KTCC 2013 International Workshop on T Lymphocytes: Call for Abstracts

KyotoT Cell Conference (KTCC) is an international research conference on the development and function of Tlymphocytes. Topics to be discussed include: thymusmicroenvironments, lymphoid progenitors and lineagecommitment, innate cells and T cell subsets, selection anddifferentiation, recognition and activation, stromal cells for immune functions, immune response and memory, immune regulation and diseases, aging of immune system, and reconstruction of immune system.

Date: Monday 3 June to Friday 7 June, 2013. The meeting begins by the keynote lectures at 5 pm of Monday 3 June and concludes in the afternoon of Friday 7 June.

Venue: Shiran Kaikan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

Keynote speakers: Alfred Singer, Ellis Reinherz, and Shimon Sakaguchi

Speakers/attendeesconfirmed as of March 8: Graham Anderson, Jonathan Ashwell, Albert Bendelac, Avinash Bhandoola, Mark Bix, Clare Blackburn, Thomas Boehm, Richard Boyd, Jorge Caamano, Ann Chidgey, Chen Dong, Alexander Flugel, Reinhold Forster, Yoshinori Fukui, J Victor Garcia-Martinez, Katia Georgopoulos, Wilfred Germeraad, Matthieu Giraud, Ryo Goitsuka, Daniel Gray, Sylvie Guerder, Yoko Hamazaki, Georg Hollander, Chyi-Song Hsieh, Koichi Ikuta, Magali Irla, Makio Iwashima, Sten Jacobsen, Ludger Klein, Mitchell Kronenberg, Bruno Kyewski, Juan Lafaille, Ming Li, Paul Love, Nancy Manley, Mitsuru Matsumoto, Nagahiro Minato, Masayuki Miyasaka, Takashi Nagasawa, Janko Nikolich-Zuguch, Part Peterson, Howard Petrie, Ellen Richie, Hans-Reimer Rodewald, Ellen Rothenberg, Takashi Saito, Shinichiro Sawa, Roland Scollay, Jonathan Sprent, Charles Surh, Naomi Taylor, Kiki Tesselaar, Willem van Ewijk, Marcel van den Brink, Takeshi Watanabe, Akihiko Yoshimura, Juan Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker

Organizers: Shigeo Koyasu (chair), Manami Itoi, Hiroshi Kawamoto, Toshinori Nakayama, Takehito Sato, Ichiro Taniuchi, Yousuke Takahama (secretary general)

Abstract deadline: March 31, 2013. Please use attached form.

Travel bursary of 100K JPY (approx 1,000 USD) per abstract application is available for 20 postdocs and graduate students from outside of Japan.Successful applicants will be notified by theend of April 2013.

Registration fee: 5000 JPY on site in cash only

Formore information, please visit the KTCC website <ktcc.umin.jp> and/or send inquiry to S Koyasu <>or YTakahama<>.

KTCC 2013: Abstract Form

-Please type your abstract single-spaced underneath and send it by e-mail to (deadline March 31, 2013).

-The left and right margin should be 2.5 cm each, and the total length of the abstract should not exceed 11 cm.

-Start with the title (not underlined), then author(s) (presenting author underlined) and affiliations.

-Skip one line and start with the abstract.

- Check the box to apply for international travel bursary. Please include your C.V. containing publication list and a recommendation by the supervisor. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of April 2013.

Title (Bold, 12 point, Times New Roman)
Your Name, and Collaborators. Affiliations … (12 point, Times New Roman)
Please start the abstract here. (12 point, Times New Roman)