All suspected malpractice in vocational qualifications must be reported to OCR to investigate using this form.
For guidance on identifying and reporting suspected malpractice OCR Assessment Specialists should refer to the relevant instructions available on the Examiner and Assessors Communications pages of the OCR website. Please ensure you follow the process carefully to ensure that results/certificates are held.
If an OCR Assessment Specialist identifies suspected malpractice in candidate work they should:
· continue assessment of the work as normal. Never adjust the outcome of assessment to take the suspected malpractice into account.
· not withdraw the claim. Assessment Specialists should only withdraw a claim if the work does not meet the required standard, providing the qualification allows withdrawal of the claim for this.
· extend their sample to check whether the issue(s) extends to other candidates’ work
If you require further guidance please call OCR’s Customer Contact Centre on 02476 851509, and ask to speak to the Compliance Team.
Centre Name: / Centre Number:Qualification Title: / Qualification Code:
Batch number: / Claim number:
Assessment Specialist’s Name: / Assessment Specialist’s ID number:
Assessment Specialist’s email address: / Contact Tel no:
Examination Session/Date, Date of Moderation/Verification Visit
Date work/scripts received from centre (if applicable)
Paper variant (if applicable)
Type of assessment: Choose an item. / If other please provide details:
Please indicate if the work is attached/enclosed or where it can be accessed / Choose an item.
If other please provide details, including how to access the work:
Number of candidates in the batch/claim
How many candidates are involved in the suspected malpractice?
Please provide details of the candidates involved in the suspected malpractice. If all candidates are involved you do not need to list all the candidates separately, just write “all candidates”. Tab across to create more rows as required.
OCR Candidate Number(s) / Candidate Name(s)Please provide details of the suspected malpractice. Make sure all explanations are clear, accurate and can be understood by a non-subject specialist. Tab across to create more rows as required.
Issue / Reference (page number/task etc) / CandidatesExample: Plagiarism from website (please include hyperlink or website details) / Task 2 / All except: J Smith and S Jones
If possible, please detail the specific regulation(s) that has/have been breached:
Are there any other irregularities in the work? Please give details:
Signed by(name): / Date:
If the Assessment Specialist refers this form to their Chief/Team Leader, the following sections should be completed by them and the completed form forwarded to OCR as soon as possible.
Please provide confirmation of your agreement with the issues raised by the Assessment Specialist, providing reasons for the agreement or disagreement.Have you discovered any other irregularities in the work? Please give details.
Signed by(name): / Date:
This completed form should be returned to OCR with the candidate work (if applicable) and associated documentation. Please retain a copy of any mark sheets you are returning to protect the candidate marks against the possible loss of the package.
For guidance on returning the work and this form to OCR, please refer to the relevant instructions available on the Examiner and Assessors Communications pages of the OCR website.
Return all documents marked for the attention of: OCR Operations, Coventry – Malpractice, OCR Examinations Board, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JQ and/or email . Original work should always be returned using the DHL Express Network
For verified qualifications only: email
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