SWOP SHOP – sample activities
The scientific method is a process in which experimental observations are used to answer questions. Complete the collocations for describing the stages in the scientific method using the words and phrases in the list below.
a hypothesis an experiment (x2) conclusions data (x3) the question
1)Analyse ______
2)Collect ______
3)Conduct (or run) ______
4)Define ______
5)Design ______
6)Draw ______
7)Form ______
8)Interpret ______
Number the stages above in the order you would normally do them.
Study and comment on the criteria for judging hypotheses:
- Hypotheses should be stated clearly, in correct terminology and operationally.
- Hypotheses should be testable.
- Hypotheses should state relationships between variables.
- Hypotheses should be limited in scope.
- Hypotheses should not be inconsistent with most known facts.
(Burns, R.B. Introduction to Research Methods. Pearson Education 2000.)
Identify methodological mistakes in these hypotheses:
- Reservoirs have a negative impact on the environment.
- Does the number of aeration towers impact the level of pollution in the reservoir?
- The reservoir is too expensive.
- Brno reservoir is more beautiful than Slapy reservoir.
Jana Kubrická, ZdeněkHromádka
Do you know…
1)What is the difference between Dam and Reservoir ?
2)Where is the spring of the Svratkariver?
3)Where is the confluence of the Svratka and the Svitavarivers?
4)What are the measures taken to eliminate CB?
5)Dams - Advantages Disadvantages
6)Suggestions: what else would you like to know/questions you could pose?
Terms to know related to the Water Cycle
Infiltration ______Runoff ______
Sublimation ______Precipitation ______
Jarmila Burianová, Jana Kollárová
Choose the proper word to make the statement true.
a) The higher rainfall intensity, the higher/lower overflow.
b) The lower rocks permeability, the higher/lower overflow.
c) The steeper slope, the higher/lower overflow.
d) The larger watershed, the higher/lower discharge.
e) The lower rocks permeability, the higher/lower base flow.
f) The denser vegetation cover, the higher/lower overflow.
Imagine you are a raindrop and fall on various places.
What would happen, if you fell on a particular surface? Describe your way.
a) If I fell on a roof, I would... , but I might also ….
b) If I fell on a plant, I would ...
c) If I fell on an asphalt road, I would ...
d) If I fell on a meadow, I ...
1)Calculationofoverflow - Originalstagewithout CAMPUS, lightrain
Runoffcoefficient (C1) / Grass – 0.1Runoffcoefficient (C2) / Roads – 0.7
Rainfall intensity (i) / 1 mm/h → ………….. m/h
Area extent (A1) / Grass - 190.000 m2
Area extent (A2) / Roads - 10.000 m2
Overflowforgrass area Q1=C1*i*A1 / m3/h
Overflowforroad area Q2=C2*i*A2 / m3/h
Totaloverflow QTOTAL= Q1+ Q2 / m3/h
2)Originalstagewithout CAMPUS, heavyrain
Runoffcoefficient (C1) / Grass – 0.1Runoffcoefficient (C2) / Roads – 0.7
Rainfall intensity (i) / 10 mm/h → ………….. m/h
Area extent (A1) / Grass - 190 000 m2
Area extent (A2) / Roads - 10 000 m2
Overflowforgrass area Q1=C1*i*A1 / m3/h
Overflowforroad area Q2=C2*i*A2 / m3/h
Totaloverflow QTOTAL= Q1+ Q2 / m3/h
Věra Hranáčová, Tomáš Kuchovský
- Describe the differences between algae and cyanobacteria (prokaryotes x eukaryotes). Complete the Venn compare-contrast organizer.
•there are a number of important differences between X and Y.
X differs from Y in
We found distinct differences between X and Y.
•theydiffernot only in … but also in the way in which they…
•is similar to
•are comparable in / •are similar to those of
•both X and Y
•there are a number of similarities
between X and Y.
•in contrast to
•compared with
•on the other hand,
•by contrast/in contrast, …
Cyanobacteria have different shapes. Change the word form(noun→adjective). Use the following suffixes. Then describe the cyanobacteria in the picture below.
–ic, -cal, -ous, -ial, -ed, -like or 0
trichome / a microorganism composed of many filamentous cells arranged in strands or chainscylinder
filament / chainlike series of cells
coil / a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding - an individual spiral or ring within such a series
Rod / a thin straight piece or bar of material, an elongated bacterium
Hana Němcová, Pavla Řezníčková
Functions and Differential Equations
- Match graphs of functions, their names, descriptions, and examples.
- Using mathematical language.
a)Find (underline) phrases and linking words in a mathematical text.
b)Choose five linking expressions from the list and write a short story. The story should start with the sentence – It was a hot, sunny day in July, and cyanobacteria in the Brno Reservoir started to grow.
According to… we obtain/get Czech translation possible
Applying this… we can get…
…as can be seen from…
Assume that… Then…
Due to…
From…we obtain…
It follows from…that…
Let f be…Then…
…it applies if…
It implies…
This yields,…
We claim that…
We shall now prove…
(Adapted from Křepinská, Houšková, Bubeníková, Rozšiřujícímateriály pro výukuanglickéhojazyka. Matfyzpress, 2006)
Eva Čoupková, Petra Rozehnalová
What is Photosynthesis?
Why do plants do Photosynthesis?
The overall chemical reaction involved in photosynthesis is:
Create your own definitions of Photosynthesis using different registers.
A)Childish or layman definition.
B)Expert definition.
C)General definition.
Using the diagram, describe the process of energy transfer (write an equation, if possible)
Markéta Kovaříková, Dominik Heger
Abstract Writing
Listen to and watch the video “Writing (Good) Abstracts”
and list the most common abstract styles and their characteristics.
- ______
- ______
- ______
1. Background/introduction/situation
2. Present research/purpose
3. Methods/materials/subjects/procedures
4. Results/findings
5. Discussion/conclusion/implications
Ex. 1:Each section answers some implied questions. Match the following questions with the sections above.
a. What was discovered? Section ___
b. How was the research done? Section ___
c. What do we know about the topic and why is it important? Section ___
d. What do the findings mean? Section ___
e. What is this study about? Section ___
Robert Helán
Conference Organization
You are going to organize a conference. What do you think you will need to do BEFORE / DURING / AFTER a conference?
BEFORE / DURING / AFTERRoles and Responsibilities. What are the responsibilities of the following people?
Section Chair ______
Organizing Committee ______
Scientific Committee ______
Welcome speech
Listen to the recording and write down 5 useful phrases you can use.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Robert Helán