PCO 582 Counseling Techniques

PCO 582, Counseling Techniques: Pre-practicum

Fall 2007

Tim Barber PCC/s
Office Location: Counseling Center
Phone Number: 244-8615(office)
Office Hours- By appointment / 3 Credit Hours
Section 1- Mondays, 9-11:40
Room- CR


This course focuses upon the practical application of basic helping skills in counseling at the campus CounselingCenter. The course provides the beginning counseling student with an experience of initiating, developing, and sustaining a professional counseling relationship.


The material in this course is designed to meet the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum standards for masters and post-masters (Section II 5, a-g). The material also meet requirements for Ohio Administrative Code 4757—area 13 01 (A) (1) (d) (ii) which state that persons seeking training for an LPCC must have graduate coursework in counseling techniques.


A student that successfully completes this will course be able to:

1)Describe the stages of the helping relationship.

2)Demonstrates basic attending, reflection, paraphrasing and summarizing techniques.

3)Demonstrate culturally appropriate helping relationship skills.

4)Identify personal strengths and weaknesses as a developing professional counselor.

5)Develop ways to help clients identify problems, stay on task, and explore values and beliefs.

6) Develop counseling skills through experiential learning and role-playing.


This course is highly experiential and interactive. Grades will be assigned based upon attendance, participation, skill demonstration, completion of assignments, and quality of written assignments.

Grade Scale

The seminary grading scale will be used by this class. Please refer to the CCU Catalog.

The following lists the graded assignments and their contribution to your final grade.

Self- Assessments Assignment 1210%5 points each

Paraphrasing Assignment10%10 points

Audio Tape #115%15 points

Audio Tape #215%15 points

Cultural Perspectives Paper15%15 points

Group Demonstration15%15 points

Self Report: Final Exam 15%15 points

Class Participation 5% 5 points


Your attendance in class is very important. Due to the experiential nature of this course, it is absolutely critical that you attend all class sessions. You have 1 day that is excused without penalty unless you miss an in-class paper or exam. A written request for more than one cut will be required in advance. If you miss more than 2 classes you will be dropped from the class and will be required to apply for readmission to the class. A decision about your request to return to the class will be decided by the counseling academic committee.

Timeliness for this course is essential. If you are 15 minutes late for a class you will receive a ¼ day absence, if you are 30 minutes late you will be counted as absent for ½ day, and over 45 minutes late will equal a one day absence. This policy will be enforced to encourage students to make their education a priority.

Tests/Quizzes/Mid-Terms/Final Exam Information

There will be no exams or quizzes in this course. The “final” will consist of a group demonstration and recorded role play session.

Policy on Academic Integrity

If you cheat on an exam or turn in work that is not your own you will receive a 0 for that work, and additional action may be taken by the counseling academic committee. Please refer to your seminary student handbook for complete details on the seminary policy on academic integrity.

Guidelines on Missed Work or Exams

Written assignments will be accepted late, but there will be a 10% per day penalty on all late work.


Required Texts:

Ivey, A. & Ivey, M. (2007). Intentional interviewing and counseling (Sixth ed.).Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. (5th edition may be accepted)

Corey, M. & Corey, G. (2007). Becoming a helper (5th ed.). Brooks/Cole.

Recommended (not required) additional reading:

Collins, Gary (1995). How to be a people helper. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale Press.

Egan, Gerard (2001). The skilled helper (7th ed.) Wadsworth Publishing.

Sue, D. & Sue, D. (2003). Counseling the culturally diverse (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Additional resources:

APA Publication Manual (5th ed.)

Methods and Procedures:

This class will use many methods of instruction. The class will be both didactic and experiential in nature. Role-plays, videos, in-class demonstrations, and discussion groups will be used during this semester. Discussion of assigned readings and professor lecture, and group presentations will also be utilized.


In this course, you are entering an experience which involves a fair amount of role-playing and practice interviewing. Naturally, in the course of discussion, it is possible for a student colleague to say something personally important and confidential. It is your duty to maintain confidentiality and trust. These same principles hold when talking to your clients. Papers which do not disguise the nature of the individual with whom you are talking will not be accepted. Papers which do not indicate that you have the permission of the client to turn in this paper, even though the identity is disguised, will not be accepted.

At the same time keep in mind the legal limits of confidentiality. You have no legal right to maintain confidence if you were questioned by an attorney in court. Study the ethics code, particularly paying attention to issues of confidentiality and client's rights.

When audio or video taping a session with a role-playing or real client, be sure you have permission on tape for that interview to proceed. If your client wishes, stop the tape at any time. When you present a typescript, be sure that the identity of your client is disguised and that you have indicated in your case notes or report that you have permission to use the material.

FOR YOUR OWN CONSIDERATION IN YOUR OWN ROLE PLAYS AS CLIENT: You have the right and personal responsibility to only share of yourself what you want to talk about. All experiential exercises in this course are optional and you may stop participating in any experiential exercise you wish at any time without penalty. At the same time, if you find yourself not wishing to engage in the exercises, you may prefer to drop the course. This course, by its very nature, is experientially oriented.

THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL AND PREPROFESSIONAL COURSE. As such, we are working with practical material. We seek to regard you as developing professionals. If you prefer primarily to "think about theory", this is not the course to take.


The MAC academic committee reserves the right to change or amend any part of this course plan as deemed necessary to offer the best possible educational experience for students.

Is it the responsibility of each student to decide whether or not he or she can handle the amount of reading, and other assignments required for this course at this time.

Christian Component:

Throughout this course we will evaluate the material presented from a Christian perspective. We expect that you will evaluate all readings, assignments, research, and lectures from a Christian view.

Guidelines for Course Work

Written assignments are to be typed, double- spaced and follow APA (5th ed.) style unless otherwise noted. Please consult "A Mini-Manual of Form and Style Rules at CCU: Graduate School Edition." This document is available for purchase in the CCU Bookstore, or online at the CCU Library website.

Reading and Other Course Assignments

Unless otherwise noted, are due the week they are listed. You are STRONGLY encouraged to utilize the self-assessment tools in the books and those that are on the enclosed CD in the Ivey & Ivey text.All other assignments are due as noted in the course outline. Components of class time and assignments include: lecture, skill demonstration and practice, role-play, discussion groups, and presentations.

Course Outline:

Week / TOPIC / Assignments for each Week
Week 1
Aug. 27 / Introduction to the course- micro-skills approach,
Week 2
Sept. 3 / What helps: Attending in counseling, effective feedback
  • The importance of the person of the counselor
  • Cultural differences
  • Professional Resources
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Chs. 1-3
  • Read: Becoming, Ch.1
  • Assignment # 1: "Becoming" self assessment Ch 1 due today

Week 3
Sept. 10 / What helps: The use of questions and observation in counseling
  • Role play attending skills
  • What is “Christian” about Christian Counseling?
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Chs. 4 & 5
  • Read: Becoming Chs. 2 & 3

Week 4
Sept. 17 / What helps: Paraphrasing and summarizing in counseling
  • Role-play practice
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 6
  • Read: Becoming, Chs. 4, 5 & 8

Week 5
Sept. 24 / What helps: Listening and reflecting feelings
  • Role- play practice
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch.7
  • Assignment # 2 Paraphrasing assignment- due

Week 6
Oct. 1 / More on reflection of feelings
  • Role-play practice
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 8
  • Assignment # 3 Feeling reflection audio tape assignment due

Week 7
Oct. 8 / What helps: Balancing confrontation and support /
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 9
  • Read: Becoming, Chs. 6 & 9

Week 8
Oct. 15 / What helps: Conceptualizing problems from a variety of perspectives
  • Cultural perspectives
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 10
  • Read: Becoming Ch.10

Week 9
Oct. 22 / What helps: Exploring meaning /
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 11
  • Read: Becoming Ch.7
  • Assignment # 4 Cultural perspective assignment- due

Week 10
Oct. 29 / What helps: Influencing skills /
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 12
  • Read: Becoming Chs. 11 & 12

Week 11
Nov. 5 / Organizing what helps:
  • Treatment planning, integrating the skills
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 13
  • Read: Becoming Ch. 13
  • Assignment # 5 Group demonstration - due

Week 12
Nov. 12 / Integrating skills and theory
  • Welcome packet practice
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 14

Week 13
Nov. 19 / Introduction to the CounselingCenter,
  • Counseling Center Handbook review
  • Read: Ivey & Ivey Ch. 15

Week 14
Nov. 26 / Personal Style &Self-evaluation
  • Group Demonstration
  • Special topic reading TBA
  • Assignment # 6 Audio tape assignment #2- due

Week 15
Dec. 3 / Wrap-up
  • Group Demonstration
  • Assignment # 7 Self-assessment #2- due
  • Assignment # 8 Self Report: Final Exam due Dec. 10th.


  1. Self Assessment 1: Complete the self-assessment in Chapter 1 of Becoming a Helper to turn in. Be sure to put your name on your self-assessments.
  1. Self-Assessment 2: This assignment is on Moodle and should be completely electronically. Responses to the questions should be 150 – 200 words each.
  1. Paraphrasing Assignment- Complete Paraphrase Exercise as posted on Moodle.
  1. Audio tape Assignment: #1-Feelings reflection: Audio tape a role-play of a person sharing 2-3 minutes of a problem, and your feeling reflection statement in response to the problem statement. Be sure to obtain verbal permission to audio tape at the beginning of the tape. If permission is not granted, stop recording immediately and locate someone else to audio tape!
  1. Audio tape #2: Introduction/welcome session: Provide a tape of a role-play of you presenting the Welcome information/informed consent to a fellow student, and then transition into the initial session.
  1. Multicultural Perspective Assignment- Research and write a 2-4 page paper on the differences in the values/beliefs regarding counseling between two cultural groups, one of which is your personal cultural group. Include some basic information on both cultural groups (such as: percentage represented in the US, predominate religious beliefs/practices of the group, country of origin, etc.) Include a reference page with at least 5 references cited in your paper.
  1. Group Demonstration: Class will be broken up into groups of two or three. Each group will present a 3 minute role-play to the class demonstrating one of the following counseling techniques in the following counseling situations:
  2. Reflective skills with a highly upset adolescent
  3. Paraphrasing skills with a couple having an argument
  4. Attending skills with someone from a cultural group different from the counselor (identify the group)
  5. Questioning skills with a person considering dropping out of school
  6. Confrontation skills with a person who has missed two counseling appointments in a row.
  7. Appropriate self-disclosure with someone grieving the death of a family member.
  8. Presentations must include an introduction on the technique- its purpose, when is it appropriate to use, counselor considerations when using, etc. Your fellow students will provide written feedback.
  1. Self-Report: Final Exam: This exam is a self-report in which the student will summarize academic and personal goals achieved throughout the semester. This assignment is to be completed electronically on Moodle and is due Dec. 10th.
