Originator to complete the top table and e-mail the form to the NENA Committee Resource Manager (CRM) at .

NOTE: Some fields on this form will be used to populate the Charter if this Issue is accepted and assigned by the DSC.

To Be Completed by the Originator
Please provide input for all fields
Short title (what the Issue may easily be referred to by)
9-1-1 Addressing Systems, Databases and GIS (New NENA Book) / Date Submitted:
Originator Name / Richard Kelly & Christian Jacqz
Originator Organization / 9-1-1 Datamaster & MassGIS, IT Division, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Originator Email / &
Originator Phone / 512-331-0633 & 617-619-5639
Description of Problem or Opportunity:
A guidance document is needed to answer the question of staff new to either 9-1-1, GIS or both: ‘I’m in charge of data and GIS for NG 9-1-1 – What do I have to do and how do I do it with the resources that I have?
NENA has let go out of print two training guides that were invaluable to 9-1-1 staff in the past: ‘Addressing Systems’ by William M. Lucy and ‘E9-1-1 Database Guide’ by Beth Ozanich. The material contained in these two books was good for legacy addressing processes in the past but need to be updated and integrated in to a 21st century addressing guide. Only a brief five pages, out of 170, were dedicated to GIS in the E9-1-1 Database Guide. Both old material on 9-1-1 systems used for addressing and new guidance on GIS data development /maintenance practices, which is the central requirement of NG9-1-1 systems, must be made available for those needing to understand NG 9-1-1 addressing and data development requirements.
Information to be covered in a new guide may need to include but not be limited to:
The role and importance of GIS data in NG9-1-1
− How NG9-1-1 works and utilizes GIS
− Overview of GIS data requirements for NG9-1-1
Development and use of spatial data for 9-1-1 applications
− Base GIS data review of required vs. optional layers (APs, RCLs, Polygons)
− Sources of base GIS data, including commercial v. custom
− Scale and accuracy considerations
Linear geocoding
− Problem considerations with linear geocoding, including workarounds
− Use of commercial road centerline data
− Comparing linear and point geocoding results
GIS database models
− Multi-point concept and utilization
− Normalization v. flat files
− ‘Production’ databases versus ‘Product’ or on-line versions
Working with legacy data – ALI, MSAG, etc.
− Data formats
− Legacy issues concerning completeness, accuracy and currentness
− Ongoing parallel maintenance and data improvement
Address processing
− Conflating addresses from different sources
− Address standardization
Supporting information
− Imagery use for graphical placement / alignment and verification
−  Change detection and other automated processing
− Integration of address data from parcels and structure database sources
Data maintenance workflows
− Distributed v. centralized maintenance
− Data maintenance applications, including browser-based
− Source & record level metadata
− Metrics for data maintenance results, including edit tracking
− Data security, versioning, quality assurance processes
Additional NENA material that should be considered for inclusion would be the following:
·  A Public Safety Answering Point Manager’s Guide to Geographic Information Technology (White Paper, 2002)
·  Standard Data Formats For 9-1-1 Data Exchange & GIS Mapping (NENA 02-010)
·  GIS Data Collection and Maintenance Standards (NENA 02-014)
·  Information Document for GIS Database to MSAG & ALI Synchronization Process (NENA 71-501)
·  Standards for the Provisioning and Maintenance of GIS data to ECRF/LVF In Development
·  Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model In Development
·  Standard for NG9-1-1 Data Management In Development
·  Information Document for Development of Site/Structure Address Point GIS Data for 9-1-1 In Development
Expected Outcome/Proposed Solution:
A new single volume, 21st century address systems guidebook that focuses on GIS data while also integrating material from previous works on traditional addressing systems and methods.
To be Completed by NENA DSC
Issue Number / 20131202
Date Assigned by DSC / 12/03/2013
Referred To - Who will receive the Issue?:
If applicable, which NENA Committee will own this Issue?
☐ Accessibility ☐ Agency Systems ☒ Core Services ☐ Interconnection & Security ☐ NGTPC
☐ PSAP Operations ☐ Public Education & PSAP Training
Or specify the internal NENA owner of this Issue ______
Or specify which external entity it was referred to:
OTHER ______
Working Group Assigned To
(If applicable) / N/A
Estimated/Requested Completion Date / TBD
Actual Completion Date
(to be completed later)
Resolution: (a brief explanation of how the Issue was resolved for closure)
To Be Completed by the DSC and the Assigned WG
Assigned Committee Working Group (should be based on the name used in the Issue Submission form, and include the Parent Committee name.) / Issue Number
(from above) / Date WG Created
(if it is a new WG)
Goal/Objective/Deliverable (Describe each goal/objective/deliverable and provide detailed and clear information, based on the accepted Issue.)
#1 goal/objective/deliverable: ______
#2 goal/objective/deliverable: ______
Importance (Rank each goal/objective/deliverable as Essential, Important, or Desirable as follows;
·  Essential – required for something else to succeed
·  Important – helpful toward the success of another work effort
·  Desirable – asset for other reasons
#1 goal/objective/deliverable is ranked: Choose an item. :
#2 goal/objective/deliverable is ranked: Choose an item.
Schedule (Considering the Estimated Completion Date for the Issue, establish when each goal/objective/deliverable should be met or accomplished, and provide detailed and clear information, based on the accepted Issue.
If applicable, list any intermediate schedule milestones, e.g., “Outline complete”, “First draft complete”.)
#1 goal/objective/deliverable: ______
#2 goal/objective/deliverable: ______
Dependencies (Identify all known dependencies for achieving success, e.g., completion of work in other committees or other organizations outside of NENA.)
Chair(s) (Who will serve as the Chair(s) for the group performing this work? Provide name, phone and email.)
Editor(s) (Who will serve as the Editor(s) for the group performing this work? Provide name, phone and email.)
Participating Organizations (Identify all outside organizations that will be needed for success of the identified goals/objectives/deliverables, e.g., APCO, ATIS, NEIM, IHIS, etc.)
Subject Matter Expertise Needed (Identify the types of SMEs needed to achieve success.)
Required Resources (Identify the types of non-human resources needed to achieve success, e.g., list server, web site, etc.)
Initial Work Schedule Plan (Identify the initial call & meeting schedule, e.g., every Tuesday at 10am EASTERN.)
Status Reporting Schedule (The Charter serves as the guiding document to drive work activities toward established goals. Additionally, it serves as a tool to ensure timely status reports to the DSC throughout the work interval. Depending on the nature of the work, and its impact on other work, the timing of status reports may differ among WG activities.
This field is to be used by the DSC to establish the timing of WG status reports to the DSC or designated Project Mgr(s).)
Measurement (How will each goal/objective/deliverable be evaluated? Use quantitative and/or qualitative measures which are descriptive of the measurement criteria)
#1 goal/objective/deliverable: ______
#2 goal/objective/deliverable: ______

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