Attachment 1#: National Performance Measurement Worksheet
Please utilize this worksheet in conjunction with the 2017 CNCS Performance Measures Instructions, which provide detailed instructions on NPMs, how to track and record data, as well as required selection rules, terms, and definitions.
Applicants must use at least one aligned NPM (output and outcome).
More than one worksheet may be completed for more than one NPM, if necessary. Please remember that DRA values the quality of performance measures over the quantity of performance measures.DRA does not expect applicants to select performance measures to correspond to each and every potential member activity or community impact.
Focus AreaPlease enter the required focus area here.
Needs and Activities
Briefly describe the need to be addressed. Information provided here should reference the need outlined in the submitted application.
Briefly describe the member service activities to address the need and achieve results. These activities should reference the service proposed for DeltaCorps members in the submitted application.
How many DeltaCorps members will be participating in this activity?
Dosage:How many days per week (on average) will this activity occur?
Duration:How many hours per day (on average) will this activity occur?
Performance Measures
Performance Measure Output:
Please enter the output NPMs you have selected, including the letter/number designation for the NPMs, and the narrative text of the measures found in the 2017 CNCS Performance Measure Instructions.
Output Target:
Counts of the results achieved through the member’s service. Outputs do not reflect benefits to or other changes in the lives of beneficiaries.Please enter your output targets here. This should be a number only, not a percentage.
Output Rationale:
Pleaseexplain your rationale for the output target numbers indicated above.
Performance Measure Outcome:
Please enter the aligned outcome NPMs you have selected, including the letter/number designation for the NPMs, and the narrative text of the measures found in the 2017 CNCS Performance Measure Instructions.
Outcome Target:
Counts of the results achieved through the member’s service. Outcomes specify changes that have occurred in the lives ofbeneficiaries served in the output targets above.Please enter your outcome targets here. This should be a number only, not a percentage, and cannot exceed the output target selected above.
Outcome Rationale:
Please explain your rationale for the outcome target numbers indicated above.
End-outcomes or Intermediate Outcomes: What other changes mightoccur in the lives of members and/or beneficiaries
that are significant and long term?Please enter any data or information here that isn’t represented on this worksheet.
Measure Indicator
What specific instrument will be used to measure results? How and when will it be implemented? Please describe your process for collecting data and measurement.