Ms. McCann

Sutter Middle School

Room 501

Phone: (818) 773-5800

Tutoring: By appointment

Welcome: This will be my seventh year teaching. Students will be learning various topics this year including motion, forces, the structure of matter, earth sciences, chemical reactions, life sciences, the periodic table, density and buoyancy, and health of the human body. Please, do not hesitate to contact me with questions regarding schoolwork, your child’s progress, or any other issues.

I feel that students learn best through hands-on experiences. Through the year, I hope to help my students become unique and talented individuals who will experience success later in life. Students will be successful if they listen and participate in classroom activities and discussions. Therefore, I find attendance to be extremely important in your child’s success throughout the year.

Textbook: Holt Physical Science

Materials: You will need a pen or pencil and a 3-subject composition book. I strongly recommend you bring colored pencils to class.

Class rules / guidelines: There are three basic rules for the classroom 1) Be polite and respectful to yourself and others, 2) Be on time and prepared with all of your materials for the day, and 3) Always do your best. Everyone should feel safe learning and making mistakes in the classroom. Any behavior that does not allow for this type of classroom community will result in negative consequences.

Positives: Verbal praise, note home, phone call home, reward, and scoops to the class jar.

Negatives: Warning, detention, phone call home, parent conference, or referral.

Entering class: Enter silently and immediately begin working on the warm-up. DO NOT enter class until you are ready to work. You should be in your seat once the bell rings.

End of class: Throw any trash away and be sure your area is clean. The teacher will excuse you once your area is clean.

Substitute: Students will be expected to be on their best behavior if they have a substitute at any time during the year.

Homework: Students will have homework almost every single day. We will review the homework at the beginning of class and it will then be collected. Students may complete the assignment in class for half credit. However, this will drastically decrease the students’ grade if done frequently.

Tutoring: Tutoring is available by request.

Cheating: Cheating is not allowed and will result in an automatic fail (zero points) for the assignment or test. Students may NOT redo these assignments.

Tardiness: Students with three tardies, will receive ONE U on their report card. ONE tardy may be removed by completing a detention. Additional U’s may be given at the teacher’s discretion.

Absences: The student is responsible for getting any missing assignments the day he/she returns. These assignments will be due the following day. You must turn in any work you received prior to being absent on the day you return.

Late work: I do not accept any late work. In order to make up assignments, students must come after school. Only two assignments can completed each time you come after school.

Bathroom passes: There are no bathroom passes given during class.

Personal Items: Cell phones and iPODs will be taken if they are used in class. 1st offense: item is taken and returned at the end of the day. 2nd offense: item is taken and a parent must pick it up. 3rd offense: item is taken and parent and student must sign a contract to prevent future offenses.

Grading Scale:

89% - 100%A79% - 89%B 68% - 79%C

57% - 68%D57% and belowF

Final grade assignment: Grades are based on labs, tests, quizzes, homework, and class work.

Goals: Score 80% or higher on all assessments and achieve a proficient or advanced on the Periodic Assessments and CSTs.