Paramus High School

Paramus, New Jersey


Department: Music

Course: Orchestra MU 411D

Level: 9, 10, 11, and 12

This segment of the music curriculum fulfills the following NJCCC Standards for Visual and Performing Arts: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6

I.Course Description:

Members of the band join students who are proficient on string instruments or other additional instrument lists to create the Orchestra. Lessons are provided every week. The string students also have the opportunity to become part of chamber and ensemble groups. Concerts are included as part of the department’s schedule. Students selected for String Ensemble receive advanced credit for Orchestra.

II.Course Objectives:

To teach the student to:

-Tune own instrument

-Learn and apply advanced positions

-Learn and apply advanced bowing techniques

-Understand and apply concepts of phrasing and doubling

-Cultivate a vibrato

-Learn clef transpositions required for different string sections.

  1. Major Concepts and Topics:

This segment of the music curriculum fulfills the following NJCCC Standards for Visual and Performing Arts: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6

-Understand and apply more advanced shifting techniques through method books and study of orchestral music.

-Understand and recognize phrasing with other sections through full and sectional rehearsals.

- Instrument through method books and orchestral selections.

-Bowing techniques perfected through exercises in method books and orchestral literature. Use of metronome applied in this skill.

- Constant repetition of tuning notes, singing given pitch, and various methods of tuning instruments are constantly emphasized to perfect the intonation of one’s own instrument.

-Metronome used in the teaching of an individual vibrato. Scales applied in vibrato cultivation.

IV.Student Skill Objective

1.Play with some degree of proficiency nine major scales in two and/or three octaves on violin, viola, cello, or bass.

2.Demonstrate ability and use of at least five playing positions.

3.Must show ability to play with some degree of proficiency

the following bowing techniques:




d. Pizzicato

4.Additional clef reading required for viola, cello, and bass.

5.Vibrato cultivation

6.Consistent sectional bow direction.

V.Evaluation Procedures:

-Tests given during and at the end of marking periods.

-Performances at various times of year

VI.Suggested Materials:

Recordings deemed appropriate by instructor.

Muller-Rusch-String Method

(Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) by J. Frederick Muller & Harold Rusch.

String Builder -(Books, 1, 2, 3) by Samuel Applebaum

Second and Fourth Position String Builder by Samuel Applebaum Third and Fifth Position String Builder by Samuel Applebaum

Building Technic with Beautiful Music

Books 1, 2, 3, 4 by Samuel Applebaum

Orchestral Bowing Etudes by Samuel Applebaum

170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello

by Alwin Schroeder

New Method for the Double Bass by F. Siznandl

3-Way Method by Cheyétte -and Salzman

A Tune A Day - Book 3 by C. Paul Herfurth