Svalbard REU 2005 Equipment Inventory

Inventory created by several students, typed by Roof

Stuff needed for 2006:
desiccant tubes for vacuum pump (inline with vacuum hose)

0.45 micron 47mm dia membrane filters (for vacuum pumping)

small sealed plastic sample bags (twist-loc or similar)

rubber plugs for sediment trap tubes

sediment trap tubes (rigid clear plastic)

Lots more cable ties

A lot of electrical tape

Stuff left in UNIS COLD storage

Box #1 – black plastic footlocker

1 long piece rigid sed trap tube

6 short (8”) rigid sed trap tube

2 large (8”x8”) sed trap baffles

11 large funnels (8” dia)

11 large funnel brackets

3 meters large (1” dia) flexible plastic tubing

8 yellow buoys

7 football buoys

2 black webbing cinch straps

~10 500ml Nalgene bottles

1 US power strip with European adapter plug

Loose stuff – UNIS Cold Storage

2 wooden paddles for large Zodiac

3 1.5m wooden dowels marked for depth measuring

1 3m? stainless steel pipe

Boom of Science

Yellow/black toolbox with short core equipment (contains 1 hacksaw and grungy roll duct tape)

5 gallon white bucket with 2 Lewis-Sweeney flowmeters (sensors, cables, brains)

Al’s small grey inflatable boat (“North Star 250”)

Black rubber wrappers for large Zodiac

Box 9

Troll cable on reel

1 sieve set (0.125 to 4 mm)

~30 10ml sample bottles (clean)

1.5 pairs cotton gloves

large Ziplocs

random tape

4 bags of Tyvek sample bags (“lots”)

rolls of packing tape

1 canister of cable ties (mostly 4”)

~30 100ml clean acid washed sample bottles

1 bag 11” cable ties

~15 500ml sample bottles

Blue nylon duffle bag

2 yellow hand spools with white braided nylon rope (good rope)

12 1m clear plastic short core tubes

~6 assorted cut short core tubes

~24 orange core caps

~10 moisture absorption disks (cut MaxiPads)

Green canvas duffle

1 Zodiac patch kit

2 boat pumps (one for Zodiac, small one from Al’s boat)

2 black webbing cinch straps

70cm core tube with holes (Levelogger stilling tube)

Ice drill – two lengths in tubes, drill bit, brace

2 spare propellers (one for 30 HP, one for 15 HP)

Threaded rod for short core extrusion

Freighter frame pack

Plastic spool with shitty green plastic rope (maybe 100m?)

Box 5 – Grey plastic air cargo box

5 bright yellow buoys (some need to be washed)

A small bag with extra buoy inflation hole plugs

Lots of misc lengths of green plastic rope (long and short)

~5 500 ml Nalgene bottles

Purple duffle

Aluminum/plastic boat oats

8 life jackets

1 1m piece random black plastic tube (maybe 3” dia)

12 1000ml Nalgene bottles

16 500ml Nalgene bottles

Box 3 – black plastic footlocker

28 small funnels (5” dia)
16 large funnels (8” dia)
16 large funnel brackets

21 small funnel brackets

14 large baffles (8”x8”)

34 small baffles (5”x5”)

6 short (~1m) lengths of green rope

1 sed trap extruder device

12 short! Lengths of hard sed trap tube

3 small pieces (8” long) ½” flexible plastic tubing

1 bag of funnel-tube connectors – band clamps and short pieces of tubing

3 mud sucking syringes

Box 8 – black plastic footlocker

2 Onset radiation shields

wire rope (from Onset weather station)

6 shelf brackets for mounting leveloggers on ablation stakes

Sediment trap mooring buoy recovery chain

Box 30mm screws

Bag of band clamps

4 Jorgen-made brackets for Onset radiation shields

Bag o’ Boom parts

2 100m tape measures (both missing clip and ~10cm from start end)

½ roll duct tape

2 rolls electrical tape

Post level (missing bubble levels)

Green tool kit

7 1000ml Nalgene bottles

4 500ml Nalgene bottles

3 emergency bivy sacks

Stuff left in UNIS WARM storage

Cardboard Box (maybe 16”x16”x16”)

8 Motorola T5720 Radios and chargers

3 220v-110v voltage converters, 200 watt

1 220v – 110v voltage converter, 500 watt

Library – stack of maps, reprints, papers (see “Listing of Journal Articles.doc”)

Box 2 – black footlocker

First Aid supplies

1 bottle hand lotion

1 can spray anti-perspirant

3 containers anti-bacterial wipes

7 burn dressings

Bag of various size band-aids

4 large Ace bandages

2 small Ace bandages

1 jar Vaseline

1 large gauze roll

1 small gause roll

3 packages moleskin

1 container of Q-tips



pain ointment

Gold Bond powder

Safety pins

Iodine antiseptic


Cough drops


Cough syrup

Allergy meds




½ roll fabric medical tape

Bag of misc office supplies

1 pair scissors

2 yellow life jackets

coil white braided rope

10 500ml Nalgene bottles

2 1000ml Nalgene bottles

1 XL fleece jacket

10 metal flare pens with 20+ signal flares and flash-bang charges

Box 7 – black plastic footlocker

4 Nalgene filter funnels and accessories

2 metal hand vacuum pumps

6 conductivity standards (for Troll)

1 electric vacuum pump and rubber tubing

5 1 liter plastic buckets

13 assorted spatulas

3 tweezers

7 weighing dishes

2 1000ml graduated cylinders

1 dead Arctic Tern

1.5m clear plastic tubing

1 bag assorted tools

5 plastic wash bottles (500ml)

glass shield from Ohaus Navigator balance

Troll Supplies

2 pH probes + cleaning solution

2 DO probes with spare membrane caps

2 conductivity probes

1 turbidity wipre

Bag of tools and spare Troll parts

1 bottle QuickCal solution

4 pH 7 buffer packets

4 pH 4 buffer packets

4 pH 10 buffer packets

2 stainless steel Troll end cover

1 plastic Troll calibration cup

1 bottle 10 NTU turbidity calibration solution (expired June 2004)

Troll yellow cable to serial port connector cable

Box 16 – black plastic footlocker

Spare Onset radiation shield parts

Extra nuts and bolts

100 plastic snap top vials

~50 butterfly clips

40 small band clamps

14 D cell batteries

Nuts and screws, for sed trap plugs

Small fathead screwdriver

1 freeze-dried backpacking dinner (emergency food, new in 2005)

Stove, pot, 2 fuel canisters

Nansen bottle

Bag of AA and AAA batteries

2 pair instep crampons

15 HP Yamaha outboard engine owners manual

Hand level ????? (not Roof’s!)

Troll 9000XPe (the main part of the Troll)

12 500ml Nalgene bottles

4 1000ml Nalgene bottles

1 black webbing cinch strap

Going Home

2 Isco water samplers, each in cardboard box

Mike’s SeaCat

Black plastic footlocker #6 - Bates Stuff (sediment samplers, etc)

Swoffer wand, sed sampler handles (taped together)

Mike’s inflatable boat

Large Pelican case

Ohaus Navigator balance and manual

MHC E&E Dept digital projector

Onset wind vane


Swoffer brain

7 Onset Water Temp Pro sensors

2 USB memory card readers

Jensen 300 watt power inverter (12v DC to 110v AC)

Getac manuals and CDs

2 Hobo Pro temperature sensors (#791, 793)

Exetech digital thermometer

Hampshire 50m tape measure

1 Trimble GPS cradle with cables and charger

HC pH/Conductivity meter

Ziploc bag with maps and journal articles

Roof’s equipment duffle

2 VECO/MAS medical bags

Roof’s rubber boots

Roof’s fleece vest and button up fleece shirt

HC Onset weather station brain

Solinst Levelogger box, with MHC interface cable and 5 leveloggers (03793, 03852, 03851, 04481, 04487)

12 Onset Optic Stowaway sensors and various interface cables

1 Trimble GPS cradle with interface cables and charger

Roof’s 12v-110v power inverter

Misc Roof’s clothing (socks, xtra fleece gloves)

Software CDs

Small steel trowel

1 pair crampons