JTE /YTE Bromborough Singles 2018
This tournament is open to all juniors who are members of the BTBA, as per the JTE/YTE ranking criteria. Bowlers will also need to be registered for the JTE/YTE ranking tour. Ranking points are only gained by current members at the time of the event. Ranking points and positions will be awarded after the finals. Ranking points will be awarded in line with the JTE/YTE ranking point system. ‘Remember it is the responsibility of each bowler to ensure they are BTBA members’.
1. This is a Junior Team England event and the general playing and tournament rules of the BTBA will govern this tournament together with the following special rules and regulations. Entry to the tournament is subject to the acceptance of the covering rules.
2. Entry fees must accompany the entry form, which must reach the Tournament Manager by 12pm midday on Friday 31st March 2017
3. Squadding will be in order of entry receipt.
4. Once the squadding is issued, entry fees are non refundable if players are withdrawn without replacement.
5. The Tournament Committee will consist of: Stuart Jaap as ‘Tournament Manager’, and assisted by Bromborough Bowl officials. The committee reserves the right to reject, re-rate or accept any entry. The Tournament Managers decision on all matters is final subject to appeal to the BTBA.
6. A provisional ball must be rolled if a dispute relating to pinfall cannot be resolved immediately. Any protest must be lodged with the Tournament Committee within 30 minutes of the infraction occurring and confirmed in writing prior to the trophy presentation. No protests relating to prior scores will be accepted once the cut or final has commenced.
7. Only Tournament Officials, Players, Lane Marshals and one Licensed Instructor / Coach per player is allowed in the playing area. Tournament Officials or Lane Marshals should be made aware of any score changes before the alteration is made. The licensed representative must comply with the dress code and display their licence.
8. No competitor will be allowed to smoke or consume alcohol anywhere in the centre during the tournament. Bad language, improper gestures, the abuse of bowling equipment or machinery is forbidden. Mobile phones must be switched off during match play and are not permitted in the playing area. No earphones from MP3, mobile phones etc shall be worn while on the approach during tournament play. Any breach of this rule will result in the individual being disqualified from the tournament. Any disqualification may result in the loss of scores and awards. Any junior so disqualified will be reported to the BTBA for consideration of disciplinary proceedings.
9. Competitors, who in the opinion of the Tournament Committee are not dressed in correct bowling attire in the player’s area, will not be permitted to bowl. Competitors will wear the correct bowling attire in the playing area and shirts must bear the name of the player’s Y.B.C. or the player's name. Sponsors names (excluding alcohol or tobacco products) are permissible. Shorts or denim clothing of any description will not be permitted, however SKORTS (skirt/shorts) will be allowed for female competitors. YBC Officials are also expected to abide by above rules. The wearing of hats during play is not allowed unless at the Tournament Committees discretion. Mobile phones and their use in the players area is not allowed – they must be switched off during play.
10. Registration will be 30 minutes prior to each squad. Tardy players will commence at the frame in progress as directed by the Tournament Committee.
11. All entrants must be in possession of a current BTBA membership card, or association equivalent, non-production of this card will result in a £2 fine.
12. Tie Rules: In the situation of a tie in qualifying for any position, the highest last game will be used to determine the higher position. In the situation where there is still a tie, then the penultimate games score will be used. Should there still be a tie, then the highest of all games will be taken... Finals ties will result in a 9th/10th roll off.
13. Bowlers must wear bowling attire at the presentation.JTE/YTE Bromborough Singles 2018
14. Please be aware before, during, and after the event there could be filming, action photography or video taken of participants and medal winners by anyone attending the event, either as an official, spectator, parent or guardian. If you (as a participant, parent or guardian) object to this, you must make your objections known to the tournament manager prior to the event starting and reasonable adjustments will be made.