Sweetgrass Non-Profit Housing Cooperative
General Meeting: August 20th, 2008 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Emergency Services Building (upstairs)
In Attendance:
# / Name / X /#
/ X /#
/ X1 / Shepherd, K&J / x / 46 / Findlay / x / 91 / Sato/Allman
2 / Cardiff / 47 / Kennedy / 92 / MacDonald / x
3 / Weir/Griffis / 48 / Rudnicki / 93 / Ward
4 / Tiesenhausen / x / 49 / Sieben/Haug / 94 / Remple
5 / Danks / x / 50 / Turcot / 95 / McCarthy
6 / Beauchamp/Erb / 51 / Tio-Tio / 96 / Argue/Marsh
7 / Breau / 52 / Ball/Kowalski / 97 / Dallaire
8 / Bolduc / 53 / Campeau / 98 / Wheatley
9 / Duchoslav / 54 / Despres / 99 / Wilson, M
10 / Myles/McPhee / 55 / Aziz / 100 / Charleton/Day
11 / Kors / 56 / Brake / 101 / Worobec
12 / Dolan / 57 / Jober / 102 / Szathmary
13 / Druyff / x / 58 / Kozacikova / 103 / Horvath/Rutledge
14 / Walker/McKeeman / 59 / Gamblin/Rough / 104 / Matthews/Cordwell / x
15 / Pickle / 60 / Parisien / 105 / Pitts/Clouthier
16 / Sherlow / x / 61 / Wilson, L&A / 106 / Rushton
17 / Longtin / 62 / Sutherland / 107 / Virlas
18 / Rowlandson/Anderson / x / 63 / Ingles/Maclean / 108 / Proc
19 / Wills / 64 / Woodcock / 109 / Charest/Klassen
20 / Wadsworth / 65 / Wallace / x / 110 / Ammon,C
21 / Standing / x / 66 / Booth/Uyeda / x / 111 / Doyle
22 / Nelson, C / x / 67 / Couture / 112 / Krasova/Drewniak
23 / Fillion/McIsaac / 68 / Bussieres / 113 / Ammon, K
24 / Ruddy/Murphy / x / 69 / Hanna / 114 / Walker
25 / Storms / 70 / Branch / 115 / Cormier
26 / Baylis / 71 / Wallace, K / 116 / Klopfenstein
27 / Young-Leslie / 72 / Morgan / 117 / Fitzgerald/Donahue
28 / Wasylyk / 73 / Matei/Barber / 118 / Poon
29 / Habib/Neufeld / x / 74 / Harkema/Cameron / x / 119 / Boutilier / x
30 / Vissers/Goyvaerts / 75 / Schaefer/Orr / 120 / Handerek
31 / Ederle / 76 / den Ouden / 121 / Indic
32 / Park / 77 / Chalebois / 122 / Kongsrud/Anderson
33 / Wong / x / 78 / Harkema / x / 123 / Laughlin
34 / Schmidt / x / 79 / Dolhan / 124 / Daniel/Salisbury
35 / MacSpayden / 80 / Webb/Mosher / 125 / Stewart
36 / Nunes/Small / x / 81 / Torchia / 126 / D’Antonio
37 / Hart / 82 / de Loe / 127 / Romanko
38 / Arseneau/Roy / x / 83 / Nayak / 128 / Fraser
39 / Damota/Walliser / x / 84 / Gilmet/Praill / 129 / McNutt/McArthur
40 / Kerrivan/Baker / 85 / Kalamoutsos / 130 / Tassone
41 / King / 86 / Rivera/Raymond / 131 / Beckmann
42 / Noseworthy / 87 / Fawcett / 132 / Tower
43 / Nelson, R / 88 / Bartziokas / 133 / Grab
44 / Brochu / x / 89 / Groth/Armstrong / 134 / Poirier
45 / Sommers / x / 90 / Malcolm / 135
Meeting Called to Order @ 6:30
1) Confirmation of Members in Attendance
2) Approval of Minutes from July 16th, 2008 General Meeting
Motion Eddie Wong
Seconded Connie Brochu
3) Approval of Agenda
Motion Paul Schmidt
Seconded Travis Anderson
4) Business Arising from Previous Minutes
-Land costs from Parks Canada
Joe Polisuk and Dave Kreizenbeck joined our meeting to explain the appraisal process and to bring us the news of our appraisal. The appraisal is a two part process:
1. the value of the land on the open market
2. the lease and restrictions on the lease and what impact that has on the value of the land
We have to date received a letter of certification and senior management has reviewed the letter of certification and approved it.
1. value of the land = $9 million or $537/ square metre
2. our price = 5% of the value which means $450,000 or $26.86/square metre
This appraisal is valid for one year from the start date of the process which was June 8th, 2008 which makes it valid until June 8th, 2009. We need to sign the lease before this closing date of June 8th, 2009.
The members present gave a round of applause to Parks Canada for all their help with this part of the process.
Q- Is that lease drawn up by Parks Canada?
A-We are almost done 99.5% finished. When we sign it, it has to be paid.
Q- Is the appraisal for the proposal? Would we have to get the appraisal changed if the unit size changes?
A- You can’t have more units. Tweaking it to say 63 units would be fine. The area if the land and the per unit cost would change. Parks will not pay for another appraisal so the risk is that the appraisal could be higher. We would not be obliged to get another appraisal unless we went down to say 55 units. Basically, if there isn’t a huge deviation from what has been proposed, you shouldn’t have to get a re-appraisal.
q- Dave, what part of real estate do you cover?
A- I look after the leases.
Joe explained that the previous land releases were in 1994 and 1997 for Mountain Park and Southview. The percentage that the land cost was of the total project was 2.5-3%. For our project the land cost will be 3.1% of the project cost therefore it is comparable.
Keith explained that our appraisal has resulted in less than twice the cost per unit of Mountain Park and real estate has more than doubled.
5) Report from the Executive
6) Keith- We won’t ask for the money quite yet. We will give everyone a month to 6 weeks notice.
6) Report from Committees
a) Finance (Lloyd)- Report was sent out to all members via email.
b) Membership (Cristin)- Some movement on the list.
c) Environment (Tim)-Nothing to report
d) Bylaw Working Group (Hjalmar)- The next step to having the lease is that we need to approve our bylaws. Any changes in wording will be sent to everyone to look over. We have done some minor word smithing to seasonal employment which will be defined however Parks defines it. Keys for units can be given to one of the Executive members if you would like.
e) Grant & Funding Research Working – Email from Lucas stating that we can’t begin the Grant Applications until we have a builder.
f) Communications- Hjalmar asked if everyone was happy with the website and everyone said they were.
7) Vote on bylaw package
8) Motion to vote on the bylaw package as presented, subject to the changes discussed at this meeting.
Motion- Jeff Danks
8) Questions/Comments?
Q- Didn’t the Municipality extend a loan?
A- The council extended a quarantee of a loan for our project. That will be enough to get our short term financing. The contracts will determine the affordability.
Q- Is $10,000 still a reasonable amount?
A- At the moment we are sticking with it as it is about 5% of the total value of the units.
A- On the money issue, we didn’t want to ask for $10,000 and let it sit while members are paying interest. We want to do it in a reasonable timeline. We will try holding off paying Parks so that we don’t have to charge everyone interest.
Q- Is it $10,000 more, or is it $1,000 that we already paid plus $9,000?
A-It is $10,000 more.
Q- Will the units be different?
A- Depending on the design. You can’t change the 16 x 40, fit the cars and come out with as many frontage you use up, the less units you have.
Q- So there are going to be different units?
A- You could have the same square footage and have 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms. We have different shaped lots.
Q- The geology will restrict the depth of some units, won’t it?
A- Depends on the design
A- 75% asked for 3 bedrooms, with some 2 and some 4 bedrooms. When people are moving between units, we always have the opportunity to move into the units that come available.
Q- Is that 65 number based on 16 x 40?
A- Yes.
Q- For selection of the property, will it go from the top down?
A- Basically, also taking into account the size of family.
9) Adjournment @ 8:00
The next Sweetgrass Non-Profit Housing Cooperative General Meeting will be held on
September 24th @ 6:30 at the Emergency Services Building (upstairs).
President – Keith Shepherd Secretary – Cristin Murphy