Present:Cllr P. Benton, Cllr P. Cooke, Cllr J. Glendinning, and Cllr Mrs D. James

Apologies:CllrI. Durrant (Chairman), Cllr M. Cottrell, Cllr Mrs P. Harris, Cllr P. Vicary and

Cllr H. Williams

In attendance: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk)

Members agreed that, in the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Mrs James would chair the meeting.

Open Session

Report by District Cllr Paddy Cooke

District Cllr Cooke reported that he attended a Village Hall Management Committee meeting and it was decided to ring-fence some funds for the new doorway into the garden and repairs to the roof. At SDC, District Cllr Cooke attended a long meeting about wind turbines, and felt that the Parish Council’s response to the application at Bore Place had been correct. The Big Community Fund is generating interest, and it could be possible for District Cllr Cooke and District Cllr Mrs Cook to make a joint application for £6,000 towards a project in the Causeway such as the new play area, and suggested that the Parish Council give the matter some thought. District Cllr Cooke gave a copy of the joint letter of support for the refurbishment of Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall to be signed by both himself and District Cllr Mrs Cook. Regarding the National Planning Policy Framework, the Government has now issued a question and answer sheet in an effort to allay fears about possible effects on the Green Belt and AONB. Clerk to copy to all members.

Questions from members of the public


Closed Session

  1. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Cottrell, Cllr Durrant, Cllr Mrs Harris, Cllr Vicary and Cllr Williams and their reasons for absence were accepted by members.
  1. Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of matters to be discussed – none.
  1. The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th July 2011 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Mrs James, seconded by Cllr Benton and all were in favour.
  1. To report on Matters Arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th July 2011
  1. Item 36: To hear update on Family Fun Summer Play Scheme for Chiddingstone and surrounding villages – the Clerk reported that the scheme was held in Chiddingstone on Friday afternoon, the 26th August. It was a really terribly wet day, but about 35 people attended which was not bad considering the weather.
  2. Item 44 (iii) Hedge cutting – the Clerk reported that she has asked Chris in the Castle Inn to ask his father to cut the hedge at Vexour. The Clerk also reported that she asked Mark Collier to cut his hedges in Chiddingstone Hoath. To date, neither hedges have been cut. Clerk to chase. Cllr Glendinning reported that the hedge at StonewallPark cricket ground is overgrown and reduces visibility when exiting the ground. Clerk to contact Mr and Mrs Fleming.
  1. Planning - to consider planning applications received

Members considered the following planning application:

  1. SE/11/02346/LDCEX - Ryewell House, Ryewell Hill, Chiddingstone Hoath: “change of occupancy condition that the property must be lived in by a person employed wholly or mainly in agriculture or forestry locally or retired from these professions. The property has not been lived in by someone employed in agriculture or forestry for over 12 years.” Members wished to wait for the consultation response from Rural Planning before agreeing their response.
  2. SE/11/02378/EXTLMT - Nut Lea, Ryewell Hill, Chiddingstone Hoath: application to extend the time limit of an extant planning permission approved under reference SE/08/03068/FUL:

demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of a new structure of the same dimensions, design and the same external appearance. Members supported this application.

The Clerk reported that the Planning Committee has considered, and supported, the following applications:

  1. SE/11/01784/FUL: 12 Chequers Hill Cottage, Bough Beech - proposed two storey extension.
  2. SE/11/01858/FUL: Withers, Hill Hoath Road, Chiddingstone - proposed garden pavilion.
  3. SE/11/01871/FUL: Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill - demolition of existing store building and erection of new garage.
  4. SE/11/02112/FUL: Bore Place, Chiddingstone - installation of an 11kw Gaia wind generator.
  5. SE/11/02015/FUL: Kilnwood, Coopers Corner, Ide Hill - demolition of existing conservatory and veranda and erection of roof extension and front porch.
  6. SE/11/01307/FUL: The WalledGarden, Hever Castle Private Road, Hever - conversion including alterations and extension of existing single storey outbuilding into a holiday let.
  7. SE/11/02263/FUL: Slaters Hill, Hever Road, Bough Beech - erection of two storey rear extension. Members supported this application so long as extension satisfies the 50% rule.
  8. SE/11/02079/FUL and SE/11/02080/LBCALT: Hoath House, Chiddingstone Hoath - conversion of redundant East Barn to residential dwelling. Members supported this application but requested that it is linked to main house.

ix.SE/11/02194/FUL: Keepers Cottage, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech - demolition of all existing structures on the site to facilitate erection of new dwelling house and new garage. Members had no objection to this application but submitted the following comments: i. object to upvc windows, ii. the tile hanging should contrast the roof tiles, iii. the style and features of the existing house should be retained, such as the variation on the hung tiles, iv. object to balconies as out of keeping with properties in the local area. Members felt that it is regrettable that the original building will be lost - it is a good example of a typical property in this area, although it has fallen into some disrepair.

Notification of planning approval:

SE/11/01472/FUL: Bough Beech Village Hall – installation of two flues and removal of chimney-stack.

SE/10/03432/FUL: The Lodge, Hoath House, Walnut Tree Cross – creation of vehicle access, extension of side pedestrian gate, removal of dead hedge, creation of parking space.

SE/11/01751/FUL – Hilders Farm, Ide Hill Road, Bough Beech: erection of replacement conservatory to side of property.

SE/11/01858/FUL – Withers, Hill Hoath Road, Chiddingstone: proposed garden pavilion.

SE/11/01784/FUL – 12 Chequers Hill Cottage, Chequers Hill, Bough Beech: proposed two storey side extension.

Notification of withdrawal of planning application:

SE/11/01150/FUL: Former Dukes Factory, Chiddingstone Causeway – demolition of existing two storey office building and change of use to residential, with four two-storey terraced cottages.

Notification of appeal date/venue:

SE/10/03135/LDCEX: Land south of Puckden Wood, Chiddingstone Hoath – the appeal will be held on 14.09.11 at Sevenoaks Town Council offices at 10am. The inspector’s decision will not be known for six weeks.

Notification of appeal decision:

SE/11/00469/FUL: Bough Beech Village Hall – demolition of single storey rear extension and erection of a two storey rear extension. Erection of a single garage and a single storey side extension. Appeal ref: APP/G2245/ D/11/2155444. Appeal is allowed and planning permission has been granted.

  1. To report on correspondence received

The Clerk reported that lists of correspondence received have been circulated, and drew members’ attention to the following items:

  1. Item 6: ACRK – invitation to AGM on 13th October at Dunkirk Village Hall at 5.30pm.
  2. Item 11: KCC – consultation on KCC’s Countryside Access Improvement Plan, which they hope to adopt in 2012. The document can be viewed at access.

iii.Item 16: KCPFA – invitation to AGM on 21st October at MaidstoneTown Hall at 12.30pm.

  1. Item 24: Email from Sharon Kirkham, Devonshires “With regard to your members' request for confirmation that there is still provision for the Parish Council to have the power to nominate tenants for 50% of the housing and for Sevenoaks District Council to nominate the remaining 50%, this is not the case.

The properties are subject to a Section 52 Agreement dated 31st March 1980 which requires all dwellings constructed on the properties to be occupied only by tenants of Pinnacle Housing Association Limited or such other housing association as may have been nominated by the Chiddingstone Parish Council. There is no requirement under this Section 52 Agreement giving either Chiddingstone Parish Council or Sevenoaks District Council the right to nominate tenants to the properties, the nominated Association is free to grant tenancies to any of their tenants.” Clerk to investigate.

v.Item 26: Jacqueline Leach, Commonwork, asking if any Councillors would like to see what developments have been made at Bore Place. Members agreed a visit would be a good idea, and Clerk to arrange.

vi.Item 29: SDC review of polling districts and polling stations: “All District Councils are required to conduct a review every four years under the provisions of the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary elections) Regulations 2006. Sevenoaks District is divided into small areas for voting purposes; these areas are known as polling districts. Each polling district has a designated polling place where electors cast their votes in person. The aim is to provide a polling place for every polling district that is easily accessible to all electors, including those who are disabled. The Sevenoaks District is comprised of 30 parishes and each parish has to have a separate polling district. At parliamentary elections, the Sevenoaks District is made up of the following constituencies: Sevenoaks, part of Tonbridge & Malling and part of Dartford. Any elector for a parliamentary constituency either within or partly within the Sevenoaks District may comment upon this review. Persons or bodies making representations should give alternative places that may be used as polling places”.

vii.Item 31: Email from PeterLake – “There is a plan to extend the FreedomPass but this is unlikely before Autumn 2012. There is just no money in this years budget.”

viii.Item 33: Invitation to the Chairman of the Parish Council: “The Chairman of Sevenoaks District Council (Councillor Robert Orridge) & Mrs Sylvia Orridge request the pleasure of your company and your guest at the Annual Civic Service on Sunday 23 October 2011 at the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul, Church Street, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 5BD commencing at 3.00pm, followed by Afternoon Tea in Rickards Hall. Civic guests are invited to robe and wear their chains of office. RSVP before 1 October.”

  1. To consider the provision of the freighter service for residents, costs to be shared with other local parishes

The Clerk reported that Penshurst Parish Council has asked whether Chiddingstone Parish Council would be interested in sharing the cost of hiring the services of an SDC freighter to visit the parish in order that residents could dispose of larger items. The total cost is about £185 per morning which covers the driver's time out, loading and return journey. Members agreed to take part in the scheme and agreed to pay a proportion of the costs involved. Clerk to ask for stops in Bough Beech, Chiddingstone and Chiddingstone Causeway, and to review thereafter to see what the take-up is.

  1. To hear update regarding the refurbishment of the War Memorial in Chiddingstone

The Clerk reported that a response has now been received from Wells Cathedral Stone Mason, who says that there are the two options available:-

1) Dress back & re-engrave the memorial, this would have to be done on site and because of the softness of the stone may not last that long and would also be the more expensive option.

2) To cut the existing stone back by 2″ and install a new harder insert with letters engraved. We would of course do our best to find a match colour wise.

Members agreed that the Clerk should request a grant for option (1) above and to chase Burslems for their quote. The Clerk also reported that she has met Paul South from Lambs on site and he has provided quote, which can be considered when the other quotes have been received.

  1. To hear update on the minibus service, and to consider whether to give a grant(s)

The Clerk reported that she emailed the four minibus providers: Voluntary Action West Kent, Compaid, Age UK and Stangrove Area Community Action Group to ask what the take-up had been for the group of parishes: Chiddingstone, Leigh, Penshurst, Hever and Cowden.

Responses have been received from:

i.Compaid, who supplied the following numbers:

Penshurst parish: 12 regular passengers

Hever parish: 4 regular passengers

Cowden parish: 2 regular passengers

ii.Stangrove Area Community Action Group

The service is up and running and going really well.

4 people on a weekly basis from cowden .

2 people from Penshurst

Clerk to chase Age UK and VAWK and to discuss next month.

  1. To report on meeting with Kent Highway Services regarding various highway matters

The Clerk reported that she, Cllr Williams, Cllr Benton and Cllr Mrs Harris met with Allan Gibbons and Mike Paynton on Wednesday 7th September in the front room of the Castle Inn. The following items were discussed:

  1. Safety measures in Chiddingstone Causeway: [Aziz had promised to arrange for a design engineer to see whether safety improvements could be made near Penshurst Station, and he had undertaken to analyse the crash data for the site. Aziz said that he cannot do this now as the proposal is not safety critical, and KHS does not have any funding this year.] No change.
  2. Temporary speed limit in Ide Hill Road: [Aziz said that this is a de-restricted, country lane and the police would not support a temporary speed limit. It does not meet the safety critical criteria required.] Mike suggested that the water works put a request in themselves for the temporary speed limit.
  3. Toad warning signs in Grove Road: [Aziz said that he has no funding to remove the signs even if they were erected in error.] Allan agreed to remove the signs.
  4. Junction ahead warning sign, StonewallPark: [Aziz said that he will look carefully at the site to see if the replacement sign is absolutely necessary. The post is in place, the warning sign is missing.] Allan agreed to replace the sign.
  5. WellersTown replacement hamlet sign: [Aziz said that he will not replace the sign as has no funding to do so as the request is not safety critical.] Mike said that new village name signs are being designed at the moment, and it is hoped that a new one can be provided when they are agreed.
  6. Redleaf Close road sign: [Aziz said he did not know if this is an adopted carriageway as if it is it will be SDC’s responsibility to repair the wonky sign. He promised to let the Clerk know.] Mike said that the Clerk should raise this with SDC’s street naming department.
  7. Railway bridge repair in Bough Beech: [Aziz did not think anything could be done to repair this but undertook to find out and report back.] Mike said that this would be British Rail’s responsibility.
  8. Allan agreed that the salt bin on Hampkins Hill will be replaced.
  9. The Clerk suggested that there should be a salt bin on Lockskinners Lane, and to log request on KHS system.
  10. Allan reported that Hampkins Hill is now programmed for a complete resurface next year 2012-13. It has been patched but is still programmed for complete re-surface.
  11. The Clerk reported that the bollards are damaged/missing on the green at Chiddingstone Hoath. Allan asked that this item be put on the portal.
  12. The Clerk reported that she asked Mike and Allan whether it would be possible to form a cluster with local parishes and take on the verge cutting ourselves, with a grant from the County Council. Mike said that the contract has been given for this year but if we ask CountyCllrPeterLake to support the scheme, and to ensure that the other parishes are interested in joining a cluster, it could be possible for another year. Members agreed to ask CountyCllrLake to push for this project next year.
  1. To hear update regarding the extension of the footpath from Knotley Hall to Chiddingstone Causeway

The Clerk reported that CountyCllrLake has chased KCC and has finally got a response to say that a draft agreement is almost ready to be sent to the landowner. The installation of a gate and footway surface will cost approximately £3,000, which CountyCllrLake will make a bid for from his highway fund. Cllr Cooke reported that the hedge will need to be cut back drastically in order to give the appropriate sight lines.

  1. To consider how the following Parish Projects are progressing:
  1. Chiddingstone Car Park

The Clerk reported that there was a meeting held with Cllr Durrant, Cllr Cooke, Cllr Williams and Mark Streatfeild, as Chairman of the Chiddingstone Castle Trustees. The project was discussed and Mark promised to consider the matter with the Charities Commission and the other Trustees. An email from Mark was received on 16th September to say:

“After much discussion we all agreed that as much as we would all like to pursue this opportunity in an ideal world, there are at this stage just too many hurdles with risks involved to overcome. However we would very much like to explore with the Parish Council how we could use the present Carpark and indeed the Castle grounds for more open use by the village. So could I suggest we meet up again at a time that suits and I would like to involve Ali Ditzel and our new Estates Manager Mike Glossop as well as myself. I am really sorry that we are unable to pursue a separate Carpark at least for the moment but hopefully out of our further discussions we can come up with something that could help alleviate the parking problem and be a benefit to all parties.”