabulary: descriptions

2)Group Conversation: In the art gallery (Getty Museum: Must Participate)

3)Readings: 4eme 9-11 (pgs169-243)

4)Grammar Review: Chapter 16-17 Prepositions; Verbs

5)Writing/Activities: a) listen to the recording “1 minute au musée”(“1 minute at the museum”) and complete the worksheets; b) research art movements in France and present their findings orally to the class; c) Visit the Louvre online and describe one of its famous paintings; d) write an essay on your own ideal of beauty; e) Submit a summary of your findings on beauty