
Contract between the Sydney Uni Club and


(insert coaches name here)

This contract may be terminated at any time if determined by the Club President and/or High Performance Manager. Two weeks notice is also required from either party in regards to any termination of this contract.

NOTE – Gross Salary above includes any superannuation, required under legislation.

Contact Details – Please complete all fields in this section
Home Phone: / Mobile Phone:
Business Phone: / E-mail:
Date of Birth: / Next of Kin: Ph:
Taxation Details - Please complete this section if Coaching as Casual Employee
Tax File Number:
Is this your main source of income? Yes  No 
Do you have HECS Yes  No 
Have you completed & submitted a “Tax File Number declaration” form? / Yes  / No 
Banking Details – Please complete all fields in this section
Bank Name e.g. CBA, NAB
Bank Branch e.g. Broadway
Account Name e.g. Mr Joe Bloggs
Bank BSB No. (6 digits)
Bank Account No.
Qualifications - Please complete all fields in this section
(copy of coach’s certificates to be attached)
No. of members or teams coached:
Training days, matches or sessions the coach is due to attend:
Prohibited Employment Declaration attached? / Yes  / No 
Term of agreement / Start: / Finish:

Please complete this section if Coaching as Casual Employee

Payment Date / SU Sport Contrib. / Club Contrib. / Total Amount (NOTE)
15 April / $
10 June / $
20 August / $
28 October / $
9 December / $
Total salary agreed between coach and club: / $

Please complete this section if a Contractor with ABN or Statement by Supplier and Tax Invoice

Company Name: / Company ABN:
Payment Date / SU Sport Contrib. / Club Contrib. / GST / Total Amount
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
Total salary agreed between coach and club (Inc GST) / $


  1. Complete and return all Employment forms prior to the Club Coach engaging in any club activities
  2. Ensure that the Coach is informed of the competition draw/activity dates/club functions.
  3. Advertise and inform all members of the training/instruction sessions and endeavour to have all club members attend.
  4. Supply all necessary training equipment.
  5. Book any venues required for activities.
  6. Inform the Coach of selection trial dates.
  7. Inform the Coach of special events/competitions/AUG/AUC competitions.
  8. Ensure that members are informed of the Coach's programme or any special instructions.
  9. Negotiate with the Coach what incidental expenses will be reimbursed by the Club.
  10. The Club will be responsible for forwarding to Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness Finance and Administration, authorised Payment Requisition forms and invoices to instigate EFT payments by the due dates.

Please Note: Failure to submit forms by the due date will result in non-payment of Coach’s salary and wages or remuneration fee for that period.


  • Coach/instruct members/teams as agreed with the Club Committee.
  • Coach the team for days/weeks/sessions.
  • Abide by the Constitution and policies of the Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness including the Code of Conduct.
  • Provide a written report to the Club at the conclusion of the coaching period.

I, ______(coach) acknowledge the offer made, understand the matters contained therein and accept such offer on the terms and conditions therein set down.

Signatures (authorising contract and payment to coaches in 2010):

Club President or Secretary / Date:
Club Treasurer / Date:
Appointed Coach / Date:
High Performance Manager / Date: