Purpose of this form
This questionnaireis aimed at NFC Mobile Device vendors submitting an HCE enabled device (SWP, eSE or HCE only) for MasterCard certification. The purpose of the questionnaire is to enable vendors to provide MasterCard with additional information about HCE support in their device to enable MasterCard to define the correct test scope for the device.
About the submission process
The filename of your submitted questionnaire must follow the following format:
HCE_Form[DeviceName]_[DeviceVersion]_1.docx or .doc
It is recommended that the filename contains the device name specified in the registration form along withthe version. The number 1 at the end of the filename indicates first questionnaire form submitted for this device. If subsequentquestionnaire forms need to be submitted for the device due to errors in the first submission, the number specified at the end of the filename should be incremented accordingly.
The form will be reviewed by MasterCard and the result will be the issuance of a Mobile Evaluation Plan Summary (MEPS) which defines the tests and evaluations that are required for the registered device based on the information submitted in this form.
These procedures supplement other written MasterCard policies and procedures that apply to this subject. Accordingly, compliance with these procedures does not remove the obligation to comply with such other MasterCard policies and procedures.
Submitting the form
E-mail the completed questionnairealong with the registration form to: nd
MasterCard HCE Certification Questionnaire Form
Submission Details:A.1 / Company Legal Name
A.2 / Mobile Device technical name and version
(This must be identical to the technical name and version used in the registration form submitted for device) / - V1
A.3 / In case of an already approved device for which you are seeking additional HCE certification, please provide the MasterCard registration number of the device.
General Settings:
B.1 / Protocol Type supported by the device for HCE (ISO/IEC 14443 Type A or Type B or both) / TYPE ATYPE BTYPE A and TYPE B
B.2 / Please provide the technology route setting on the device for each ISO/IEC 14443 protocol type supported / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
B.3 / What can cause the protocol parameters used by the device in the field to change?
HCE Testing:
C.1 / For device supporting only HCE where are the protocol parameters to be used for EMV Transaction defined? / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
C.2 / For device supporting protocols type A, B and AB for HCE, please answer the following:
C.2.1 / For device supporting only HCE, please describe how the lab can configure HCE to work in type A only, type B only and type AB.
C.2.2 / For device supporting only SWP + HCE, please describe how the lab can configure HCE to work in type A only, type B only and type AB when SWP UICC is inserted in the device.
If it’s not possible to configure the device, please explain why.
C.2.3 / For device supporting only SWP + HCE, please describe how the lab can configure HCE to work in type A only, type B only and type AB when standard (non-SWP) UICC is inserted in the device.
If it’s not possible to configure the device, please explain why.
C.2.4 / For device supporting only eSE + HCE, please describe how the lab can configure HCE to work in type A only, type B only and type AB.
If it’s not possible to configure the device, please explain why.
AID Routing:
D.1 / Please describe how the lab can configure the device to route transactions to the UICC/eSE during certification?
D.2 / Are the samples able to route transactions to the host if a test HCE application is installed on the device? / Yes No
D.3 / If the AID routing on production samples is handled differently from test samples, please explain the differences.
D.4 / For SWP device if type B only UICC is inserted and AID routing is to UICC, will the device respond to Type A polling from the terminal? / Yes No
(If yes please complete D.4.1)
D.4.1 / Can the device successfully complete the transaction over type A even if AID routing is to type B only UICC?
Analog Parameters:
E.1 / Does the device always use the same analogue parameters for EMV Transactions independent of AID routing? / Yes No
(If no please complete E.1.1)
E.1.1 / Please explain what can cause the analogue parameters used by the device in the field to change?
SWP Testing:
F.1 / For device supporting only SWP + HCE and SWP UICC is inserted, where are the protocol parameters to be used for EMV transactions defined? / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
F.2 / For device supporting only SWP + HCE and standard (non-SWP) UICC is inserted, where are the protocol parameters to be used for EMV transaction defined? / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
Embedded Secure Element Testing: (Only answer the following questions if device has an enabled Embedded SE)
G.1 / For device supporting only eSE + HCE, where are the protocol parameters to be used for EMV transaction defined? / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
G.2 / For device supporting only eSE + HCE + SWP, where are the protocol parameters to be used for EMV transaction defined if:
G.2.1 / SWP UICC is inserted + eSE enabled + HCE / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
G.2.2 / Standard (non-SWP) UICC is inserted + eSE enabled + HCE / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
G.2.3 / Standard (non-SWP) UICC inserted + eSE disabled + HCE / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
G.2.4 / SWP UICC is inserted + eSE disabled + HCE / Type A : HosteSESWP UICC
Type B : HosteSESWP UICC
G.3 / For devices supporting eSE, if the device is not used for eSE based payment in the market, is the eSE disabled or is the eSE always enabled? / eSE disabledeSE always enabled
HCE Protocol parameters:(Please answer the following questions to describe protocol parameters supported by the Host)
H.1 / Is Card Identifier (CID) Supported? / Yes No
H.2 / Can the device operate with CID disabled? / Yes No
H.3 / Can the Mobile use chaining to transmit data? / Yes No
H.4 / If the Mobile uses chaining to transmit data, is the size of the blocks indicating chaining always the same (fixed block size)? / Yes No
H.5 / Can the Mobile use FWT Extension Requests? / Yes No
H.6 / Comments:
For HCE Type A parameters supported by the Host please answer the following Questions:
H.7 / Frame Waiting time Integer (FWI) value
H.8 / ATQA value
H.9 / UID Size (single random, single fixed, double or triple) / Single randomSingle fixedDoubleTriple
H.10 / SAK value (last SAK for mobile with double or triple UID size)
H.11 / If the UID size is double or triple, first SAK value
H.12 / ATS value
H.13 / ATS value - FSCI value
H.14 / ATS value - SFGI value
H.15 / ATS value - Historical Bytes value (if any)
For HCE Type B parameters supported by the Host please answer the following Questions:
H.16 / Frame Waiting time Integer (FWI) value
H.17 / ATQB value
H.18 / ATQB value - Application Data Field value
H.19 / ATQB value - Max Frame Size value
H.20 / ATQB value - ADC value (2 bits)
H.21 / ATTRIB Response value
H.22 / HLTB Response value
H.23 / Does the Mobile implement the Higher Layer
Command / response feature? / Yes No
H.24 / If the Mobile implements the Higher Layer command/response feature, which command is supported by the Mobile and what response is sent by the Mobile?
MASTERCARD HCE Certification Questionnaire FORM TEMPLATE v1.51