Information Systems Audit and Control Association
Central Florida Chapter
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Information
Kind of Meeting:Board Meeting
Date:Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Location:Boston’s Seafood Restaurant, Winter Park
Willy Alvarado, Presiding/ Sherry Hilley, Treasurer
Joseph Baez, Vice-President
/ Randy Riley, Secretary
Buddy Coley, Board Member
/ Brett Osborne, Board Member
Suzanne Miller, Board Member
/ Don Kimmel, Board Member
Summary of Meeting
2006 CACS Conference
Sherry has just returned from the Leadership Conference in Las Vegas. More information about CACS was learned. It will be at the Royal Pacific Hotel in Universal Studios on May 8-11. We decided earlier to promote the conference by giving away one free attendance to next year’s CACS at this years CACS. We also threw in (2) 1 day passes to Universal and a hat and T-Shirt. We’ve used about $200 of the $1,000 we budgeted to pay for the promotion with.
Sherry indicated that the chapter has about $5,000 cash in the checking account and $16,528 in a Certificate of Deposit.
Up-coming Training Sessions
At CACS, Sherry compared our training schedule to the other chapters in attendance. We offer more training than any other chapter (at 48 hours a year).
May 16th Forensics Class at NCFS
Randy says that registration has about 12 so far.
We discussed the possibility of having Pedestal Software do 1 hour of lecture and 1 hour of product marketing. We agreed that this may not be the best and rejected their offer. Gary Chapman from Tampa offered to do training on fraud. Since we just had a fraud session last meeting, we decided to hold-off on this one.
July 20 Meeting
Buddy agreed to connect with Thomas Moore from ISACA Houston and talk to him about doing this meeting. Potential topics: Security (i.e. NT, Windows, Unix, Network, IDS, Firewalls, etc), Vulnerability Management, Patch Management, Identity Management, IT Regulatory Compliance (i.e. HIPAA, GLBA, etc.), and more.
September 19 Meeting
Joe agreed to talk with Ulf Mattson from Protegrity about a topic on database security. He needs to track down where Ulf spoke at in Texas (ISACA) and get any feedback that they had about him and his topics.
Future meeting topics
Randy suggested we contact Mike Dearing from InfraGuard and see if they might like to do a joint training session and share speakers. Although they typically cater to governmental people, we may find a common thread of discussion.
Willy spoke about a session with Chris Carmady from ISACA Pittsburgh. Possible topics include more audit process related concerns: Audit Communications, Planning, Work-papers, Procedures, etc. Chris offers 2 days – We could possibly get him to do 1 day. Don will contact him/her.
Recalled that Gary Swindon offered to do a topic about compliance with HIPAA and Sarb-Ox. He could also talk about Risk Assessment, which is a topic we’ve not heard about in some time. Brett suggested that we could split the Risk Assessment topic and get 4 hours on Audit Risk and 4 hours on Info. Sec. Risk.
We also considered a BCP topic. Don did not have success at talking with a local SunGuard representative to do this topic.
We spoke about moving the November meeting to Friday the 18th instead of the following Monday to aid in getting attendance.
Sherry brought up the idea of getting Gov-Office to change the banner on the top of the site pages to be ISACA instead of generic. She will see if Gov-Office might want to standardize their pages to suit ISACA chapters. Sherry will put together a package of information and check it out.
Randy will start sending Sherry the newsletter information to incorporate into the web- site, instead of sending a word document to members. Instead they will get a link to the web-site page. This will help drive traffic to the site. Brett suggested adding a sign- in book to the site.
Changes to By-Laws
Willy suggested we modify the by-laws to be in compliance with our current practices (i.e. meeting bi-monthly instead of monthly; the terms of officers and board members ending in March instead of June; and the annual meeting in March instead of June).
We need a quorum of 10% to approve the changes. Willy suggested that we could accept vote via email to avail everyone the chance to vote.
Meeting was adjourned at 9pm.
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