TITLE: ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Meeting Notes, December 3, 2015, Virtual Meeting
SOURCE*: ATIS Committee Administrator
LEADER(S): Co-Chair: Martin Dolly, AT&T,
Co-Chair: Chris Wendt, Comcast,
Co-Chair: John Barnhill, Genband,
Only documents that are final/approved by an ATIS Committee represent the consensus of that Committee. Draft documents, on the other hand, are dynamic in natureand subject to change. Draft documents therefore may not accurately reflect the consensus of the ATIS Committee.
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* CONTACT: Drew Greco; email: Tel: 516-796-6087
ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Meeting
Meeting Notes
Virtual Meeting – December 3, 2015
Martin Dolly (AT&T), ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Co-Chair, called the meeting to order and welcomed participants at 12:55p.m. on December 3, 2015.
The meeting participants are listed below:
Name / Company / Email- Martin Dolly (TF Co-Chair)
- Chris Wendt (TF Co-Chair)
- John Barnhill (TF Co-Chair)
- Ken Biholar
- Jim Calme
- Ray Singh
- John Wullert
- Penn Pfautz
- Mike Fargano
- Phil Linse
- Mary Retka
- Joe Scivicque
- Steve Showell
- Jose Jimenez
- Clark Whitten
- Ben Longwood
- Arleen Elliott
- George Foti
- Hala Mowafy
- Terry Reese
- Eric Burger
- John Curreri
- Gary Richenaker
- Mike Usry
- Doug Bellows
- Marybeth Degeorgis
- Ken Politz
- Mohammad Khaled
- Arye Ephrath
- Victor Pascual
- Richard Shockey
- Suzanne Addington
- Shaunna Forshee
- Pierce Gorman
- David Holmes
- Karen Riepenkroger
- Jim Castagna
- Mark Desterdick
- Amy Hindman
- Steve Barclay
- Drew Greco
- Jim McEachern
- Jackie Voss
It was noted that the agenda was made available to participants via the ATIS Workspace as IPNNI-2015-000049R000. The agenda was approved.
ATIS Procedure Notice: ATIS Forum and Committee activities must adhere to the ATIS Operating Procedures (including basic principles such as fairness, due process, respect for minority opinions, and common sense).
IPR Notice: In connection with the development of an American National Standard, or other deliverable that requires use of patented inventions, the use of patented inventions shall be governed by the ANSI Patent Policy as adopted by ATIS and as set forth in Section 10 of the "Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees." Under this policy:
- Disclosure of relevant patented inventions at the earliest possible time in the development process is encouraged. An opportunity will be provided for the members to identify or disclose patents that any member believes may be essential for the use of a standard under development.
- Neither the Committee, nor its leaders, can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any disclosure, investigate the validity or existence of a patent,or determine whether a patent is essential to the use of an ATIS deliverable.
- ATIS prohibits any discussion of licensing terms in its Forums and Committees.
Antitrust Risk Notice: The leaders further remind attendees that participation in industry fora involves the potential for antitrust concerns or risks. To avoid such concerns and risks, participants should carefully observe the "Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees". In addition, sensitive discussion topics such as price, territories, specific contractual terms, etc., should be avoided.
Questions: Participants having questions, comments, or concerns regarding any of these topics should consult with their company's legal counsel, the Committee leadership, ATIS staff, or ATIS legal counsel.
It was asked if there were any patents to identify or disclose at this time. There were no patent disclosures made by the attendees.
The following previous meeting notes were available on the ATIS Workspace (AWS) for participant comment:
- IPNNI-2015-00048R000, October 22, 2015, meeting in Austin, TX
It was noted that there were no questions or comments regarding these meeting notes and they were accepted, without objection, as published.
VoIP Transition SecurityWhitepaper
Mr. Dollynoted thatthe he will be sending a poll to the whitepaper volunteers in order to gather contributions.
Update on the point-to-point video calling
This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting.
Mr. Wendt provided an update on the STIR meeting November 2, 2015, in Yokohama, Japan. There was agreement on integration of the verified token as well as a discussion of some of the issues raised at the October Task Force meeting. An assumption was noted from 4474bis that the date would not be changed. The next meeting goal is to have a framework for the profile document.
It was noted that there has been no expert review on extensions and it was suggested to consider reinforcing the PAI in the specification. A concern was noted with third party carriers with traditional internet potentially signing the FROM rather than the PAI. It was noted that this process would need to be documented for clarification.
There was no update on MODERN. Chris Wendt (Comcast) noted that he had provided contribution for the distributed registry protocol to the Testbeds Landscape Team (TLT).
The following interim meetingswere noted:
- January 19, 2016 10:00am – 2:00pm ET (The ATIS/SIP Forum IP-NNI Task Force Meeting begins immediately following the adjournment of the PTSC meeting)
- February 24 – 25, 2016 (Austin, TX)
- May 18 – 19, 2016 (Baltimore, MD – AMOC)
- August 24 – 25, 2016 (Denver, CO)
- October 26 – 27, 2016 (Miami, FL)
Gary Richenaker (iconectiv) noted that the TLT will be meeting face-to-face January 13, 2015, at ATIS Headquarters in Washington, DC to continue phase 2 work on routing scenarios.
Mr. Dolly thanked participants for attending and adjourned the meeting at 1:20pmET.
Notes submitted by:
Drew Greco, ATIS Committee Administrator