Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2015
3:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm CT
Conference Call Info: / 712-432-0360 / Passcode: / 426443#
Invited Attendees:
Danielle Noriega
Sabrina Bauroth
Sarah Nerad
Tracy McPherson
Cyrille Adam / Kate Malliarakis
Mike Brooks
Misti Storie
Paul Seale
Seth Bleecker
Sharon Levy / Aaron Holleman
Ann Mitchell
Leigh Fischer
Erin Bascug
Aaron Williams
Kaley Sullivan
Email Attachments: / Steering Committee Opening Meeting Minutes
Steering Committee Contact List
Discussion Summary:
To engage additional students to participate in the Steering Committee calls and discussions, several committee members will reach out to their contacts to invite students. NORC will begin recruitment for focus groups to work with Kognito on the simulation development. Faculty, students and practitioners will be recruited for in person focus groups and for an online review group. Announcements for recruitment will be sent out to the Learning Collaborative and Steering Committee.
Project branding is an ongoing agenda item. The project name will change to something more specific and unique than “Hilton Adolescent SBIRT.” NORC will send buzzwords and starting points to help draft names for the project. Another ongoing effort is tocreate a learner’s guide with activities, exercises and role play to help faculty integrate SBIRT into current curricula. NORC is collecting resources and materials to possibly share and use for this learner’s guide.
Health Plan/Advisory Groups Recommendations:
In an effort toengage employers, Steering Committee members gave recommendations for possible health plan/advisory groups to participate in asubgroup to the Steering Committee that can help with offering insight to what employers want from students. Possible contacts include:
- The VA – Lauren Boyles as a possible contact
- Deb Adler – Mike Brooks can provide an introduction
- Cigna
- Kaiser
- United Health
- Large hospital systems (ex. Kaiser, Johns Hopkins etc) – Points of contacts within these systems may be the person who does the hiring – possibly the director of nursing or social work if applicable.
- Associations of social work – Darla Coffey may be able to connect.
- Network directors and medical directors at outpatient behavioral health centers
Action Items:
- Danielle will send informational brochures to Sharon Levy, Kate Malliarakis, Erin Bascug and Ann Mitchellto invite students to the Steering Committee
- Send SBIRT related resources, materials and events to Danielle
- Steering Committees members who can connect NORC staff with health plan/advisory board group contacts can start to make e-mail introductions with Tracy
- NORC will send starting points and buzzwords for new project name. Send ideas for possible names to Danielle.
Next Call:
March 11, 2015 at 3 PM
Committee members should send items to be included in the agenda.