This document provides information about the Joint Academic Trainees Subcommittee (JATS), and includes the nomination form to stand for election to the committee. If you have questions about any aspect of the committee or election, please contact the MASC Secretariat – Benedict Dent-Pooleyor David Cloke, or a current member of the JATS.

Good luck!

About the Joint Academic Trainees Subcommittee of MASC and JDC

The proposal for a Joint Academic Trainees Subcommittee arose from concerns amongst members of the Medical Academic Staff Committee (MASC) and academic trainees in general that the problems of academic trainees were not being effectively addressed. There is a difficult balance between clinical and the academic commitments, which needs to be reflected in any representative structure for this group of doctors.

The Subcommittee is a joint Subcommittee of both MASC and the Junior Doctors Committee (JDC), with secretariat support provided by the MASC secretariat.

For the purposes of this document and the Subcommittee, an academic trainee is defined as being a junior doctor (as defined by the Articles and Byelaws of the British Medical Association) with an academic or research component to their training.

Terms of Reference

  • To consider matters particularly affecting academic trainees;
  • To advise the MASC and JDC on matters affecting academic trainees, including on possible courses of action and to facilitate the sharing of relevant information between MASC and JDC;
  • To lead on developing BMA policy specifically for academic trainees, with the exception of contractual negotiations, on which the Subcommittee will advise both MASC and JDC;
  • To take forward any action as directed by MASC and JDC;
  • To lead on developing guidance for academic trainees for approval by MASC and JDC;
  • To lead on developing and enhancing communications with academic trainees;
  • To organise the Clinical Academic Trainees Conference.

Voting Membership

3 trainee members of the MASC

3 members of the JDC*

1 officer of the MASC appointed by MASC**

1 officer of the JDC appointed by JDC

1 member of Medical Students Committee (MSC), appointed by MSC

1 academic trainee appointed by the General Practitioners Committee (GPC) Trainees Subcommittee

1 academic trainee appointed by the Public Health Medicine (PHM) Registrars Subcommittee

2 academic trainees not otherwise involved as members of a BMA committee, elected by the Clinical Academic Trainees Conference

1 academic trainee from Scotland (provided there is not already a member from Scotland), appointed jointly by the Scottish JDC and Scottish MASC

1 academic trainee from Northern Ireland (provided there is not already a member from Northern Ireland), appointed jointly by the Northern Irish JDC and Northern Irish MASC

1 academic trainee from Wales (provided there is not already a member from Wales), appointed jointly by the Welsh JDC and Welsh MASC

The term of office for members will be one year from appointment and is subject to re-appointment.

* In any election, preference would be given to academic trainees.

**This would normally be the officer leading on academic training issues. If that person is themselves an academic trainee, the Committee should be invited to appoint a further member.

The Subcommittee will elect its own Chair from amongst its members.

Working Arrangements

It is intended that most of the work of the Subcommittee would be done electronically via a dedicated list-server (email list). It is expected that the Subcommittee will consult with the wider academic trainee membership through the Clinical Academic Trainees Forum and other online communities.

The Subcommittee will formally report to MASC and JDC with copies sent to the devolved nation junior doctor and medical academic staff committees.

No action will be taken by the Subcommittee which may affect materially the interests of other groups of trainees or academics without full prior consultation and agreement with the group or groups concerned.

Information for Memorandum of Understanding letters and declarations for internal elections

The BMA can only function with the contributions of those members who seek election as representatives. Thank you for making the commitment to help represent your colleagues. In order that elected BMA representatives can work together effectively the following principles are important.

  • When you are speaking to or communicating in the broadcast, print or social media as an elected BMA representative, or are identified as such, you should honestly represent the views of the BMA.
  • When speaking in a personal capacity you should explicitly ask not to be identified as an elected BMA representative.
  • Committee officers should coordinate media engagements with the press office.
  • You should declare conflicts of interest to your committee chair / committee secretary as appropriate.
  • You should uphold the confidentiality of your committee when requested. If in doubt, ask the chair of committee.
  • As a member of the medical profession and as an elected representative, you should behave in a professional manner at all times. Robust debate is sometimes essential in forming policy, but you should always treat patients, colleagues and staff with respect.

In standing for election you agree to uphold these principles.

Nomination form for election to the JATS is overleaf 



Nomination Form

I, ...... (please print name)

of...... HEI/NHS organisation

would like to stand for election as a representative of clinical academic trainees present at the 2014Clinical Academic Trainees’ Conference to the Joint Academic Trainees Subcommittee (JATS) for the session 2014 - 2015.

BMA Membership Number (if applicable): ......

Only delegates who are not otherwise members of any BMA committee may stand in this election.

Candidates are asked to submit a personal statement of no more than 50 words with this form, describing their suitability for the position.

Statement of experience (maximum 50 words*)




…………………………………………………………………………………………… (50 words max.)

*Please note that names of committees and dates are counted as one word each e.g. ‘Medical Academic Staff Committee’ or ‘2010 – 2012’.

Signed...... Date:......

Nomination deadline is 10.30 am, 8 November 2014

Please return the nomination form by placing it the box provided at the back of the Great Hall, no later than 10.30am!

Please make sure that you have SIGNED your form and that your statement of experience is no longer than 50 words!