Call to Order 9:20 Aug 16, 2013

Suzy, Ruth, Rich, Delicia, Amy

In order to follow “Sunshine Laws”minutes must be posted to MPCS website and the Agenda must be posted 24 hours before each meeting. The President will trim the Minutes to pertinent information and give the Agenda to Debra Jones in the office to post online. The full, unedited version of the minutes will be available upon request.

PC Business

  • Motion to vote, Ruth as president. Unanimous. Ruth Shepard Trode is the new president of Parent Council for one school year.
  • Eurhythmy room scheduled for 2nd Wed of the month at 3:45 -5pm for Parent Council Regular meetings.

Parent Council will pay for childcare for the regular Monthly meeting. Childcare will be provided at the preschool playground during the meeting.

  • Recommend president meets with Dr. Long on the 2nd Thursday of the month
  • Motion to vote Amy as Member at large, I second that, (one year appointment)

Unanimous – Amy Member at Large

  • Fun run with Grandparents day

Faculty will be more involved according to Dr. Long

Treasures report

  • Judy Cahoone and Rich completed tax forms for 2012. Fund raisers that were greater than and winter faire, grocery cards, school store ... less than 5K or purchasing inventory ... different category. No one gets paid. Total reporting under 100K for 2012. We have same tax id as foundation ... we are a sub account.

Spending funds:

  • requests ... from Dr. Long ... or from us we must: Submit proposal to GC .. if it aligns with strategic vision of school then GC lets foundation know it's approved, and then foundation writes the check. GC has budget, annual give and PC fundraising to work with. Rich (treasurer of PC) distributes money for festivals or fundraisers. PC can relay information from parents - where "we" want funds to go.

New process:

  • PC will keep 10K operating balance for grocery cards, inventory, and fund festivalsadditionally since we did approve leveled readers plus 7,500 for the rest of leveled readers. Teachers requesting through Kristi Smith, Dean.We also received $650 check from whole foods for sustainability. Foundation will let us know where funds will be spent. We all three groups need to know what the strategic plan is so we all know what will be funded next. GC is going to vote for Fun run to go to teacher training

Parent Council meetings:

  • Sign in sheet will include a check box for speaking. 3 minutes for parent contribution after old business. Committee chairs will be on agenda if they have an update. Guidelines for parents: not a time for personal issues. Parents may contact the parent council by email (Debra Jones and Ruth Trode will set up an email contact for parent council) or in person to discuss concerns, or questions.
  • Master Planning committee is having designs up for vote.... this would be where to ask for marquee signs.... submit proposal to them ... design and cost. Portable signs for sale at Costco . Shinning mountain uses Easels ... chalk board, may get some at thrift stores.
  • Committee Chair Moderator: Parent Council has someone appointed to keep in touch with committee chairs (Amy Pardue will be the committee chair moderator). Make assessment if committee is on track.
  • Parent rep chair has weekly meeting with Debra Jones (volunteer coordinator).
  • Need Harvest festival chair!


*Amy: PC rep chair, get with Debra, take on Committee Chair Moderator

*Suzy: Grandparents day and Debra about aftercare, let Sonja know about our next working meeting, has Debra getting money at picnic, Gluten free has to be for specific individuals

*Rich: update financial updates for end of year and where we are starting this year, send PC all emails, get with Debra for Pizza money

*Ruth: going to next GC meeting Wed 21st at 6:30, get PC minutes, trim for website and hard copy for the office (post), get location for 22nd, get agenda for meeting (Aug 27) and post, get agenda for next meeting (Sept 11): Follow up on parent reps, fun run and harvest festival ...wants another working meeting before the 11th, will ask if there is school space for a PC working meeting on Aug 27th at 4:30

*Delicia: get minutes to PC, GC, F on Monday

All school PC meeting: Sept 11th at 3:45pm

11: 15 Meeting adjourned