Sustainable Crediton Warm Homes Project

As part of our application for the RHPP2 Communities Scheme grant we have to provide the Energy Savings Trust with full details of all people expressing an interest in our project. To this end you will find on a page 2 of this document a “Sign Up Form” which places you under no obligation whatsoever.

We have negotiated discounts of upto 20% on solar thermal water systems and upto 10% on air source heat pumps with our suppliers.

We have obtained the following levels of grant

Technology / Standard Grant / RHPP2 Grant
Solar Thermal / £300 / £800
ASHP / £850 / £1650
GSHP / £1250 / £2050
Biomass Boiler / £950 / £1750

The prerequisites for individual households getting a grant are:-

  • A minimum of 250mm loft insulation must be in place
  • If the home has cavity walls then cavity wall insulation must be in place
  • The installation of the renewable heating technology is completed by 30th June 2013.

If you do not have the required levels of insulation, then we can recommend an insulation installer will quote for its installation.

We also need to make you aware that the Government is consulting on the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) at the moment. Within the consultation it is stated that if the RHI is implemented next year, any grant awarded prior to the implementation will be deducted from any RHI applicable to the household. However, the purpose of the RHI is to repay the reasonable capital cost of the renewable heating technology over the course of seven years, and this will still be the case for recipients of any grant.

The benefit of the grant under this scheme is that the money comes upfront irrespective of whether the RHI goes ahead next year, which is not guaranteed.

Please can you return the attached form as soon as possible.

Charles Mossman and Linda lever

Sign-up form


Address (incl postcode)

Telephone number

Email address

Type of house(semi, detached, terrace etc)

Approximate size(number of bedrooms )

Year built(approximate)

Is mains gas available where you live?

Wall Type (solid stone, cob, cavity etc)

If you have cavity walls, are they insulated?

Loft insulation(depth in place mm)

Glazing (single, double, secondaryEtc)

Draftproofing (Around doors and/or windows?)

Technology interested in (solar thermal, biomass, ASHP, GSHP))

Existing heating fuel(oil, LPG, electricity, coal, mains gas , wood, peat)

Declaration: I have read the information provided to me by Sustainable Crediton, including anticipated grant levels, and wish to put my name forward for a potential grant under the scheme. I understand this implies no obligation on my part other than to invite a quotation for the system I am interested in. If I accept the quotation, I am willing to have the system installed before June 30th 2013.
