1848- Phineas Gage- (Steel Head)
1859- Darwin Publishes Origin of the Species
1869- Paul Broca-Speech
1874- Carl Wernicke- "Area"-Wernicke's Aphasia
1875- William James- First Psych course
1878- First American PH.D in Psychology awarded
1878- Wilhelm Wundt
1879- Wundt's Demonstration lab created
1880- William James-Harvard- experimental psychology
1881- Wundt publishes first journal of pyschological research
1883- First American psychological lab founded at Johns Hopkins University
1886-First psych Textbook published by John Dewey
1890- William James publishes the Principles of Psychology
1890- Functionalism
1892- G. Stanley Hall founds the American Psychological Association
1900- Sigmund Freud- publishes the Interpretation of Dreams
1900- Psychoanalytic Psychology emerges
1904- Ivan Pavlov becomes noted Behaviorist-conditioned response
1904- Alfred Binet develops first successful intelligence Test
1905- Mary Calkins President of American Psychological Association (1 in 10 pschologists is a woman)
1906- Alois Alzheimer describes degeneration..."Alzheimer's"
1912-Gestalt Psychology Emerges-(The Whole is Greater than the sum of it's parts")-Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka
1912- William Stern develops the intelligence quotient (I.Q.)
1913- John B. Watson-writes behaviorist manifesto- says psychologists should focus on observable behavior
1914-18- Intelligence testing is used in military
1916-Watson applies Pavlov's ideas of Conditioning in dogs to humans-said "all behavior is conditioning"
1921-Hermann Rorschach develops "Ink blot" projective test
1932- Edgar Douglas Adrian and Charles S. Sherrington are awarded Nobel Prize for discovery of funtion of neurons.
1935- Kurt Koffka publishes Principles of Gestalt Psychology
1936- Anna Freud, publishes text regarding defense mechanisms "The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense.
1937-Gordon W. Allport (Pushes Personality-as main importance in psych research) publishes Personality: A Psychological Interpretation
1937- Karen Horney- (Neo-Freudian) challenged some of Freud's ideas- found theories related to anxiety when isolated and helpless in hostile world. found 3 modes of interaction with others- our ability to move toward, away from, or against others. Emotional health reflects the balance of these modes. Emotional problems cause overuse of one of the modes. Published The Neurotic Personality of Our Time and later (1939) New Ways in Psychoanalysis
1938- Gordon Allport- (Psychology of Personality) Advocate of trait approach. Traits are important underlying and enduring qualities of a person. Recognized that eahc person has certain consistent aspects or "predisposition to respond to environmental stimuli in certain ways." What might make one person angry may make another person laugh because of the way the two people are predisposed to respond. Identified cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits. Said no two people are exactly the same or have same traits- all are unique.
1940-Carl Jung
1940- B.F. Skinner
1944- Raymond Cattell
1948- David McClelland
1950- Humanistic Psychology
1951- Carl Rogers introduces client centered Therapy